I think the preponderance of male domination in human societies originated with sexual dimorphism. Men tend to be bigger and stronger so they were able to push women around, and did.
It doesn't make it right, and nowadays it's more of a detriment then ever. If the current religious wars don't destroy civilization and return us all to the bad old days, we stand a chance of continuing our social evolution to true equality.
2007-08-17 08:11:00
answer #1
answered by hznfrst 6
Who told you that? In order for the married couple to live under Gods law the husband must put his wife before himself on all matters she comes first. So I ask you who is "over" who? So what if the wife is to give the husband the last word on matters? Except you created role sister and you won't be so angry and unhappy.
God Bless
2007-08-17 08:05:13
answer #2
answered by Danny K 5
simply take your meds as proscribed. soon, your delusional psychosis will subside. you will awake in the morning and remember how you felt the previous day, though those feelings will seem complete silliness. as you begin your day you will have your feet planted firmly in reality. it will become clear that the man who yesterday smiled as you each passed in separate directions along the sidewalk, was actually displaying a friendly gesture. you will know with lucid certainty that he really wasn't a pimp, scoping you out....measuring with accuracy your future cash flow potential. for now though, i think its probably best you give your laptop a little rest. i would hate to see you tarnish your public image with the state you are currently in. so remember, stop by the pharmacy, and when you get home, make sure you take your evening dose strictly according to the label on the bottle. well, i have patients waiting on me, so why don't you schedule with my secretary for later next week. i am already eager to see how much better you are going to be doing. any ways, take care and i will see you next week.
2007-08-17 08:21:18
answer #3
answered by CHARLES B 2
Believe it of not, and I don't say this with any bad or sexist intent, the only social, political, and very basal reason why we are considered superior is the PENIS!!! As rudimentary and sexist as it may sound it is the truth. just think about it!
2007-08-17 07:58:10
answer #4
answered by SexRexRx 4
Well, men tend to have more muscle than women and typically are better fighters on average. But I personally think it's a better physical arraingement to have your reproductive gear tucked away inside, than dangleing out where anybody can lobb them off. hehehe GIRL POWER!!!
2007-08-17 07:57:54
answer #5
answered by RealRachel 4
Well, for starters, your attitude gives away your inferiority. Second, any man that is subject to a woman is a weak p whipped failure. Third, people prefer to be around a group of men than a group of women. They prefer men bosses over women. When a man gets upset, well, most people handle it and get over it, but when a woman loses it, wow, watch out. Last, dominent women in the home breed homosexuals and lesbians. Dominant men make for strong happy homes.
2007-08-17 08:02:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think that most educated people know that women are "complete" humans, and males are just for genetic variation.
XX=women XY= men. (men have one bit missing, you can see that physically in the chromosomes).
2007-08-17 07:58:51
answer #7
answered by hog b 6
I was raised to see men and women as equals not he same but equal. But if it makes you feel better you can be on "top". just be gentle with me.
2007-08-17 07:58:30
answer #8
answered by discombobulated 5
Mutual submission and humility should mark relationships within the Kingdom of God.
2007-08-17 07:59:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
because we force ourselves there its our nature, if your as equal as you say push us down and get yourself on top, then I'll agree with you. We dont have the right its just the way things work out.
2007-08-17 07:59:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous