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Choose but you ask for proof! inshAllah and lets move off line for abit and focus on this inshAllah Salam! :)
I am sure you will be more than pleased in the end! :) inshAllah there is blessings beyond your wildest imagination for those who work and are steadfast in peace and patience.. hmmm they all said that you can't deny it, look at every religion even the atheist they all said that! Salam :)

2007-08-17 07:56:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

I would not go with you. Allah is believed by Moslems, and the Moslem religion stops with God's dealings with Abraham. There is much more to God than that!!! Read a King James version of The Bible.
Good luck and may God bless you.
P.S. I did read The Koran.

2007-08-17 08:01:56 · answer #1 · answered by kathleen m 5 · 0 3

You are fooling no-one. Everyday on T.V. we see the truth of Islam. It is a murderous religion full of hate and oppression of women.
You kill your own and justify it over misinterpreted verses in the Quran.
You know as well as I, even your own holy book says so, the blessing is through Isaac and NOT Ishmael.
This is why you are so deceived by the devil and hate your cousins, the Jews.
I love you in Christ and hope you find the truth in Messiah Y'shua.

2007-08-17 15:07:32 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

I'm not sure what you are talking about, but if you look anything like your avatar then I might. Besides I've never been to New York which is east of me.

EDIT: Why did you change your avatar? It was alot better before.

2007-08-17 14:58:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I decided to go East, but living in NJ, I fell into the ocean.

But we are big fans of salami in the garden state!

2007-08-17 15:03:09 · answer #4 · answered by Big Momma Carnivore 5 · 0 0

I live on the Eastern Coast. If I had to go east with you, I'd expect you to at least have a boat.

2007-08-17 15:02:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your article is very interesting, I think. I'm trying to figure out what it is you're trying to get across. You didn't say just what you found in the East - - please, not suchi. I don't like fish of any kind.
Anyway Shalom alechem to you.

2007-08-17 15:09:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Maritimes are "east" of me and I would go there for sure the beer alone is worth the trip.

2007-08-17 15:00:01 · answer #7 · answered by MotherMayI? 4 · 1 1

I think I died a little bit when I read your question. I think my left arm is now dead...thank you. Please don't ask any more questions...I don't want any other part of me to die...

Stella...you are an idiot and probably a jesus-humping freak. I will pray for your soul.

2007-08-17 14:59:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No I don't go off to places with strangers.

2007-08-17 15:02:19 · answer #9 · answered by arielz10 3 · 0 0

Why the hell are you trying to convert us! You Muslim fundamentalists have already killed several of us Hindus. KILL. Why can't you be more gentle. I WILL NEVER BELIEVE IN ALLAH.

2007-08-17 14:58:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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