If you are Christian or of a religious sect, then anything they (Atheists) say you will consider fallacious - because it attacks or opposes what you feel is your truth.
2007-08-24 06:27:00
answer #1
answered by I, Sapient 7
Whenever an atheist asks a theist to prove that God exists, he or she should realize that one cannot prove a basically faith-centered worldview using strict logic and rationalism. God as a concept can't be proven logically, because it requires that leap of faith to understand in its fullness. But once you make that leap of faith, there is no way to trace it back using strict logic--you've left the laboratory and entered the church, so to speak. The emotional appeal relies on elements of irrationality. How in the world can a theist prove something that has its basis in nontangible and indescribable realms? The problem cannot even be framed using logic. When an atheist tells a theist to "prove it," he or she does not set down acceptable criteria; some who try this can only leap to conclusions based on a sort of reverse "God of the Gaps" mindset. If condition A exists, then God exists; however, condition A doesn't exist, therefore God doesn't exist. It isn't a clear syllogism when posed from either camp, because of the intangibility of God and the necessity of faith as a prerequisite to seeing God.
Boy I hope that made sense...from an agnostic who seeks truth in all its guises. I guess this was more a complaint about how pointless the "does God exist?" question seems to me.
2007-08-17 18:31:48
answer #2
answered by Black Dog 6
The most illogical ASSUMPTION made by atheists is that they can ever change a theist's mind by argument! I have yet to see it happen. That doesn't mean it's not occasionally FUN, though! Other than that, I DO think most atheists are better educated and usually, more intelligent, or at least spend more time carrying reason and logic to their conclusions, rather than getting sidetracked. Nothing's funnier than a theist trying to use LOGIC to "prove" the existence of a god!
2007-08-20 13:14:27
answer #3
answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6
Well, it's not exactly illogical, I just think that it's over-emphasized and perhaps a bit unfair. Atheists quite often attack the Christians for not being free-thinkers, and while this may very well be the case sometimes, I'm not sure it's completely justified. I imagine that some Christians at least chose their belief carefully based on examination of different arguments and perspectives, and while we may strongly disagree with the conclusion, I feel that attacking the intellectual capacity of these people is unwarranted. Very intelligent people make bad decisions. And this is a decision which puts you within a belief-system framework which allows free thought in a highly confined manner which suits some people, makes others like me gag.
I can't stand any of it, but I can't say that they are all idiots and mental slaves. I have met some atheists who were enslaved in their narrow-minded atheist perspective, so I can see how it goes both ways.
2007-08-17 08:04:14
answer #4
answered by Benjamin Peret 3
I hear a lot of ad hominem and poisoning the well tactics.
Some also make a false dicotomy about being a "sheep for God" and a freethinker; one can be both.
"You Christians are always judging people!" That statement itself is a judgement. Not sure if that is fallacy, but it is hypocritical none the less.
2007-08-17 08:41:57
answer #5
answered by Girasol 2
"I do not want to be bound to archaic mythologies. This is the 20th century."
All society is based on the archaic things of the past.
"Christianity is an oppressive system used to control and manipulate people."
people choose to be christian...or not.
"Logic demands that religion be proven wrong."
if every decision was made based on that type of assumption, planes would not fly, the earth would still be square,.....
"Christians should all be in mental wards."
self-explanatory I think
"We are free thinkers and not bound by outdated and oppressive myths."
see quote and response #1
"Christians are sycophantic sheep."
Just like some christians, some atheists indicate that since they are so smart, and have reached a specific conclusion, that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong. The only difference here is the conclusion reached.
"Godism is consistent with crime, cruelty, envy, hatred, malice, and uncharitableness."
Godism isn't, some human behaviors are.
"As long as religious purposes are served, ethics, inquiry and reason are abandoned."
Again, human behavior definitions and would depend completely on the agenda of the 'behavee'.
2007-08-17 08:11:20
answer #6
answered by phrog 7
I'd say our arguments in favor of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Of course, we're actually trying to be illogical when making those statements...
2007-08-18 11:46:50
answer #7
answered by writersblock73 6
In terms of logicality, you cannot reasonably state that a god does or does not exist. It is against all forms of evidence that can be experienced by everyone, not just christians or atheists. You CANNOT beyond a reasonable doubt, prove that there is or is not a supernatural being of any sorts, without evidence to be seen/felt/heard by ALL, to support the claims. Evidence does not exist of either. There is no way of knowing until you die. That is why it is all OPINION, and not FACT.
2007-08-17 08:06:48
answer #8
answered by dark is rising 3
The debate is a "Push"
You say God doesn't exist
we say God DOES exist
So, to a theist or Christian, everything that an atheist says about the non-existence of God is fallacious.
2007-08-17 08:10:40
answer #9
answered by chess_loser2222 1
I am a christian. I do believe in using logic. I feel as if atheists believe we don't use logic when we say we believe in a God that to you does not exist. (please correct me if i am wrong) But I feel when i'm reading a lot of the answers we get, we are approached with a lot of hate. I feel attacked. It's ok to be logical about your anwers but when you say we're stupid for believing the things we do, tell me where the logic is in insulting someone for their beliefs.
Consider this: close your eyes and touch your arm, what did you feel? You felt your skin, how do you know if you didn't see it happen. You felt it though. This is what christians believe. Just because you didn't see yourself touch your own arm, doesn't mean you didn't and just because you don't see God there, doesn't mean He's not.......Was this logical for you?
2007-08-17 08:07:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous