I believe the Bush administration will attack Iran just as it did Iraq, and for the very same lame reasons: OIL and WAR PROFITEERING.
By next summer, Bush handlers will order Bush to invade Iran under pretenses similar to those fabricated to invade Iraq (although they now know 'weapons of mass destruction' won't work).
Most likely scenario: another 'terrorist attack' hits the U.S. (this time in the Midwest, perhaps Chicago or St. Louis so that those in the 'heartland' are more emotionally affected than when 'terrorists' hit New York and Washington). The White House will blame Iran, coming up with some typical hyperbole which the media - and the public - will buy into; that will give Bush his excuse for attacking Iran, so that America has control of all the OIL in the two top OIL-producing countries in the region before Bush leaves office. OIL companies will profit handsomely, and all those corporations bellied up to the federal government's 'war trough' will reap billions - or trillions - of dollars in profits, all thanks to gullible United States taxpayers.
There is no 'winning' in these 'wars'. Those who believe we're in this to bring democracy to Iraq are sadly mistaken. Those who think we're fighting to defend our nation from 'terrorists' are naive. Those who assume this is all necessary to establish peace in the Middle East are far too gullible.
We are in Iraq for OIL and WAR PROFITS.
If that's not the case, WHY are we building the largest embassy in the world on a 104-acre sit in downtown Baghdad overlooking the modest headquarters of the 'new' Iraqi puppet government installed by the Bush administration?
If that's not the case, WHY is Hallburton building fourteen (yes - 14!) new permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq?? We will be in the country until we've sucked every drop of OIL from its sands.
Meanwhile, corporations like McDonnell-Douglass, Sikorsky, Lockheed-Martin and United Technologies rake in billions of dollars in profits (Eisenhower warned us about the giant military-industrial complex). And there's two 'newcomers' reaping billions in profits from this insane 'war': the Carlyle Group and Halliburton both have direct ties to the Bush-Cheney White House.
Our troops, Congress, and the American people have been conned into believing that our motives are pure and necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are allowing U.S. soldiers to die so that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists and power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful than they already are. -RKO- 08/18/07
2007-08-18 11:59:14
answer #1
answered by -RKO- 7
First off, it is doubtful we would use any ground forces, out side of some Special Operations teams. We would attack their suspected nuclear sites by air and cruise missiles. Our air forces are still pretty good, so we likely would not lose many pilots or planes, though a few are likely. It would take several days, and several runs to be sure we got them all.
A ground invasion would simply be idiocy. Iran is about 3 times the size of Iraq, and the terrain is worse. Unlike Afghanistan, there is no ongoing civil war for us to take sides with and win through proxy. Most Iranians would unite against us. It would take a million troops to pacify that country.
Also, hizballah and associated groups would start attacking US targets. Terror attacks would occur muchmore frequently here in the US, and much much more often at our overseas assets. Al-Qa'ida and Hizballah would likely join forces officially, and Iran would start supporting them in strength.
Also, China and Russia would covertly arm and train anti US forces. Why? Because anything that hurts us as a world power helps them in the long run, at least as they see it.
By the way gas would probably go to $120 a barrel. I'm not sure what that equals per gallon, but it is likely over 5 dollars a gallon.
2007-08-18 12:01:59
answer #2
answered by Chance20_m 5
The whole idea of a war in Iran is stupid. The U.S. already has resources stretched too thin by the Iraq war, and the American people are already fed up with the idea of another war. Even though if a war was to break out, it would probably be another quagmire like Iraq, the U.S would win the initial invasion, but lose once the war went into the insurgency stage. It would just be another war that the cause wouldn't justify the sacrifices made by the Americans in uniform.
2007-08-18 11:52:00
answer #3
answered by Bomberboy4825 1
Hopefully nothing. Should the United Sates attack Iran, both countries will lose, only the consequences for the US will be grave and lasting with a war that ultimately be the downfall of the US over the course of this century. Oil has to be a factor in America's Middle Eastern Foreign Policy.
2007-08-18 11:57:11
answer #4
answered by planksheer 7
We need to do everything in our power to prevent it from happening.
There is too much focus Ahmadinejad. He is not the supreme leader and any decision he makes can be overruled by the Ayatollah currently acting as "Leader of the Revolution". The supreme leader is the one with authority over the armed forces and he himself can be replaced at any time by the revolutionary council. He also controls the revolutionary guard, the unit the US is planning to designate as a terrorist organization.
Iran has 900,000 trained troops in the region. The US has a couple of hundred thousand, tops. It would take a while for us to move additional forces into Iraq during which time the Iranians could decide to execute a preemptive attack on our facilities in Iraq. They could also attack if we launch cruise missiles at some of their facilities. It could get very ugly very fast which is why we need to try and find an alternate solution. I frankly question the sanity of anyone who is opposed to even trying to find one.
2007-08-18 12:08:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The US will win.
It wont be some Insurgency crap like Iraq, the US obviously knows not to get into that now.
The US and British forces would move in through Iraq, and Israel would go through Jordan and drive into Iran right about Kuwait and sweep go northern right alongs the borderline and wait for Syria to move in. The US-British forces from the West would go straight to Tehran. The US and Britishwould have more forces come in through Afganistan and Pakistan from the East. Constent boming and missile strikes from the Persian Gulf, along w/ bombings from Air Force bases in Iraq and Afganistan and from the Aircraft Carriers.
They wouldnt last more than a year.
2007-08-18 12:00:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If an American president with some balls is elected Iran will be toppled fairly quickly. The Iranian people are already rising up against their dictators and theocrats.
If we have a pandering pansy *** who just wants to talk and will not support the Iranian people then it will drag on for years.
Also, if we have a Democrat ( Barak Obama is a good example) who states publically that Nuclear option is off the table. That will take away any percieved power that the US has and will futher the braiseness of the Iranian Mullahs.
2008 will be a pivotal election for the entire world, not just America.
2007-08-18 11:51:25
answer #7
answered by WCSteel 5
we would wipe out irans military like it was nothing, just like iraq. that is when the problems start. then the enemy will start dressing like civilians and shoot us in the back, hoping to cause the american people to loose morale and want to leave. we can take on any military on the face of the earth, but takeing on small religous groups and suiciders, we still are adapting. we are not used to fighting in such a primitive way. but you must understand when the enemy is able to wield a weapon where they truly believe they can do damage at any cost, they will do their best to hide and attack while our back is turned like cowards.
2007-08-18 12:05:07
answer #8
answered by cyberep 2
We can wipe out Iran in the matter of hours. get real.
Superman vs. Gilligan.
you think we are afraid of Iran's scud missiles guided by Commodore Vic20 computers and 40 year old Russian Migs?
2007-08-18 12:01:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Iran will win because the politicians are so stupid, they will not allow the military to run a war!!!!
Basically tie our hands around our balls
2007-08-18 15:13:37
answer #10
answered by ฉันรักเบ้า 7