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25 answers

Anyone who truly wants to help without bragging will contribute anonymously. If you tell people you did it or have your name on it, you are bragging.

If I ever get enough money, I'll buy a new wing on the hospital and call it the "Anonymous Wing" just to annoy the people who like to have their name on stuff.

2007-08-17 07:51:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Happy with it in my own heart.

Actually, one of my favorite activities is to do things that people don't actually ever know about, but that somehow benefit them.

The one thing I do like to do that gets some attention is this: If my husband and I see a young couple, sometimes with kids, or an older couple eating out, we will pay their bill without asking them if we can. We just ask the waitperson to help us out, but not tell the recepient until they are finished with their meal and ready to pay. All we ask is that the wait person simply ask them to pass it on when they can.

This is a wonderful, funny, touching thing to do - if you can try it sometime, do it. You will be amazed how it makes the wait person stop and think for a minute. It is even fun to watch the faces of the recipients - as long as they don't know it is us, it is really rewarding.

2007-08-17 14:54:15 · answer #2 · answered by yarn whore 5 · 2 0

Well if someone brags about it, more often than not, they are doing it for ulterior motives i.e, to impress someone etc.

However if you do it out of the goodness of your own heart and for the reason of helping someone in need there is no reason to brag, you already got the fulfillment of helping someone.

2007-08-17 14:55:50 · answer #3 · answered by Lethal Dose Of American Hatred 3 · 3 0

I brag about beating people in video games not helping people. Whats to brag about when you help someone? Helping is just something you should do, its not an achievement or anything. If you go around bragging about it you aren't trying to help them, you are trying to help yourself by helping them, its not the same thing.

2007-08-17 14:52:33 · answer #4 · answered by draconum321 4 · 3 0

I do feel happy when I help someone whether anybody knows or not. I know I shouldn't brag, but sometimes it slips out anyway, especially if someone asks about it.

2007-08-17 15:08:35 · answer #5 · answered by Cee T 6 · 1 0

Nice question, Prince Prospero! I thik that people should really think aboiut the choices that they make when it comes to thier actions, esp the ones that directly effect others. As a highly self centered (yeah yeah I am trying to grow out of it)person I am constantly asking myself my motivation. Is it for attention for me? or genuine concern for another. I volunteer a lot so I ask myself that question all the time.
If we all did things without wondering how is would enhance us (vs. enrich others) the world would be a better place.
Too bad most people are just POSERS.

2007-08-17 14:57:01 · answer #6 · answered by Mean Missy 3 · 2 0

Pride is what caused God to throw Lucifer out of Heaven. Bragging I feel falls under the sin of pride. I don't want to be perceived as pride-full. I battle it enough as it is without adding bragging to it. Humility is a better character that pleases God.

2007-08-17 14:54:06 · answer #7 · answered by imezru2 3 · 2 0

I try very hard never to do that. Jesus says, "when you do things that are pleasing to God, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your Father who sees all, will reward you on Earth and in Heaven. But those of you who stand in the market or on a street corner loudly proclaiming & boasting about what you have done for others & God, have received all the reward you will ever get on Earth and in Heaven."

I would MUCH rather have Jesus' approval and reward than man's.

2007-08-17 14:57:59 · answer #8 · answered by faith 5 · 2 0

i am usually happy keeping it on the down low

with little things i'll brag for fun anf give people a tease

but with bigger thingsi tell the people i;m helping out to not tell anyone

i'm not sure why

2007-08-17 15:14:25 · answer #9 · answered by Iylla Rae 3 · 1 0

I don't brag. I want a bigger reward that that would get me, so I wait till God blesses me in plenty. You see, He said when you brag, that's your blessing. When, however, you shut up and let Him do His thing, then you really have somthing to brag about.

2007-08-17 15:00:29 · answer #10 · answered by SANCHA 5 · 1 0

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