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2007-08-17 10:29:44 · 27 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


Christians currently comprise 32% of the world's population, and the percentage is dropping.


2007-08-17 10:39:08 · update #1

27 answers

That's a good question. We really shouldn't be, especially since the Bible tells us that most people won't.. But I think the most honest answer is that Christ is so real to us, we have trouble imagining life without him. We have trouble putting ourselves in the shoes of someone who doesn't know him.

2007-08-17 10:35:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

I don't know. I find it amusing as well.

I think the problem is that a lot of Christians were raised in the church from birth and so it is second nature to them. They never were in a situation where they thought Christianity was a bunch of bunk, so they cannot imagine people believing that.

I, on the other hand, believed it was bunk until I was in my 20's and, at the time, thought it was obvious how ridiculous it was.

Of course, that was when I didn't really understand God and what Christianity is based on and I didn't understand the Bible. Naturally, when I became informed about the truth, it wasn't a very difficult choice to decide to believe in Jesus.

2007-08-17 17:39:01 · answer #2 · answered by William D 5 · 4 0

I wouldn't say that, because a huge percentage of non-Christians are also religious, and the big things they tend to specifically disagree about are 1) one God vs many and 2) the divinity of Jesus Christ. Mainline moderates in most religions agree on a great many things, when they bother to talk to each other and look for common ground. Incidentally, what's harder to wrap your brain around, one God or an infinite many gods?
Note to William D: Me too, I didn't really believe in Jesus until I was 30. Always knew God was there, just didn't think the details mattered.

2007-08-17 17:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You don't write very well.

Your sentence is not only incorrect in its assumption, but it is also referring to 'most people' as those who find their beliefs and dogmas unbelievable, which is not your (invalid) premise.

First of all, we can afford to be wrong, but you can not.

As a Christian, I am satisfied that I won't be shocked, surprised, or disappointed when my judgement comes.

Those who find the beliefs and dogmas of Chistians to be unbelievable, will find that out one day.

I don't have to understand everything. I just need to be thankful and believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. That's easy to do.

What isn't easy to do, is to understand that we are all existing on a planet out in the dark of space, circling a big ball of fire which provides enough light to allow me to see everything around me. I don't understand it, but I believe it is true.

By the way, the Bible has always been the number one best selling book year after year, and probably will continue that way. Obviously, it isn't because most people on the planet don't believe. You should read it sometime because 2,000 years ago, it predicted you would say this.

2007-08-17 17:58:15 · answer #4 · answered by kNOTaLIAwyR 7 · 0 2

When you choose to totally immerse yourself in a particular belief system, surrounding yourself only with people who believe the same way and only exposing yourself to information that comes from within that system, then you don't really have any other frame of reference. That becomes a universal reality to you. And every idea from outside the system will seem strange and surprising.

2007-08-17 17:54:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your website is hardly an unbiased source. According to the Encylopedia Britanica,there are 2 billion Christians,increasing annually. Mostly Catholic. As to your question,no surprise. I don't know where you got that idea,possibly an atheist website. For my part,I do wonder: why are atheists so obsessed with other people's beliefs? What is it about Christianity in particular that you find so fascinating? Why is that the only religion you are familiar with?

2007-08-17 17:44:26 · answer #6 · answered by River Jordan 3 · 1 1

Because "everybody knows that." The more people keep together, the less they know about other people and the more bizarre and threatening they look to each other. (There are Hindus and Muslims, etc. who feel the same way.) They've never permitted themselves to consider any viewpoint but the one they were given, so it must be universal truth. Therefore, anyone who doesn't believe as they do must be deliberately denying it.

2007-08-17 17:39:52 · answer #7 · answered by skepsis 7 · 0 1

Who says we're surprised? I know perfectly well that only 1 out of 3 humans on this earth consider themselves as Christians (1.2 Billion Catholics, 900 Million Protestants, etc).

2007-08-17 17:35:21 · answer #8 · answered by Dysthymia 6 · 4 1

Actually,real Christians shouldn't be,and most learned ones aren't surprised as you say.
After all most people are blinded to the real truth.

2007-08-17 17:41:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1/3 the world is Christian. Doesn't that mean something.

Especially considering ATHEISM is only 4-8%

If we include MUSLIMS who belive in a ABRAHAMIC GOD then we have 50%+

That's a majority.


If we include Buddists, Hinuds, Shiks and others who belive in a RELIGION

Then we are talking 80% of the world.


LIVE with the fact 80% of the world believes and YOU don't and WE RULE and WE CAN CRUSH YOU IF WE WANT TO but we don't.

Live with that, one who wants to remove Christamas and may DEWALI and maybe other things off the face of the Earth.

2007-08-17 17:57:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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