My personal preference is that you would delay locking into a romantic relationship for a while. What would you, if you are committed to retaining chastity until marriage, do in a committed romantic relationship that you wouldn't do in a platonic relationship? I would give you the same advice I give my sons: wait, pay attention, and enjoy the time you have with your friends. When the time is right, you will know the one whom God created with you in mind when the time is right.
That being said, the Pastoral answer is that if your boyfriend is a Christian, then he is a new creation. Old things are passed away and all things are new. If you are certain that he is serious about respecting your choice, there is no Biblical mandate that says you ought to hold his past against him.
2007-08-17 07:46:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Pray. Ã What are you looking for? If you want a boyfriend just to have a boyfriend, then perhaps that is not a wise choice. If you have met someone who you are interested in, ask yourself to what capacity. In our world today young women are led to believe that casual sex and casual dating are fine - normal - OK. The truth is, when you have met that person God intended for you to marry, you will want everything to be new and special for him. More than sex, even kissing and touching can be acts that you would like to save for marriage.
If you pursue dating, follow a few rules. Limit 'alone time' so you are not tempted. Limit physical contact (one thing may lead to another). Pray together and study your faith together and discern if God is calling you to become one.
Don't date until you are ready for marriage - truly isn't marriage the point of dating? BTW - from a Christian perspective, I prefer to call it courting.... that word has a much stronger meaning and purpose to it.
Pray. Hold fast to your faith and your morals and God will not let you down.
God Bless!
2007-08-24 19:41:14
answer #2
answered by Deb M 1
Its ok to have a boyfriend without having sex If he really cares about you he will respect your wishes. Its a pretty darn good decision by the way to stay a virgin until marriage good luck and God Bless you
2007-08-24 22:42:16
answer #3
answered by Bellisima 5
The above question leaves too many variables to give a definitive answer to. Having/getting a bf presently, in an of itself,is not a sin; nor a more seasoned one in God's word than self; or you waiting awhile.
2007-08-17 14:53:11
answer #4
answered by 7
I would court your boyfriend. There is a really good book that covers this subject. As well as another one called "Every Young woman's battle" that addresses being pure in a sexual world.
As well as I would pray for God to guide you both in a way that you can remain a virgin and still enjoy your boyfriend company.
2007-08-17 14:55:11
answer #5
answered by Kathy H 3
There's nothing wrong with having a boyfriend. As far as biblical guidelines go, we have 2 Corinthians 6:14:
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
In other words, if you do seek a relationship, it should be a godly one. If that relationship at any time violates or hinders your relationship with God, you should definitely reconsider it.
2007-08-17 14:51:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Virginity is a gift from God, don't take it and throw it back in his face by doing sexual acts before marriage. I like you, am a teenage virgin. I am going to wait until marriage before I will experience true love, in the mean time I will keep my virginity, a gift from God from any temptations that Satan will throw at you.
God bless you on your journey sister.
2007-08-17 14:41:30
answer #7
answered by impaKt 2
It is okay to have a boyfriend so long s you both keep Jesus first in yur relationship. Prying together and study of the Bible together is a great wy to build a relationship.
2007-08-22 23:38:30
answer #8
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
Honey,you let God bring you the person He wants you to have. He has made the exact person just for you. I applaud you for staying pure for your betrothed. God will bless your efforts. Just don't let any guy pressure you Into doing anything that goes against the word of God...Good Luck Sweetie...God Bless You...
2007-08-25 01:07:29
answer #9
answered by Isabella 6
there is nothing wrong in having a boyfriend...and you have taken the right steps and made sure he was a christian. this is good, God can teach you both about his word and each of you can help one another grow in Gods word.
2007-08-17 14:42:17
answer #10
answered by Morning Rain 3