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An incredible amount of people believe in astrology, despite the fact that it has proven to be superstition and a pseudoscience. Similarly, there is no evidence to support any of the conjured up gods, but much of the world believes in some sort of supernatural being. Is the difference that unlike astrology claims, it is impossible to disprove some of the extroadanary religious claims? Are there any other differences, or is astrology basically a form of religion?

2007-08-18 06:27:22 · 20 answers · asked by khard 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

The idea that " life " is more than just the physical universe has been around for as long as Mankind or man's
The "Sciences" are simply the ongoing developement and growth of what can be observed and measured and understood about the physical universe by Man.

Astrology is not a science but it is a product of ancient observed and coded/measured effects on certain aspects of human beings by the physical universe.The moon, planets and their positions and movements in relation to the sun and planet Earth which we are all living on.
It is surrounded by mystery because it is truley not understood as to why it works. Even Isaac Newton apparently agreed that it worked even tho he did not understand why.

Regardless it is still a study of effects rather than causes.

Which brings us to religion which is about possible causes beyond purely physical,or the idea that forces are at work beyond the immediately observable physical universe. That there is a spiritual universe, that man is not just an animal, that there are higher states of existence possible .
The codifying of basic sacred lores that pertain to this spiritual aspect. That there is an Infinite, or a Supreme Being, Prime Mover, etc and that the spiritual nature of mankind is not completely unknowable.

If you study the basic concepts in any religion you will find
an underlying similarity of hope for something better for Mankind and a possible way or road to achieve this.

Astrology unlike religions has nothing in it that tries to help mankind out of his trap. It is simply an observation of the trap itself. There is no similarity whatsoever.

2007-08-18 08:23:13 · answer #1 · answered by thetaalways 6 · 0 0

astrology is based on a physical presence and religions are predominantly based on the assumption of a spiritual presence. I prefer the astrology because i can see that the planets are there, they cannot be denied.

As to their meanings, it is no more farfetched to say that the position of the sun at the time we are born dictates our outward personality than it is to say that i'm going to go to a hell that no one can prove exists.

It's all speculation, except that in the case of astrology there has been a study done to prove that a person born a leo has the attitude that we ascribe, whereas no one has made a study that proves that someone went to hell.

So which one of those two things do you think I am more likely to believe? A proven fact or pure speculation?

2007-08-18 13:16:29 · answer #2 · answered by robin s 3 · 2 0

The difference is Astrology was at one time mankind's attempts to understand the supernatural using science....As our understanding grew the old science was abandoned for new science. Our understanding of the world 200 years ago would be scoffed at by the scientist of 100 years ago who in turn would be scoffed at by the scientist of 25 years ago who in turn would be scoffed at by the contemporary scientist. It is amusing how much we learn through time and at each point in time, think we have it all figured out only to later find out we knew very little at the time we thought we had it all figured out. The scientific community a generation from now will laugh at just about everything we take for granted as "fact" on todays campus. Religion on the other hand is a belief. If you want to believe ghosts that is your business. Is it really just to imply you are ignorant to do so however?

2007-08-18 06:40:59 · answer #3 · answered by jason b 2 · 4 0

Religion has a tendency to be about learning from someone else's insights, whereas astrology tends to be about developing one's own insights.

Religion has a supernatural authority and often dogma, astrology is seen as more of a law of nature, not subject to any sentient authority.

Astrology draws its conclusions from verifiable astronomical facts (even if the causality is questionable). Religion draws its conclusions from faith and tradition.

And, a slightly more cynical bonus answer: astrology is more often misrepresented by people who don't believe in it, whereas religion is more often misrepresented by people who do.

2007-08-18 06:46:00 · answer #4 · answered by No True Scotsman 3 · 1 0

difference astrology religion

2016-02-02 16:04:25 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Astrology -there is no rationality and no proof is available that stars and planets govern our behavior on earth.It is just like Children seeing and beleiving fictotitious characters in serial T.V.shows ,said to be meant for children

Religion also based on "Faith" that some supernatural Power is cotrolling all our activities.--To some extent the "Faith" system works and makes us beleive ,because many things are happening without our control and we wishfully think that only happy things should happen in our lives and that "wishful thinking" ,we call Prayers.

2007-08-18 07:15:18 · answer #6 · answered by ssrvj 7 · 0 0

Astrology is worship of the creation whilst religion is worship of the Creator.

2007-08-18 06:45:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

astrology is unable to explain these religions in the world today because it has no explaination for itself. the astologers try to explain it but they contradict them selfs all the time. but for religion they have the bible and u can see the evidence of religion through miracles and happenings in todays world. i am a christian so i cant tell u the evidence of religion in other religions than christianity. so i say that u have to believe in religion cause there is no evidence that astrology is real.

2007-08-18 06:51:01 · answer #8 · answered by ZanesGirlNMO5 1 · 0 2

What is the difference between astrology and religion?

not much, really ----- both are cult-like belief systems with no basis in fact or reality. the bible is as much of an impractical and unprovable superstition as astrology is...

but i will say this: you look HOT!

2007-08-18 06:30:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

religion=supreme being
if supreme being is amongst the stars //then
IM me!

2007-08-18 06:36:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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