That makes no sense at all
2007-08-17 07:37:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ok speaking hypothetically here. If Steve was a loving forgiving and tolerant then no he wouldn't. Plus you yourself said Steve wishes us to use our free will freely then Steve wouldn't be able to send anyone to hell.
Our god is loving and forgiving the problem is people don't ask for forgiveness and sometimes when they do they turn around and do the exact same thing they ask forgiveness for. Now lets think of this in terms everyone can agree with. Lets say for instance you are married and your hubby cheats on you asks forgiveness chances are the first time you will forgive him. However, after 5 more times of doing the same thing and asking forgiveness you start to se he ins't really sincere about wanting forgiveness. We are the ones that make the stupid mistakes and we are the ones that are cruel and unloving to each other. If my God was unloving then why does he tell us to love our enemies? Why does he tell us to love unbelievers? He even tells us to love everyone regardless of how they look, act or feel towards you. Does this sound like an unloving God? I love all people regardless of what they say believe or do to me. I may not like you very much but I love ya regardless because hate makes people ugly and it makes them do shameful things to other people because of their hate. Not to mention it eats away at you until you become the grumpy old person all the neighborhood kids are scared of. The reason I brought that up is because I think that between believers and non believers we have lost the love and found hate and I think its time we get it back.
Love ya
2007-08-17 07:52:36
answer #2
answered by christina h 5
I think that Steve would be able to understand that if he gives absolutely no signs of being there, than people are going to start thinking that he isn't real. Steve would have the type of brain that could comprehend that the human mind s set to believe only what they can see and feel, not something that isn't there at all. Steve would not be so self absorbed. He would send everyone to heaven.
2007-08-17 07:41:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No, because if "Steve" is kind, loving, forgiving, and tolerant (as you suggest) then he will see Christians as worshipping him in his own way, and will carry them off to heaven. Atheists, on the other hand, do not believe in the Steve-ness of Steve and would go to heaven, why?! What would it profit Steve to let people who didnt believe i him in the first place into his house?
2007-08-17 07:39:37
answer #4
answered by Shredded Cottage Cheese 6
i'm not non secular, yet i'm answering. Assuming the Bible is genuine, God himself suggested that if Adam and Eve have been allowed to partake of the Tree of existence, they could grow to be like God. so as that tells me this, there are purely 2 standards to be like a God. (a million) wisdom of super and evil and (2) being waiting to stay continuously. If mankind had the the superb option to have a actual physique that would final continuously, we'd quicker or later be like God. So wisdom plus Eternity to objective that wisdom equals God. So my answer isn't any, if in fact God does exist, God isn't so a techniques previous our human wisdom.
2016-10-15 23:05:07
answer #5
answered by ? 4
I think it would depend on the Christian, and the atheist. If the Christian was a good person, who didn't do anything to hurt anyone, then I think they'll have a good chance to get into Heaven, same as the atheist. (If Steve was a kind, loving, forgiving, and tolerant "God".)
2007-08-17 07:44:44
answer #6
answered by Jess H 7
You can only be judged based on what you know. If you chose to not believe in God because you don't see Him then you have been informed, you just chose not to listen. If you hear on the news that a storm is coming and you need to evacuate your home will you go or will you wait to see if there will actually be a storm? So assuming there is no God and Steve was real, no one would get into steve's heaven because we refused to search for truth and refused to listen to anyone who said He was real.
2007-08-17 07:52:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Atheist want proofs for the existence of God. Can they give proof for the non-existence of God? No one has succeeded in showing proofs that God does not exist.
Even many educated men now say boldly that there is no God, that everything in this world goes on and evolves according to definite laws. Can law arise by itself? Can any law come out of nothing? Surely there must be an ultimate cause. That is God. That is the supreme Brahman or the Absolute. God is self-existent Being. He is infinitely powerful, wise and good.
The notion of God means an absolutely perfect being. An absolutely perfect being must have all the positive attributes, including the attributes of existence. So God must exist.
The existence of God cannot be proved by scientific experimentation. It is purely a question of faith and refers to the intuitive side of man.
The deepest craving, the deepest aspiration in man is for eternal happiness, eternal knowledge and eternal Truth. Man should search for some supernatural entity which can satisfy his deepest cravings and aspirations.
As we explain everything within Nature by the law of cause and effect, so also Nature as a whole must be explained. It must have some cause. This cause must be different from the effect. It must be some supernatural entity, i.e., God.
Nature is not a mere chance collection of events, a mere jumble of accidents, but an orderly affair. The planets move regularly in their orbits, seeds grow into trees regularly, the seasons succeed each other in order. Now Nature cannot order itself. It requires the existence of an intelligent being, i.e., God, who is responsible for it. Even Einstein, the great scientist, was strongly convinced of the creation of the universe by a Supreme Intelligence.
Everything in Nature has some purpose. It fulfils some function or other. Certainly every object by itself cannot choose a function for itself. Their different functions ought to have been planned or designated by a single intelligent Being or God.
You find that even the world's best doctors fail to cure a dying king. You might have also heard of many instances where patients ailing from the worst type of diseases are cured miraculously where even the ablest doctors have declared the cases hopeless. This itself is a clear proof that there is the divine hand behind all cures.
2007-08-17 07:44:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
hhmm I dont have to assume, I know tha God is real and think about about it, God is our heavenly father, and just like any father He doesn't want to see His children hurt and if His children are acting up He will punish them. My God is forgiving, Loving, Kind, and everlasting! And nothing anyone ever says can convince me that He is not real. For a long time I was Agnostic and it is by the grace of God that i am still here today [[ literally ]], thats what i think and believe.
2007-08-17 07:43:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well these r just ur opinions. i do believe that God exists. u don't have to, but do u go to church?? u should find a church that u like and feel comfortable in, and in time, maybe u will learn that God IS loving and caring.
if u know any pastors or anybody else, maybe they can help answer all of ur questions. i can't even answer most of these questions cuz im only going into the 7th grade, but i do know that u can never go wrong with reading the Bible.
i hope this helps u out.
2007-08-17 07:43:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If Steve is kind, forgiving and tolerant, wouldn't he send those worthy (regardless of belief) to heaven? I would think so.
2007-08-17 07:39:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous