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#1. The appendix. "A" vestigial organ which serves a purpose
in lower mammals, but is useless in humans and is only good
for getting infected and killing you. Why did "God" include this
in "his" blueprints for humans?
#2. Hemorrhoids! This complex of veins in the rectal area causes no problems in quadrupeds, but in humans, our upright posture causes excessive blood pressure in these veins and causes them to become varicose. Why did "God" employ a system (optimized for 4-legged beasties!) in humans?
#3. Our eyes. the optic nerve starts in FRONT of the retina, obstructing a portion of our field of view (the "blind spot.") A design which is easily explained as a result of random mutation, but DESIGN? Then why does a squid's eye have a better design (with optic nerve BEHIND retina, no blind spot!)
Are not HUMANS the crowning creation of "God"? (Or is "God" a squid?)
Fill me in on this please! (I guess I damned myself when I went
to college. Should I have become a garbage man instead..?)

2007-08-18 12:40:20 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To "Frank":
Good points all! (Too bad you're limited
to 1000 characters, I could have gone
on all day on THIS topic...)

2007-08-18 15:22:21 · update #1

To "Swiftwings":
Don't you know, that the fundies include dinosaurs in their "pre-Flood" scenario?
(The only thing they missed was Fred,
Barney, and Alley-Oop...)

2007-08-18 15:26:08 · update #2

To "Diminati":
Hard to run out of witnesses for the prosecution,
ain't it?
And to think, the creationists say evolution
is "just a theory." By that logic, gravity is "just a theory" so where's the fundies jumping off cliffs thinking they won't fall? (Oh wait, that would be to good to be true..!)

2007-08-18 15:33:14 · update #3

To "disciple":
***BRONX CHEER*** to "Romans 9-20,21.
(AND to anyone who'd say I lack the right to
question ANYTHING! If "God" wanted me
to be a simple-minded, sheep-like, caveman-brained lunker, why didn't he MAKE me one already???)

2007-08-18 15:45:57 · update #4

Likewise, "LooneyLu."
(Or is that "garbage woman" in your case???)

2007-08-18 15:48:49 · update #5

Ah geez, "idiotsavant"; I wasn't knocking
sanitation engineers. I could just as easily
have said "police officer" or "truck driver."
If I'd said either of those, would you have
taken umbrage? (After all I could have
dispensed with the college with either
of 'em, and I might even be making more
money than I am now!)
Or does being a "garbage man" bother
you, making you feel the need to justify
yourself? (That'd be my guess.) You think
I'm calling you inferior for being a garbage
man? If the shoe fits - then wear it, my

2007-08-18 16:40:13 · update #6

33 answers

You atheists, with your facts...don't you know that God hates people who tell the truth? That's why he created Republicans.

2007-08-18 12:46:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 6

Actually you are right. The Witnesses do believe that mankind has been on the earth for about 6,000 years. They understand that the earth is not that old. It can be millions of years old. But, yes, mankind is believed to have been on the earth for 6,000 years. That being said, there really isn't much known, as far as societies are concerned, for more than 6,000 years ago. Also, even a scientist will tell you that radiocarbon dating has some flaws. In fact, you can look it up on Google if you want, there were some serious issues with the "radiocarbon clock" ever since its inception. Scientists have changed the date of mankind many times over because of the inconsistencies of that clock. Plus, if the flood actually did take place then that certainly would change the dynamics a lot. Things such as trees, rocks, and other things certainly would have been affected to the climate change at that point. So whether they use the radiocarbon method for dating fossils or other methods, such as employing radioactive potassium, uranium, or thorium, for dating rocks, scientists are unable to establish the original levels of those elements through ages of time. Thus, professor of metallurgy Melvin A. Cook observes: “One may only guess these concentrations [of radioactive materials], and the age results thus obtained can be no better than this guess.” That would especially be so when we consider that the Flood of Noah’s day over 4,300 years ago brought enormous changes in the atmosphere and on earth. Dartmouth College geologists Charles Officer and Charles Drake further add doubt to the accuracy of radioactive dating. They state: “We conclude that iridium and other associated elements were not deposited instantaneously . . . but rather that there was an intense and variable influx of these constituents during a relatively short geologic time interval on the order of 10,000 to 100,000 years.” They argue that the breakup and movement of the continents disrupted the entire globe, causing volcanic eruptions, blocking sunlight and fouling the atmosphere. Certainly, such disruptive events could change radioactivity levels, thus distorting results from modern-day radioactive clocks. All this being said, it appears you really just don't like the Witnesses because all you do is say stuff against them. Can't you just not believe in them quietly? Even non JW's can see through your tricky acts and it doesn't give you any credibility at all.

2016-03-17 02:03:25 · answer #2 · answered by Lauren 3 · 0 0

No one that has common sense believes that the earth and heavens were created in 6k. It took billions of years.
By the same token the things you learned in school might not be that factual either?
It sounds like you have a education in the medical field and do have some good questions, but why relate them to God's creation? Things that man has yet to learn about the human body are still in abundance.
Why do you want to relate them to as you see a defective God?
Would it not be better to look for reasons in mans degradation rather than to blame a creator?
What you are saying in long form, is that you don't believe in an almighty God or a creator?
So I ask you to think about other things such as things that man have thought in the past. For example thirty five hundred years ago man had and used the flat earth theory, The experts of the day supported this theory, yet Isa.40:22 said that the earth was circle. Or from a medical stand point the Mosaic laws gave many protections for the Israelites as far as health protections. where as the nations round about didn't have these health protections. The point being that some one higher or with more knowledge was responsible?
Accuracy of Scriptural Concepts. Regarding Hippocrates, a Greek physician of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. who has become known as “the father of modern medicine,” it is said: “He had no connection with the temple hospitals of his time, which were controlled by the priests of Asclepius, the god of healing.” (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1987, Vol. 9, p. 227) Hippocrates was virtually contemporaneous with Malachi, but much that the Bible says about diseases was written by Moses about a thousand years earlier. Yet, significantly, it has been said: “The best informed medical researchers now doing the best work are arriving at the conclusion that the Bible is a very accurate scientific book. . . . The facts of life, diagnosis, treatment, and preventive medicine as given in the Bible are far more advanced and reliable than the theories of Hippocrates, many still unproven, and some found to be grossly inaccurate.”—Dr. H. O. Philips, in a letter to The AMA [American Medical Association] News, published in its issue of July 10, 1967.
Health benefits often resulted from observance of the Law. For instance, it required that at a military encampment human excrement be covered over (De 23:9-14), thus providing considerable protection from fly-borne infectious diseases such as dysentery and typhoid fever. Contamination of food and water was guarded against, the Law specifying that anything upon which an “unclean” creature fell in its death was rendered unclean and requiring that certain measures be taken, including the smashing of an earthenware vessel thus contaminated.—Le 11:32-38.
If you care to discuss this further feel free to do so. gemhandy@gmail.com

2007-08-18 13:48:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well firstly the Bible doesn't give a date for when the Universe was created and scientific dating methods require certain unprovable assumptions to be made and if those assumptions are wrong then the dates are wrong - so we don't really know one way or the other.

#1 An examination of the appendix microscopically, shows that it contains a significant amount of lymphoid tissue. Similar aggregates of lymphoid tissue (known as gut-associated lymphoid tissues, GALT) occur in other areas of the gastrointestinal system. The GALT are involved in the body’s ability to recognize foreign antigens in ingested material. Experiments in rabbits demonstrate that neonatal appendectomy impairs the development of mucosal immunity.

Morphological and functional studies of the rabbit appendix indicate that it is probably the equivalent of the avian bursa in mammals. The bursa plays a critical role in the development of humoral immunity in birds. The histological and immunohistochemical similarity of the rabbit and human appendix suggest that the human appendix has a similar function to that of the rabbit appendix. (While Evolutionists will say this similarity is evidence of a common ancestor, it could equally be cited as evidence of a common designer and creator).

The human appendix may be particularly important early in life because it achieves its greatest development shortly after birth and then regresses with age, eventually resembling such other regions of GALT as the Peyer’s patches in the small intestine. These recent studies demonstrate that the human appendix is not a vestigial organ, as originally claimed.

#2. Hemorrhoids are more likely due to lack of exercise and bad diet. Do apes and Gorillas in the wild suffer from them? Is there any evidence that our far distant ancestors suffered from them?

#3. Our eyes - the vertebrate retina is designed the way it is with slightly suboptimal light gathering abilities so that it will be functional for at least several decades. It seems that we have a greater need for high acuity vision than the squid does and accordingly our eyes have a richer supply of nutrients and requires greater protection from radiation damage from the sun.

It is also very possible that the difference between those "elegantly designed" squid eyes and our vertebrate eyes is related to the separation of vision from other light-related functions in the squid, while the design of the vertebrate eye compensates for light blocking by the skull as well as meeting all our other requirements.

The point is, nothing is overwhelmingly one-sided in their favour as Evolutionists like to kid themselves!

2007-08-18 13:27:55 · answer #4 · answered by jeffd_57 6 · 0 1

Since I drive a Garbage truck should I be morally offended by your statement and totally ignore such a fascinating question, or should i do what many Christians can't do and ignore the totally uncalled for slight towards me based solely on some bigoted assumption that we garbage people are some how a lower form of humanity!
Nope little one my life is where it should be at this time in life, I just thought you should be more selective with your slights. After all I didn't report this question just because of your comment!

2007-08-18 13:00:02 · answer #5 · answered by Forsaken1 3 · 2 0

1. Gotta love this one. Medical science doesn't have all the answers about the way the body works. Just because medical science hasn't discovered a purpose for the appendix doesn't mean it doesn't serve one...it is certainly possible that the appendix with its strategic location and its construction plays an important role in the development of an our gastrointestinal system. The appendix is highly vascular, is lymphoid-rich, and produces immune system cells normally involved with the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Furthermore, research indicates that the appendix is larger in children and shrinks as we grow older...that also suggests that it might have had a purpose that it fulfilled in a developing fetus and/or infancy.

In addition, you mentioned the purpose it serves in lower mammals...and from what I understand, it has something to do with storing bacteria necessary for digesting large quantities of plant material! When God created Adam and Eve, he intended his creation to be eat plants NOT animals...perhaps the human appendix served the same function in the early humans that it does in herbivores alive today and as humans changed their diet, it shrank and became "dormant" through lack of use!

2. Hemorrhoids...too funny. This complex set of veins doesn't cause problems in humans because of our upright posture though our upright posture does aggravate the problem. Hemorrhoids are generally caused by diet. In fact, many of the books I've read that support following a biblical diet suggest that elimination of hemorrhoids is a frequent result of following God's suggestions for eating! Surely you're not suggesting that any area of our body can exist without blood vessels...I think the purpose of the lining of the rectum is obvious? Blaming God for creating hemorrhoids is a lot like me blaming Mercury for a design flaw if I trash the performance of the motor on my boat by running it on regular unleaded gasoline (instead of the required oil/gas mixture)!

3. A squid lives in the ocean, a place where it is unlikely to encounter extremely bright light...humans on the other hand (along with other mammals with similar eye structures) live on the surface of the earth where they can encounter enough light to damage the retina (retinal damage is certainly common). The design of a squid's eye makes it much more sensitive to light...thus, it isn't superior except in relation to its environment...the design of the human eye is more suited to exposure to bright sunlight. I could continue on this track with a discuss of the structure of the retina and optic nerve but I don't know all the terminology and this answer is already getting too long *smile*. Suffice it to say that a small, well placed blind spot is not an indication that it wasn't designed.

2007-08-18 13:34:15 · answer #6 · answered by KAL 7 · 1 1

1. Who knows? Maybe when humans were created it DID have a purpose. I mean after all, how seriously has our diet changed since Adam? Considering Adam and Eve were created and eating BEFORE original sin, maybe there were some particularly tasty treats they needed that appendix for. Only a fool would think that because it seems "useless" today means it was always so.

2. Hemorrhoids...yeah, there's a good argument against God. How about flatulence and wrinkles....and acid reflux and wet dreams and male pattern baldness....the list could go on and on. If this was a flaw in the design, then we'd ALL have them, and we don't. Most, if not all, of that sort of nastiness came in when we sinned and suddenly our bodies were no longer perfect. That was our consequence, not God's design. If it hadn't been for sin, we wouldn't have ANY problems.
3. When was the last time you crashed into someone due to your 'blind spot'? Or fell down the stairs because of it? Or missed getting food into your mouth because of it? It's not something that messes you up functionally so why are you worried about it??? And I'll bet if you had a squid's eyes you wouldn't function so well up here on dry land.
4. Yes, we were God's creation and since original sin we've gone to heck. Why do you constantly seek out reasons to NOT believe....do you need to reassure yourself? Because you aren't persuading anyone.

2007-08-18 13:05:52 · answer #7 · answered by lady_phoenix39 6 · 0 4

#4 The birth canal is well situated for four legged animals with normal skull sizes. For humans the hips have widened to the point of interfering with upright locomotion to accommodate our over-sized heads, and still labor is exceedingly difficult and was often fatal before modern medicine.

#5 The number and size of our teeth is perfect - for the protruding jaws of our ancestors. For us, they result in dental problems and frequent impacted wisdom teeth requiring extraction.

#6 Individual toes with nails are great for animals that live in trees. They are vulnerable to breaking and the nail is useless in humans. They would be more protected and useful joined together... and lose the nails already.

For those who claim that the appendix serves a useful function: How come it can be removed at birth with no adverse effects? It was typical in the Soviet Union to practice surgery by removing appendixes in infants. For a long time appendectomies were routine there. And how does the claim of slight utility balance against the horribly painful death of many before modern surgery?
The appendix does not aid in the digestion of milk during infancy, this is another unsubstantiated claim (some would say lie). The only special digestive function performed in infancy is the production of rennin, which helps solidify milk and slow its passage. This is done in the pancreas, not appendix.

2007-08-18 12:51:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

1. It was estimated that the Science knows about %10 of what it has to learn about the human body. Since I believe in God I'm going to say there is a reason for the appendix, science just hasn't found one yet. Is that verifiable? Only time will tell.
2. As far as hemorrhoids go, im not quite sure what you are getting at. As long as you take care of yourself and get proper nutrition and hydration hemorrhoids shouldn't be a problem.
3. God's design was made a certain way so that each could fulfill a purpose. A human does not need eagle eyes to spot a rabit two miles away. Does that mean God's stupid for not giving us better eyesite? No it means that in order for us to fulfill his plan this is all that we need. I am thankful for my eyes and have yet to complain of them... I know for myself that i truly don't give my body the credit it deserves. And when we start talking of inteligent design, I mainly focus on the correctly ordered DNA strands that make up our genetic information. That is what is truly amazing. The fact that millions upon millions of random pieces of genetic information could line up perfectly to create a living and operation human is what is truly amazing.

2007-08-18 12:57:36 · answer #9 · answered by deflateddog777 2 · 1 4

Hey I completely agree, according to the bible everyone is incesed because Adam and Eve had children.....where did their children come from? Hmmm I wonder. I'd rather not believe in a religion with those beliefs thx. Nope college was good for you. I'm only a highschool senior and I think about those types of issues all the time, kudos to you.

2007-08-18 12:47:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

I know many religious scholars who do not believe that the earth is 6000 years old. The evolution of Man is fact and you would have a tough time to find a religious person (who has a brain ofc) who didnt believe this already. The question of God is no longer about Evoloution of Man but the Creation of the Universe.

2007-08-18 12:49:26 · answer #11 · answered by Yianni1066 2 · 1 3

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