By finding out about Him (that means reading the Bible). By engaging our intellects and asking questions. You can't put your trust in someone you don't know.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding." Psalm 111:10.
"Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight." 1 Corinthians 3:9.
By experience - the more you trust Him, the more you realise that trust is well founded.
But don't take my word for it! Check it out for yourself - open up your mind.
2007-08-18 04:28:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"How does one exactly trust in the Lord?"
You have to know what it is that you are trusting Him about, so you pick a promise out of the Bible and make it something that you are trusting Him for. The most common one to start with is perhaps one that has to do with salvation. People just don't tend to put it in those terms, yet that's what it is.
"But what if you don't believe in a God or are an atheist?"
Then it doesn't apply to you. If you want to know God, then He wants you. You cannot want to know God on your own. He does the drawing to Himself. Those that are Atheists and just don't believe tend to not even be interested in knowing God. They don't believe in Him after all!
"Aren't there a lot of atheists who are not fools?"
We are stuck on the word 'fool', aren't we? Well, in what I get out of the Bible, those who decide themselves that they want to think that they are being scientific, or logical, because they do not believe in God when they have no proof whether He exists or not should then just say they 'don't know' , since they don't they are fools.
2007-08-18 04:24:43
answer #2
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Trusting in God means that you don't put your trust in either yourself or man. That means your own understanding if faulty and so is any human being - Gods is not. This is why it is not possible that mankind wrote the Bible without divine inspiration from God. If you read Proverbs you will see an incredible amount of truth. If you read Leviticus you will see an incredible amount of information that scientists are discovering is true..if we were to stick to these laws like the food laws and marriage laws and cleanliness laws there would be a lot fewer diseases in the world. If you read the book of Job you would see geophysical laws, astronomical laws, and explainations of earthbound phenomena that has perplexed men of "knowledge" for centuries. If you read the very first chapter of Genesis you will see several creation steps were taken that had to have occured as God planned in order for things to be as they are...
Light created before the sun....
All the land gathered into one place...
Earth fed by springs and dew....
A canopy called the atmosphere or ozone layer
seedlings and vegitation BEFORE animals
each creature created AFTER its kind (why specifically state this that long ago by a man not knowledgable of animals - its as if God knew the idea would be challenged).
I wish I could show you more...but I have not the time...I just encourage that you read your Bible to discover these truths for yourself...if you don't see them..then all you have done is spent time with a great piece of literature right...yet, this is how trust is built in God...He doesn't lie. Love in Christ, ~J~
2007-08-18 04:26:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am told this means to just have faith. What else do you have! Atheist are not fools. Some are with deep thoughts and ideas. Some have a foolish way of expressing themselves. Doesn't it just show that they are without information and lack the intelligence to express themselves on confused matters in their own minds? These are the people you don't want to talk about religion to. But the intelligent ones who have read and studied are very thought provoking with what they have to say. It is a shame we don't have it here. If you are religious they won't put you down.
2007-08-18 04:31:52
answer #4
answered by plyjanney 4
You trust the Lord by living by HIs Word. For instance, if you fret and worry, God tells us not to be anxious but be prayerful and thankful for everything. By obeying this truth, we are showing trust, and thus let go the worry and fret.
If you do not believe in God, it is written that that is a foolish way to think, because man does not know everything. You are then, leaning to your own understanding of things, and pretty much calling God a liar. Now that's foolish!!!
2007-08-18 04:19:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The question is a very typical but interesting also.In my views one way to trust on Superior Power one should go with the dead body and more times if you go you may feel or can experience some hidden power. The secondly,if some one in great trouble then one can experience some hidden power inside you which can show some direction. I think these may be these two occasions when we fell about some Super Power and one can name such Said Power what ever you like.To believe in Super Power as stated above is also depend upon on Super Power and not on Religious persons.
2007-08-18 04:35:20
answer #6
answered by misraop2004 5
If you haven't believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, then you can't trust in him. You have to know someone in order to trust them, and you can't know Him if you don't believe in Him. So step one is "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." It's by FAITH we are saved and nothing else. Until you believe and start learning Biblical principles and promises, the mind of Christ, then you can't trust Him. If you are trying to read and understand the Bible on your own from the English language, you are not getting an accurate translation/meaning, and if you are not saved, you can not understand spiritual matters. The Bible must be studied under a pastor who knows the original languages, who can then communicate it to those who want to learn. By the way, you are not an atheist. You do believe He exists, you just don't know who he is yet, hence you wouldn't be asking. Ask Him in your own mind what you just asked us. Watch what and who He brings your way to answer ALL of your questions. What do you have to lose if I am wrong?
2007-08-18 04:32:12
answer #7
answered by *Freedom* 3
"It all depends on ones faith. If you truly believe you will pray every day. If you don't believe the Bible will be false to you and everyone who tries to push the Bible on you will only undermine it's intent."
The above is a direct quote from my husband, who was able to clarify things a little better than me at the moment.
Ironically, he's speaking from a time in our marriage when I "pushed" my beliefs on him. I'm so thankful that I've been able to give our relationship over to God, and trust that He is responsible for my husband's soul, not me.
Now, my husband has his own relationship with God founded on him reaching out to God, not having it shoved down his throat.
In turn, I have matured in faith because of what I've seen in my husband, the change God has made in him. It shows me that I can trust God not only with the mundane and material things of life, but also with the most precious, my loved ones.
2007-08-18 04:40:44
answer #8
answered by fmckin1 4
Perhaps you could read my 360 / Blog and see what Trusting the Lord... means!
And as for Athiest.... FOOLS..... GOD SAYS....
(Romans 1:22-to-26) Professing to be wise, they became fools
(Rom 1:23) and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things.
(Rom 1:24) Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.
(Rom 1:25) For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
(Rom 1:26) For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections. For even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.
Thanks, RR
2007-08-18 04:15:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You need to believe in God to trust him. Did you have a religious upbringing? If not and you want to learn about religion then you can find help at religious retreat centers. As you get older you won't care if others think you are foolish.
2007-08-18 04:14:07
answer #10
answered by rock44 1