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I only know a little bit about you guys.

Are different Gods/Goddesses for each one?

2007-08-17 08:03:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Paleo-paganism: the standard of paganism, a pagan culture which
has not been disrupted by "civilization" by another culture --
Australian Bushmen modern (who are probably becoming meso-pagans),
ancient Celtic religion (Druidism), the religions of the
pre-patriarchal cultures of Old Europe, Norse religion, pre-Columbian
Native American religions, etc.

Civilo-paganism: the religions of "civilized" communities which
evolved in paleo-pagan cultures -- Classical Greco-Roman religion,
Egyptian religion, Middle-Eastern paganism, Aztec religion, etc.

Meso-paganism: a group, which may or may not still constitute a
separate culture, which has been influenced by a conquering culture,
but has been able to maintain an independence of religious practice --
many Native American nations, etc.

Syncreto-paganism: similar to meso-pagan, but having had to
submerge itself into the dominant culture, and adopt the external practices and symbols of the other religion -- the various Afro-diasporic traditions (Voudoun, Santeria, etc.), Culdee Christianity, etc.

Neopaganism: attempts of modern people to reconnect with nature, using imagery and forms from other types of pagans, but adjusting them to the needs of modern people. Since this category is the focus of alt.pagan, the listing here is more comprehensive (though no listing could be completely comprehensive):

Wicca -- in all its many forms
Asatru and other forms of Norse neopaganism
neo-Native American practices
the range of things labeled "Women's Spirituality"
the Sabaean Religious Order
Church of All Worlds
Radical Faeries and other "Men's Spirituality" movements
certain people within Thelema and hedonistic Satanism
some of eco-feminism
and last, but not least, Paganism

2007-08-17 08:20:53 · answer #1 · answered by Epona Willow 7 · 2 0

This question is sorta like asking how many different types of christians are there? or how many different (all, including sub ones) are from Abraham?

Pagans, wiccans, druids, etc - people who believe in spirituality based on nature are generally very private. They generally don't attend a religious service because they practice at home. Making it very individualistic.

And get this -- some practicing wiccans are also christians.

I appreciate your question though -- I wish more people would ask about religions other than their own.

You'll find that the one piece that is the same through out is the Golden Rule. Something that nearly all religions preach and yet - so many forget to practice.

2007-08-17 08:19:36 · answer #2 · answered by wildflowerblossom 2 · 2 0

There are many different types of Pagans. If you do not include followers of the Dharmic religions (such as Hindus) in your definitions and instead concentrate on what are either termed as "folkish" and/or "Neo-Pagan" beliefs, there are about 6 or so major groupings found in the US.

1) Asatru/Heathen -- this group follows the Norse Gods
2) Celtic/Traditional Druidic -- the Celtic Gods (both those of the British Isles and Gaulish France)
3) Hellenic -- the Classical Greek Gods
4) Khemetic -- the Gods of Egypt
5) Religio Romanum -- The Roman Gods (these are not the same as the Gods of Greece in the minds of both Roman and Hellenic practioners)
6) Wicca/Neo-Druid -- The believers in these branches tend to use Gods and Goddesses from multiple pantheons if they do not ascribe to the belief that all Gods are aspects of the Male Principle and all Goddesses are likewise aspects of the Female Principle of the Universe.

Some people also like to include Native American practices in this grouping, but this and the practices of the Pacific Islanders and Australian Aborigines, may also comprise a grouping of their own.

2007-08-17 08:20:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anne Hatzakis 6 · 1 0

This Site Might Help You.

How many different types of Pagans are there.?
I only know a little bit about you guys.

Are different Gods/Goddesses for each one?

2015-08-18 19:35:53 · answer #4 · answered by Roxanna 1 · 0 0

Remember i live in a land with freedom of speech, and every man or women should have their say!

So in saying that I rank all religions including yours as Pagan!
Pan god of love was incorporated into the Catholic belief structure as a form of the Devil!
If you looked at many pagan beliefs you'd see a remarkable similarity with the born again Jesus story!
Who's to say who's right!
I'm pagan and I'm agnostic at the same time!
So I don't believe in Gods yet my mind is open to the possibility.

2007-08-17 08:31:40 · answer #5 · answered by Forsaken1 3 · 1 0

each pagan has their own individual deities that they identify with, and there are also hundreds of different pagan communities and each of those practices differently. while at a community event you all agree on which deity--if any--you will call on collectively, but no one can tell you who to call on when you are alone. Some pagans call on nature rather than on deities, and some rely solely on the person power within themself. no pagan would ever tell another pagan that what they believe is wrong or try to force their own beliefs onto them. that's why so many different beliefs.

2007-08-17 08:14:59 · answer #6 · answered by robin s 3 · 2 0

You got a lot of really good answers. :)

There are two approaches to the Gods/Goddess

Some of us believe that they are indeed all seperate entities. Each God and Goddess exists in thier own right.

Some believe that there is a God and a Goddess and that all Gods are aspect of THE God and all Goddesses are aspects of THE Goddess

Let's see...
I know Celtic Reconstructionist, Sumerian, Egyptian(Which I practiced for a while. I'm at a crossroads at the moment) Wiccan, Heathenism which can actually be seperate from Asatru, Hellenistic Kitchen/Hedge witch and then you have Eclectic that mash things together.


2007-08-17 09:20:28 · answer #7 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 2 0

Here's a beginning of a tree of links to a world of pagan religions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paganism#Contemporary_ethnic_religion

There are probably at least thousands - generally, any society or tribe where monotheism has not accomplished complete conversion has "pagan" religion. In America, there are Native Americans that still practice their pagan religions - and nearly every other country can say the same of its native peoples.

Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/

2007-08-17 08:17:00 · answer #8 · answered by JimPettis 5 · 2 0

there are many different types of pagan. there are many different deities.

i'm an eclectic pagan with celtic tendencies. i follow a celtic goddess. i have a friend who is pretty eclectic as well who follows a norse god.

that's one of the things i like about being pagan. it's so personal.


2007-08-17 08:14:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Go to www.witchvox.com - I just looked at the front page and it has an announcement about how many covens and groups are listed with them.
They are the best source for you to find out more about pagans, neopagans, wicca, ect. (Non satanic - that is just a stereotype when they say all pagans are devil worshipers)
Knowledge is power so be curious of all religions too. The more you know the more you grow.

2007-08-17 08:15:29 · answer #10 · answered by Karma of the Poodle 6 · 5 0

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