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I belive god made apes evolve into what we r to day do u agree with me or do u belive in another theroy ( ppl at my church dont agree with me)

2007-08-17 07:55:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

No I do not..

believe in Intelligent design??? The kid is scarcely 13, I doubt he is old enough to really believe in anything...

2007-08-17 08:12:45 · answer #1 · answered by I Can Count To Potato 7 · 0 0

I am an atheist but I see where you are coming from. Evolution has been claimed as a *god did it* for a long time now, except for among the fundamentalists who are extremely anti-science. The thing is that you can claim God did anything and it is one of the few ways that people who rely upon the theory of evolution to make medicines or work in biology can reconcile their religion with scientific facts.
Evolution is demonstrable, and the theory of evolution works.

The problem that most fundamentalists have is that if evolution is true it turns Genesis into a myth. This forces a choice in their minds between religion or science.
Most of them chose religion because they use religion for social connection, a sense of belonging to something and for self justification. Of course the preachers view this all as a direct threat to their wealth and power and tell everybody about how evil and immoral science is.

You can study your religion, hang on to it and still study evolution or other sciences. There is no need to retreat into the 16th century.
You might want to change Churches to something more moderate though.

In every conflict between science and religion so far, science has won.
About Borel's Law and why it is meaningless.

2007-08-17 15:22:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Religion is not a theory. By definition, a theory must be able to be proven. Religion is, by definition, mythology. Believing that a god made apes evolve, or believing a god did anything at all, is just a way of saying, "It's too hard to understand what really happened here, so I'm going to say god did it." That leaves you with the problem of explaining how god got there. It's not an answer.

2007-08-17 15:07:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You believe in what's called "intelligent design." Let me ask you a few questions. When the mosquito was "designed" to carry the malaria virus, which has wiped out hundreds of millions of humans over the millenia, was that part of God's "intelligent design?"

We know that over 99% of the creatures who have lived on earth are extinct. Part of some "Intelligent design?"

Every year we find more and more human-like species (hominids) that once inhabited the earth. They're all gone except for homo sapiens (us). Did God make a mistake in his "design" of these creatures?

Humans are susceptible to all sorts of diseases and problems. For instance, our lower backs are better designed for a creature that doesn't walk on two legs all the time. We have parts of our body that are completely obsolete (eg appendix, tailbone). Is this evidence of God being an "imperfect" designer?

2007-08-17 15:09:02 · answer #4 · answered by Stephen L 6 · 0 0


Apes and humans have a common ancestor, but humans were never apes.

Read a book and don't consider anything anyone at your church says regarding science. That's like asking a chocoholic to watch your chocolate bunny.

2007-08-17 15:00:47 · answer #5 · answered by hyperhealer3 4 · 2 0

darwin's theory is a crock of crap.since God can do anything,why would he have to wait for an ape to evolve into a man.

2007-08-17 15:46:30 · answer #6 · answered by moanalisa 4 · 0 0

there is only one scientific theory as to the origin of the species: evolution. The rest are beliefs.

And do you think modern apes evolved into humans? Because that is ludicrous.

2007-08-17 15:47:47 · answer #7 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 0 0

I believe that we were not created as we appear today.
God created us in his own image. Which means he created us to grow, learn and evolve into something greater. I question that it was exactly apes, but something. Science is finding older and older remains of humans everyday. It is unrealistic to think that our lineage is a strait stick, you must look at as millions of branches stemming from a single source of energy (GOD).

2007-08-17 15:13:41 · answer #8 · answered by soinlove 3 · 1 1

Where does it say that in the Bible? What's your final authority: The Word of God or something that only SOUNDS legit? Think it through my friend.

2007-08-17 15:01:38 · answer #9 · answered by disciple 3 · 0 0

I don't think there is a link.
Due to Borel's Law, even Charles Darwin himself had serious doubts about his Theory of Evolution.

2007-08-17 15:07:03 · answer #10 · answered by Bob L 7 · 0 4

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