Is it because they, subconciously, know their beliefs are irrational and, if subjected to the harsh light of reason, would not hold up?
Are they, on some level, aware of the incosistencies and contradictions in the Bible and can only sustain their faith by shutting their eyes and plugging their ears and screaming their beliefs to themselves?
Are they afraid that there are more compelling beliefs systems out there and so intentionally blind themselves to the outside world?
And, if we accept that burying your head in the sand is not the best way to find the truth, what is the best way to persuade them to open their eyes and see? Or are they a lost cause?
32 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
you hit the nail right on the head... anyone here trying to reason with them in kindness knows that they just as soon kick you in the head than listen to any sort of reasoning... as if that's not bad enough they also don't want us reasoning with each other.... they seem unable to stand people exploring spirituality outside religion.. it's unfortunately an epidemic that has to be dealt with.
2007-08-18 07:40:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm a Christian, and I'm actually fairly easygoing. If you don't share my beliefs, that's your business. I fully realize that just because I'm Christian doesn't mean that everybody else in the world is, too. I've spent a great deal of time studying religions and philosophies other than my own. Many of my close friends are atheists, and we engage in very intriguing dialogue on a regular basis. If I were all that touchy, I probably wouldn't have so many non-Christians as friends. But I do, and we respect each other's beliefs (or lack of belief).
2007-08-18 07:34:07
answer #2
answered by solarius 7
I am a christian...and when I open my eyes and ears i see God looking down at me and loving me...yes we can be touchy but only because it hurts that some people say such creul things about our beliefs,you all are truly the ones who need to open your eyes and stop screaming "God is not real" in your are the ones who are afraid to relize that there is someone more powerful than humans.....even if you don't belive you are stilled loved by him...god bless and may you find the answers you seek
2007-08-18 07:40:00
answer #3
answered by snickers_bars 1
No no, those could be fundamentalists you're conversing to. ;) Lol. heavily, i'm a Christian, yet i visit conveniently hear and hear what you're able to say. confident, i think Jesus is the Son of God, yet ppl performing all self-righteous and yelling out "Repent! Repent! Pray and acquire Jesus into your heart now!" will justchronic human beings away, and quite won't make a non believer care any further. <3 xxxxx
2016-11-12 20:28:33
answer #4
answered by bhupender 4
Christians do get a tad "touchy" when you call their close-held beliefs "irrational." I think that's to be expected. It's pretty disrespectful, in my opinion.
I consider myself a Christian, though I consider the Bible highly flawed. I accept that it has some bad things to say and contradictions. It's pretty old and it's to be expected. There is no "perfect" religion. You just have to find what works for you.
In my opinion, the words out of Christ's mouth are the only ones worth living your life by. Peace, love, understanding no matter what and to no matter what.
You can hold your own ideas of truth and that's better than fine. But toting it around as everyone's is inevitably a lost cause.
Edit: Aw, I get thumbs down from both the closed-minded fundamentalists about the Bible and from the closed-minded Christian haters. :( At least I have the intelligent people left.
2007-08-18 07:31:10
answer #5
answered by Amanda 3
I have never seen any inconsistencies in the bible so not sure where you are coming from on that one. Seems that those that are not really Christians are the ones that are the touchiest. Show me anything else but the bible that can foretell things that are centuries in the future that are written before they are even thought to have happened, leaders that are named by name thousands of years before they are born. Only thing inconsistent are those that try to put the bible down as they don't really know what is in it.
2007-08-18 07:29:50
answer #6
answered by ramall1to 5
Why are you so worried about our faith? It's like some of you are obsessed with our belief system. It's not like you are trying to save us from something. Live and let live, dude.
2007-08-18 08:16:13
answer #7
answered by Kaliko 6
They have fragile psyches. They know that what they believe is absurd and that the other religions aren't evil or necessarily worse than theirs.
They have to always be together otherwise they may lose their faith, or get disoriented. Sooner or later, people brought up Christian will realize their is no god, or no real spiritual value in Christianity. Fortunately we can change our minds and deconvert.
2007-08-18 07:35:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Or maybe Christians want to help people like you but it seems like you already made up your mind and you just want to critize us and tell us how we are so wrong. I'm not going to change your mind and i'm not mad at you. I'm sorry some christians come off as being that way to you but maybe they don't know how to deal with it. Everyone is on a different level of their relationship with God. And if you aren't a christian yet, then ok thats up to you. But someday somehow I believe God will open your eyes to what he is and what he can do in your life. Until then I will pray for you and people like you because I know how sick the world is and how ridiculous people think. So the best of luck to you and your beliefs until to finally see how GREAT AND WONDERFUL GOD REALLY IS!
2007-08-18 07:32:40
answer #9
answered by Christen T 4
Yes I know you are intelligent just like all the other atheist.
I am not that intelligent but my heart says I am unclean and I need God to wash my sins away.
I am afraid of hell, where their worms dieth not and the fire will never be quenched.
I need a saviour and only Christ can save me from eternal fire.
I accepted it as a fact: that Christ died for my sins so God may adopt and make me a co-heir of a marvelous and majestic kingdom. I have peace with God, wheww I am not His enemy anymore.
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
2007-08-18 07:34:31
answer #10
answered by Mikey 3