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It seems that the only way I can be happy is by lying. I remember I got grounded for admitting I said "f***" on the internet. Now, pretty much everywhere religion is tearing me apart. I know what I believe but everything with my parents and my friends is just not working. And also if I plan to talk to my parents about this stuff, it's gonna become a big mess and my dad has been feeling horrible lately. ...help?

2007-08-17 07:18:20 · 3 answers · asked by cavey 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

3 answers

Lying so you can cheat or take advantage of friends, family and countrymen is very bad mojo.

Lying so you don't have to engage in a silly, bitter or meaningless debate is not. (Someday your wife/girlfriend will fake an orgasm. This does not make her a bad person)

Religious belief is mostly about being a good person. Don't murder. Don't steal. Don't turn good girls into single moms. The God stuff is window dressing.

So you don't believe God sits in heaven, counts our sins, and ponders who He's going to fry.

Do you believe a higher power may have adjusted the universe to make life more likely? Would that power want you to live well?

Want to make you dad and yourself happy? Get a good job, find a good woman, have some kids and love them.

But don't feel like you have to make a scene over the precise configuration of the powers that be.

2007-08-17 09:42:19 · answer #1 · answered by Phoenix Quill 7 · 0 0

don't lie it is better to tell the truth...i hope your dad is o.k. i think he will think more of you for being honest..as for your friends why do you feel you have to lie?

2007-08-17 07:26:55 · answer #2 · answered by meister 4 · 0 0


2007-08-17 07:29:52 · answer #3 · answered by holly B 3 · 0 0

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