Nobody. Hell doesn't exist yet. When an unrighteous person dies he goes to Hades. Also St. Peter is guarding nothing.
2007-08-17 07:44:43
answer #1
answered by Fish <>< 7
The Book of Revelation says there are 12 gates to New Jerusalem which comes down from heaven. Which one does Peter guard?
Gates of he|| must be guarded by one or more of Lucifer's flunkies.
2007-08-17 07:47:02
answer #2
answered by Bob L 7
According to Greek Mythology, Cerberus. But I don't think that's very relevant to the question you're asking. So that means if no one's guarding the Gates of Hell, everyone down there could just escape if they wanted to. It's not like anyone's going to stop them, right?
2007-08-17 07:38:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Same person who guards the gates of he12: William Shatner.
2007-08-17 08:21:46
answer #4
answered by irisheyes 6
rev. 20:1-2 says an angel. it is referring to the bottomless pit when it says an angel will bind Satan.
you definitely have your question twisted however.
scripture does NOT say that peter is guarding heaven's gate. (matt. 16:18-19).
peter said he knew that Jesus was the Christ. it is upon Jesus Christ that the gates of hell shall not prevail.
it has nothing to do with peter guarding the gates of heaven .... but that peter has the keys (the knowledge) of how to enter heaven.
Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter & Peter, in his 1st sermon after Jesus' death told us what we must do to be saved ...
he said you have to use these keys to enter heaven...
"Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (acts 2:38)
Jesus is saying to Peter, in order for my people to enter heaven, they must possess the keys to enter... the keys are:
- repentance
- baptism
- infilling of the Holy Ghost
2007-08-17 07:58:45
answer #5
answered by t d 5
I know! There are no safety precautions! I bet that lake of fire isn't even fenced! I wrote a strongly worded letter to the Satanic Commitee of Safety Regulations about it, but I haven't recieved an answer from them. What is this hell coming to?
2007-08-17 10:22:25
answer #6
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7
Cerberus, the three headed dog, guards the gates of hell
2007-08-17 07:39:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Fred Flintstone
2007-08-17 07:45:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Saint Peter's evil twin... Saint Pickles.
2007-08-17 07:49:30
answer #9
answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5
Hell is maintained with the aid of the self-reproach of its inhabitants. They locate Heaven itself to be Hell so as that they flee. ;—it is nervous, regardless of the undeniable fact that it is suited to assert it;—that if we wanted to think of a punishment for an unholy, reprobate soul, we perhaps would desire to not fancy a extra robust than to summon it to heaven. Heaven could be hell to an irreligious guy. all of us understand how unhappy we are apt to experience at modern-day, whilst by myself interior the midst of strangers, or of guys of diverse tastes and behavior from ourselves. How depressing, as an occasion, could or not it is to would desire to stay in a overseas land, between a human beings whose faces we on no account observed in the previous, and whose language we could not be taught. And it is yet a faint representation of the loneliness of a guy of earthly inclinations and tastes, thrust into the society of saints and angels. How forlorn could he wander in the course of the courts of heaven! He could locate no person like himself; he could see in each and every course the marks {8} of God's holiness, and those could make him shudder. He could experience himself continually in His presence. He would desire to now not turn his techniques yet in a diverse way, as he does now, whilst ethical experience reproaches him. He could understand that the everlasting Eye replaced into ever upon him; and that Eye of holiness, that's excitement and lifestyles to holy creatures, could seem to him an eye fixed of wrath and punishment. God can not substitute His nature. Holy He would desire to ever be. yet on an identical time as he's holy, no unholy soul could be happy in heaven.
2016-12-30 17:22:11
answer #10
answered by ? 3