Why is it that some christian people (i'm not saying all) are so hell bent on getting EVERYONE to believe that the bible and all that is 100% real. What makes it more real than any other religion. Every other religion believes that they are also 100% real and every other religion believs that they also have proof of it being real. So whats the deal. They can't all be real? So how is everyone sooo sure.
35 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
To Schneb: I'm sure that lots of other religions think theres is the best too and have websights to prove it, but thanks.
To Mim: This is exactly what i'm talking about. What about the other religions that don't believe in Jesus and still think they're right.
07:56:01 ·
update #1
To BAD MELD: you're right, i don't know why i even care.
07:57:51 ·
update #2
To wormwoodkid: yes i know there are some things in the bible that prove to be historically accurate, I don't deny that. But it's all theoetical and again, other religions have 'proof' too.
08:00:28 ·
update #3
Let me introduce you to Pastafarianism.
Or Russell's Teapot, either one works :].
And then there's the Invisible Pink Unicorn:
The basic idea there is that no religion is able to prove itself.
Personally, I'd rather just kick back and enjoy life as it is without worrying about religion at all =). I really do wish religion were nonexistant; it just causes so many arguments and fights... Some people claim that it makes them happier, but for all the conflict it causes, we'd really be better off without.
2007-08-17 07:51:06
answer #1
answered by Rattiefuzz 3
Yes, it's real. The problem is it's so cluttered up with our neurotic garbage, it appears to the secular world as a bunch of B.S. Look into the basic tenets and you'll find it to be good and sound, and not at all in conflict with science or psychology. And lose the notions that being a Christian automatically makes us goodie-two-shoes and that heaven is a reward for good behavior. NOT! We're all royal messes and need the love and guidance of God.
2007-08-17 07:54:32
answer #2
answered by KATHY Y 1
Ma'am, there is a difference between what the Bible says and what scripture says. Example; the scriptural old testament is the law of Moses(called old testament 2 Cor. 3:13-14 KJV; the unscriptural old testament is 'Genesis-Malachi'.
There are other deviations also.
2007-08-17 07:47:04
answer #3
answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7
Yes, there are followers of Jesus.The Bible gives instructions to Christians to spread the good news(The great commission) They are also to tell people of the eternal consequences of not accepting the news. However, I think It should be told,but you cannot "force" people to believe, verbally or any other way.
2007-08-17 07:52:15
answer #4
answered by firelight 5
Actually, the followers of Jesus the Christ were labelled 'christians' and as time elapsed, the name stuck.
Anyway, as a Christian, I do not push my beliefs on anybody. What I do is tell them why I believe - explain my experiences which make me a believer in Christ's teachings. People are totally free to follow whatever they wish and ought not to be forced in any way. But they can be told, in a given situation, who and what Jesus Christ is.
2007-08-17 07:50:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
This is what happened when the Levite priests got lazy and started letting lay-people make up church rules!!! They couldn't agree on things, so that is why there are so many Christian denominations. Muslims believe in God, but not in Jesus. Because of their travels, they stopped at God's relationship with Abraham. The Koran is enthralled with Ala, who is God, and their prophet is Mohammed. I believe that God appears in cultures as a diety they can accept.
All I know is that I study the Bible to show myself approved (by God), and God answers my prayers.
God made our souls to be eternal, and He wants us to live eternally with Him. He gave us free will--to believe in Him or not. Try reading The Bible. Find out for yourself what God said and what Jesus said. Why toy with your own soul???
Good luck and may God bless you.
2007-08-17 07:51:03
answer #6
answered by kathleen m 5
ok look let me give you some real facts:
1) they have jesus Christs REAL cross. (in museums)
2)they have all those REAL bible written stuff that the apostles and other people wrote...
and sooo on..look if someones told you about christianity they are doing the right thing...
eventually you might become one too.... its really real believe me iv'e seen soo many miracles in my house...
every time i pray and believe in God in my prayers...he makes them happen....
ex: my mom would never become a christian she hated it she couldnt stand it i prayed for her so she can believe, the next week, i was shocked! lol and then now were both working together to help my bro and dad...im 14 years old by the way.
i hope that helped...look its real...the only reason why jews dont believe is because of the holocaust..... that was Gods plan. he loves everyone the same and that real. thats why he sent his only son to die for OUR sins
2007-08-17 07:56:26
answer #7
answered by bunnys'r'cute 2
Because people have encountered God.
Historians and Archeoligists look back in time, and refer to the bible. "Near the time of Joseph and Mary..."
It's called faith. You can't see it, but you need it.
Once you get to know Jesus, it's contagious, so you want every one to know. Jesus is my addiction.
Blessings to you.
2007-08-17 07:47:45
answer #8
answered by wormwoodkid 3
Because they've been raised to believe that it's real. And they're told that a long time ago that a bunch of people saw it happen, and they told their children they saw it happen, and so on until today so it must be true.
2007-08-17 07:41:36
answer #9
answered by Atlas 6
It is structured into the doctrine. The Christians have a promise of a reward in heaven but they only get to collect it after everybody has been converted. This is one of the points they like to skip over until after they get you hooked.
2007-08-17 07:43:25
answer #10
answered by ? 5