#1, not too important, but please answer if you know
I just reached level 3 in the middle of the day, so since I started the day at level 2, does that meant that I still only get 40 answers?
#2 why do you spend time on R&S? What is it that makes you want to be apart of this forum, especially to you regulars...
I'm here because I want to make a difference, not just to peope who don't believe what I do, but to the other Christians who sometimes stray or need a word or two of encouragement
35 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Mail man, read what I wrote above this.
I said "not just to...ect...implying that I do help others, but my fellow Christians too. Gosh, learn how to read
14:04:14 ·
update #1
#1- I think you get more than 40, maybe 60. I can't remember.
#2- I'm here for the same reason you are, and also to testify about my experiences with God. Sometimes I will ask a question about what people think about this or that in religion, but often end up with hate full answers.
2007-08-17 13:31:03
answer #1
answered by Titus M 4
I have no clue, I never answered so many I ran out of answers. Even at level one.
I hope to give some people real answers to questions and learn from other people. I also enjoy reading the really stupid things that some "atheists" post. Sometimes it just makes me feel good to know how ignorant people who made a totally different choice really are. It makes the choice I have made seem so much better.
2007-08-17 13:42:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
q1, I'm not sure, I know eventually there are no limits to the questions and answers, I am there on level 5 but forgot when I got there. sorry
q2. being a Christian, I like to help those who have legitamate questions. I am a bit defensive over those who are in to starting battles with others. For that reason I'm not on R&S as much as I used to be.
on a final note, I don't know anyone who can't use a word of encouragement. Hope R&S doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth.
2007-08-17 13:31:48
answer #3
answered by firechap20 6
#1 - I think it's retroactive. Check the "Yahoo Answers" section of "Yahoo Answers" (yes, there actually is one!)
#2 - Pretty much the same reasons why people post answers to other parts of Yahoo Answers: 1) entertainment, and 2) because I believe I can give good, objective answers on certain subjects. I do admittedly like being the voice of dissent on occasion. Of course if a question seems horribly trite or insincere, then I return the favor.
2007-08-17 13:29:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1) I'd assume that your current level determines the count.
So once you hit level 3 you get 60 answers.
2) I look at all categories, for questions I can answer.
I choose the R&S category because I'm ordained a deacon.
I find a lot of misinformation about Catholic Christianity here.
2007-08-17 13:38:25
answer #5
answered by Robert S 7
I don't know the answer to your first question.
Your reason for being here is pretty much the same as mine.I want to help those who are
in need of God's free salvation plan.To teach
and also to learn more from God's word.I will
answer questions from God's words only,and
as much as possible try not to lean to my own
2007-08-17 13:43:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
1. I do not know the answer. 2. It seems as the other sections have a lot more negativity than this section. I am a regular here.
2007-08-17 13:29:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I can't help you with #1, but my answer to #2 is that I get great personal satisfaction in debunking unsubstantiated religious beliefs through rational arguments. I also like messing with fundies heads!
2007-08-17 13:38:26
answer #8
answered by 222 Sexy 5
It forces me to think and strengthen my own belief in and love for my Saviour. I also get to read some interesting answers and realise that there are so many people in this world who love the Lord Jesus Christ too.
2007-08-18 02:15:17
answer #9
answered by jael 2
1. Nope level 3 you get 60 answers
2. hahh i dont go here that often, im always at the dating one lol
2007-08-17 21:13:45
answer #10
answered by David Tan 3