I have read this book several times and recommend it to anyone seeking out a Wiccan path.
2007-08-18 08:17:34
answer #1
answered by Epona Willow 7
Read it. Didn't like it very much or find it very useful. But then, I'm not Wiccan, let alone Alexandrian.
I wouldn't reccomend it, but then if they were interested in Wicca, I would send them to someone else for reccomendations anyway. I'm not initiated, so my opinion of it doesn't really mean much.
2007-08-18 15:20:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It wasn't one of my first books and I'm kinda glad about that. It's a bit much for a beginner, but once you've got a good idea what Wicca is about then it's great. I would think it's more for second degree if you were looking for a degree. I love it and still use it. It's not my tradition but I'm old fashioned so it fits in well with me.
I think every Wiccan should read it. It's traditional and gives you an idea of where your roots come from.
2007-08-18 15:25:30
answer #3
answered by justmythoughts 3
It was among the first books I read when I became Pagan. I don't specifically remember it, but I do know that I got something out of all the books I read. I think anyone seeking a Pagan path should read everything they can get their hands on, even the so-called "bad" stuff, just so you can make your own judgments and formulate what you truly believe and the path you want to forge for yourself.
2007-08-18 15:16:57
answer #4
answered by Cheryl E 7
I would not recommend this for a beginner, or a person who was learning without the advice of an elder.
It has some quite deliberate garden-paths that a newb will follow to false conclusions.
2007-08-19 13:42:38
answer #5
answered by LabGrrl 7
It was required reading, I'm Alexandrian.
I would recommend it, followed by talking to an Elder in the Craft about what one got out of it.
As with any religious or spiritual book, it is wise to get the input of those who have walked that road before you are sure of what you think you understand.
2007-08-18 15:17:13
answer #6
answered by Black Dragon 5
Perhaps to learn about the path but in general, no. There's a reason why I don't belong to a Tradition. Because I find them far too confining in their views.
2007-08-18 15:17:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why haven't you recommended a reading to give an opposite and realistic view of witchcraft, such as 'From Witchcraft to Christ' by Doreen Irvine.
2007-08-18 15:18:09
answer #8
answered by cheir 7