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why not leave them be? If there's no God then it doesn't matter what they believe or say.
why not fight the religions TODAY that are causing death instead of picking on the peaceful Christians?

2007-08-17 07:46:19 · 27 answers · asked by the shiz 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

and honestly, Christians don't go around starting wars in this present day.

2007-08-17 07:48:08 · update #1

I think you're just angry,..you just want to be right,....well some anyway

2007-08-17 07:53:24 · update #2

27 answers

Although I agree with you, they're not going to understand your point of view because they can't comprehend the concept of faith in God. The best thing we can do for them is pray that God can help them. God bless.

2007-08-17 08:39:28 · answer #1 · answered by kaz716 7 · 0 1

I am not an atheist nor am I a christian. Why do Christians believe that their religion is the only one that matters? And I beg to differ on the point about Christians being peaceful, look in your history books and you will find that Christianity has spilled more blood than any other war ever has. If I agree not to shove my religion down your throat will you agree to do the same?

2007-08-17 14:53:22 · answer #2 · answered by Storm 3 · 3 1

I spend a good bit of time at it, myself, and the reason is that I think Christianity is harmful to society and also to individuals. As a quick example, I think that some Christians prioritize getting into "Heaven" over real world concerns. One cannot give due weight to considerations here in this world if one is worried about an imaginary (and eternal) future in another.

2007-08-18 14:52:28 · answer #3 · answered by The Instigator 5 · 0 0

Being an Athiest, I've only been exposed to the opposite: Jehova's Witness ringing my doorbell, friends and family questioning my intellect, Awake! ladies barricading the train turnstiles in the morning (do these people have actual jobs?), etc.
P.S. - As far as I remember, peaceful Christians and other religious fanatics were the cause of the world's greatest wars - in retrospect, us Athiests should all reside in Canada and let you all doom each other... =)

2007-08-17 14:54:08 · answer #4 · answered by knnxn 1 · 1 1

Because belief in fantasy always results in people getting killed, mainly. Not to mention the monstrous waste of time and resources devoted to promoting or "defending" one's faith (which one being almost always determined by what part of the world you happen to be born into).

And the Iraq war was started by a gang of bible-thumping bullies called neo-cons, with self-confessed fundamentalist George Bush as their bobble-headed hood ornament. "Peaceful Christians" my donkey! The history of Christianity is just as bloody as that of Islam, which you would know if you read something besides its propaganda.

2007-08-17 14:57:14 · answer #5 · answered by hznfrst 6 · 0 1

For the very same reason that a person might stop another person from stepping into an open elevator shaft!

2007-08-18 12:38:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can believe whatever you want. Hmm if you're such a good Christian, why would you want people to pick on another religion? Isn't that just a little hypocritical?

2007-08-17 14:52:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, they are just legislating their bigoted beliefs in congress, and trying to indoctrinate my children. Do you know how many people are dying of AIDS in Africa because Christians are telling them not to use condoms? Do you know that our own President believes that God told him to go to war with Iraq?

Evil is triumphing because good people like you do nothing.

2007-08-17 14:52:40 · answer #8 · answered by Shawn B 7 · 3 1

I don't.
I do however spend my time defending myself from Christians who try to force their primitive superstitions into my life.
And why don't you try asking some Iraqi and Afghani people their opinions about all those "peaceful Christians" who aren't "causing death"?

2007-08-17 14:58:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I could care less what you or anyone else chooses to believe as long as it doesn't affect me.

I think the war argument is pretty weak when ole W just started one and yes he is a religious nut.

2007-08-17 14:55:20 · answer #10 · answered by discombobulated 5 · 1 2

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