Have you seen this video?
2007-08-17 07:31:30
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
I don't know what your situation is or what you are asking or telling God but by your statement I feel that you believe you have not experienced God. It is said that God is love. I pose a question; When you attended church did you ever feel the love that was there? If you did then that is one way to experience God. Sometimes when we ask God for something and we feel we have not received an answer, we did. The answer was no.
As for heaven or hell, being brought up Christian you know that ultimately that is your decision to make. It is not for me to judge your eternal fate.
To answer your question about believing in heaven and an afterlife, Jesus died and was resurrected on the third day. That was enough proof for me. As for when I die this life is over and a new one begins. I don't know exactly what heaven will be like, and I don't necessarily want to find out right now, but when it is my time I plan on being there.
It is all about faith. Faith is by no means based on logic or physical, modern proof. It is about believing in what the apostles and prophets have left behind.
Talk to someone locally if you can. Someone who can sit down with you face to face and help you with this. Ultimately to believe or not is up to you. God will not violate your free will, but he will accept you if you accept him.
I hope this helps. God bless.
2007-08-17 14:47:33
answer #2
answered by keoh6 5
If you take the whole bible, it can be summed up in two requirements.....Repentence, and belief..... Those are the two requirements Jesus taught. Believing is called faith. Christ said those that come to him "must believe, and believe he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him". Christ also told 'doubting Thomas',"Blessed art thou Thomas, for seeing, ye believe. But blessed are those who see me not,yet believe." You want proof? Talk to Jesus as you would to a friend, HONESTLY........If you are sincere, he`ll guide you. If not, YOU have made the choice of your destination. As far as trying.....Jesus said,"Strive to enter in, for I say unto you , many shall TRY and not be able". Contrary to popular belief, I can only read of one sin in the bible that will take a person to Hell, and that is the sin of unbelief, all others are forgivable. Believe me, regardless of all the unbelief in this old world, THERE IS PROOF, and it can be found, but as Jesus said, it takes a DILIGENT search. I`m not preaching to you, you did ask..........
2007-08-17 14:47:22
answer #3
answered by srmm 5
These is proof... but bear in mind, merely praying doesn't guarantee results. I recommend this... read a few of the books of the NT... I recommend starting with the 4 gospels, as well as Acts and James. Read it with an open mind, and compare what you read(most of these are fairly straight forward) with what you've been taught. As yourself if they sync up. Remember, being part of a "Christian" religion, does not mean you automatically are following Jesus teachings... And if you aren't at least trying to follow his teachings, then your prayers may not be answered.
2007-08-17 14:33:52
answer #4
answered by Andrew G 3
1) many who were raised in a "christian" family are not christians. nothing new there.
2) those of us that do pray don't always get the answers we want. there's always an answer. it's usually "no". welcome to the club.
3) if God/Jesus showed up right now you wouldn't go to hell unless you died in the flesh. hell is merely the grave. saying you're condemned forever to the lake of fire? dunno did you repent for your sins? there's more to it than saying you're going to hell. the day of the lord is coming time of teaching where many souls like yourself WILL get it right and enter the eternity. many won't. your freewill.
4) there is somewhat proof. many people have had near death experiences and describe things in the operating room etc..that there's no way they could possibly have known those things. they were transitioning from the flesh to the supernatural spirit body. when you die you're out of the holding vessel/pot and into the supernatural body/soul/spirit that leaves that vessel.
"For corruption/flesh shall take on incorruption/transfigured supernatural body"'
good luck. freewill for all souls. believe as you will.
2007-08-17 14:33:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Keep searching! Go to different Churches, meet good Christian people and God will eventually show you things. Faith is not seeing and believing, it is believing without seeing. You may ask how can you do this?
1) Read the Bible
2) Do good deeds, charity maybe, and follow the 10 commandments
3)Believe with all your heart soul and mind. Jesus said,"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind." He also said "Love your neighbor as yourself."
4) Ask Jesus for forgiveness, but really mean it. Put every fiber of your being into it.
I'll pray for you!
God Bless!
2007-08-17 14:30:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I respect your right to make your own choices. I'm sorry that you have never felt that God hears you, because of course He does.
One only is saved by repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as savior. I don't know what you mean by "nothing changes, I've tried everything". To be saved, you have to do these two things. Also, a good bible study will help you understand the bible, which is about how God wants us to live while we are on this earth.
It's not so much about seeing a particular result in the way we want to see it. It's about understanding we have sin, that only Jesus Christ can free us from sin, and finding out what kind of person God would have you be while you are still living.
I hope you will call out to Him again, He is there and loves you.
2007-08-17 14:28:14
answer #7
answered by Esther 7
Which is better? To think that there is life after death, then thinking that we're just fertilizer.
Personally I don't care whether you believe in God or Many Gods or even in no God.
As long as while you are in this mortal realm you are not spreading misery and causing suffering to others.
2007-08-17 14:27:57
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Luckily, it's Jesus who makes the decision where you go when you die so I don't really know, but I would be worried if I were in your spot.
The reason people believe there is life after death is that God tells us that there is. The proof is the word of the Bible. if that's not enough proof for you, then maybe seeing it first hand will convince you.
2007-08-17 14:30:22
answer #9
answered by William D 5
Do you believe that Jesus, who is God, died for your sins and rose again?
That determines if you're a Christian or not. Nobody is "born" a Christian from birth.
Do you believe the above about Jesus?
If you do, then you are saved.
Don't believe it? Then you're not saved, and never were to begin with. You can be saved, by believing the above about Jesus, and you will go to heaven when you die, and not eternal hell.
2007-08-17 14:27:12
answer #10
answered by CJ 6
Have you ever heard of those that have died and came back. They have told of dying and going to either heaven or hell. If they went to Heaven they tell of a beautiful place full of love. Those that went to hell they tell of a place of torment.
2007-08-17 14:32:51
answer #11
answered by DALE M 4