Maurice, if you want to take a stab at logic and reason you shouldn't say things like "God doesnt reside in the physical universe so it's not neccesary for Him to have a creator" because we'll think you're batshit insane.
2007-08-18 12:35:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You actually answer your own question here: In the physical world, life comes from life. If, as you put forth, god doesn't reside in the physical universe, then life doesn't come from him.
The reason that it's hard to accept is not that difficult to grasp. Science has disproven many of the claims of the bible (both the natural and supernatural). Biology has proven that there is no way our diverse gene pool could have stemmed from 2 beings. Cosmology has proven that the Big Bang is responsible for the creation of the universe, and that the order we percieve is the result of the chaos that the Big Bang wrought.
Believing in a being who 'spoke' creation into being is very easy, it's just not realistic.
2007-08-18 12:39:18
answer #2
answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6
So according to you we, as a species, were created cos we needed to be created and we had to obey the laws of SpaceTimeLogicReason.
Your InvisibleSkyGuy, on the other hand, was not created and his existence is outside the laws of SpaceTimeLogicReason.
Somehow that doesn't make a lot of sense to me and your excuse was rather wet - don't you see the holes in your logic or is your brain so washed with ThePixie that LogicReason has been totally replaced with faith?
It was a rhetorical question - I know the answer is YES.
Get it through your mind that 'god' is a conscious creation by scammers who needed money the easy way and discovered if they gave people like you the answers to universal questions wrapped up in invisible imaginary sky guys y'all would fall for it.
And they were right.
There's good money to be made from religion IF you can keep a straight face.
2007-08-18 12:43:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
'God' is not an explanation.
Who is God? Where is he/she? What does he/she want? Okay, for brevity's sake let's assume God is a he. Why did he make the world? Why hasn't he appeared since Biblical times, and maybe not even then? Why doesn't Biblical chronology match the evidence of the rocks around us? Explain to me how the idea of 'God' actually explains anything at all about how we got here, instead of just casting the very idea of 'explanation' aside and saying 'Well, God made us', as if that were enough in itself.
In short, explain to me how pointing to a very interesting and often very readable but historically inaccurate and textually corrupt library of Hebraic myths and legends, is an acceptable substitute for a genuine, logically coherent and empirically verifiable explanation of how we got to be here.
2007-08-18 12:44:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Life creates like life. Humans make more humans. Cats make more cats. Sure animals can evolve and change within a species, but that takes millions of years of gradual alteration to even produce a small change. Humans coming from God would be like a woman giving birth to a roach. So I have a hard time believing that we are God's children. And that's not mentioning the total lack of observable evidence for God.
2007-08-18 12:38:15
answer #5
answered by Subconsciousless 7
I'm not a atheist but a agnostic but some of you all arguments make great leaps between subjects that you seem to think by your beliefs i suppose are all the same thing! Instead of preaching from your view point why don't you try and see their view point and see if there might be a way to form a bridge of facts to support your God.
Atheists require facts
Christians have a belief, no facts, just a book that has been republished so many times its almost hard to believe it hasn't changed to accommodate world religious leaders!
2007-08-18 12:48:49
answer #6
answered by Forsaken1 3
This is nonsense. We need evidence to accept that we came from a God. We could be simulations on an alien supercomputer for all we know.
Not necessary for him to have a creator? What kind of crap is this? It simply begs the question. The question of God's creator poses a problem of infinite regress (Dawkin's words not mine). Who created God? Who created the creator of God etc?
2007-08-18 12:39:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
>>>"God is not a creation,we are,God doesn't reside in the physical universe so it's not necessary for Him to have a creator."
Got any evidence of this? Or should we just take your word on this one?
2007-08-18 12:44:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't question anyones faith or try to "convert" them to atheism. I think it would be rude of me to do that.
I have to ask you though, how is your explanation of the origin of God not a rationalization? After all the question of where God comes from is a valid one, even if he is outside of the "physical universe". Was he, then, always in that alternate plane of existence, and eternal being? If we can say that God is eternal then why can't we take a step back and say that the universe is eternal? If not, then why not?
2007-08-18 12:46:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It *is* necessary for God to have a creator, Maurice. If you accept that he is a living entity, then you have to accept that he was created by something, or someone.
The only logical explanation as to how he came to be is simple. Gods were created by men in an attempt to explain those things which were, at that time, incapable of being understood.
2007-08-18 12:36:53
answer #10
answered by iamnoone 7