Wow you've got it all wrong.
God is the past, present and future
That ''shallow writing' you are slating is the past, present and 2/3 are prophecy(future).
The Bible's not just for uneducated 'peasants', it's for the smart, blind, deaf, black, white, asian, irish, loud, egotistic, suicidal, popular, rich, lonely, controlled, proud... heck it...
....THE BIBLE IS A GUIDE TO you're saying you have NO PROBLEMS?
- wow wish I was YOU
2007-08-17 07:04:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't care if you believe in God or not. But a statement such as "The Bible was written to control the uneducated peasants" makes me think you really need to pick up a few books about ancient and classical history.
2007-08-17 14:00:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Actually much of it was written to control the rich and powerful, but it has always been very easy to subvert. Some of it, such as Genesis, was a compilation of folk tales and taboos that served to provide cultural identity and maintain some kind of social order. But most of the historical and prophetic books condemned the actions of the leaders. The book of Judges starts well but ends horribly. In Samuel and Kings, Saul, David and Solomon all commit obviously terrible things for which they are not excused. And the rest of the kings, with few exceptions, are castigated regularly by the prophets for their autocratic and selfish behavior. Isaiah and Amos mock pious worshippers who spend the rest of the time swindling and burdening the poor. In the New Testament, Jesus reviles the religious leaders for their hypocrisy in making a show of their own religiosity, prospering off the tithes of hoodwinked widows while burdening the common people with religious duties and moral obligations they had neither the time nor resources to fulfill.
It has faithfully recorded the problems of religious systems throughout history. Unfortunately, it hasn't been able to essentially change the problem. Whenever a new prophet arises to condemn institutionalized corruption and arouse the people, the rich and powerful move quickly to divert the focus from their own schemes to a very narrow understanding of personal morality. So instead of attacking the mechanisms of political and economic manipulation and social exclusion, ordinary people are directed to examine their consciences for slights, injuries, failures and selfish acts, and especially naughty sexual thoughts. With such an impossible standard to distract them, no one ever gets around to looking at the intrinsic cultural evils that keep the rich comfortable and poor afflicted.
There's a lot of good in the Bible, but there's a lot of everything in the Bible. It's a handmade document, quilted together from many experiences. And it's far too diverse and imprecise to avoid manipulation. You could say it comes from God, but that depends on what you mean by "God" (certainly not that angry sky-parent most religious leaders portray). I wouldn't blame the Bible but the people in charge. whose primary motivation is to stay in charge and keep followers from getting inconvenient, "subversive" ideas. The Bible is a tool, and tools can be abused.
How can "educated" citizens continue to swallow the official line? It's easy. If the officials control the "education" (schools AND the press), and keep everyone desperately busy (through economic and labor policies) and fearful (by hyping terrorism), there's no time to think about change. So even WITHOUT a Bible, the movers and shakers move and shake us (down?).
2007-08-17 13:55:08
answer #3
answered by skepsis 7
A) Don't call yourself "truthseeker". You're not.
B) Scripture wasn't written by historians. It was written by men of faith who followed many professions.
C) Your contention that it was written to control uneducated peasants is what's specious. 1. The early Hebrews can not properly speaking be considered peasants. 2. Most of the OT was written at a time when large numbers of the Judaic population were functionally literate and moderately economically well-off. 3. The NT was written to appeal to everyone, not to control the ignorant. 4. And I'm sure Prof. Hawking would take umbrage at being accused of being controlled by Scripture. He at least is aware that Scripture is not intended as a straight-forward historical document.
D) In fact, any history that got in there is pretty much on its own as most folks aren't interested in its scientific or historical value, only in its advice and clues on how to have the best possible life and become the best possible you you can become. Any other reason for reading it is as specious as your attempted dig.
2007-08-17 13:58:39
answer #4
answered by Granny Annie 6
Hmmm? What have you been using? Those who wrote the Bible were very well educated, such people as Paul.
It is the word of God. The problem is, that the "clergy", "priests", et al, are all humans. You are correct; they are trying to control people, just the same as teachers/professors; the military; the government; the media.
Question: have you ever even read the Bible?
2007-08-17 13:55:20
answer #5
answered by Nothingusefullearnedinschool 7
It's easy to understand. Some people are so afraid of what they know is in store for them, that they'll grab onto any thing that promises them more that the natural nothingness that we'll all exprience.
Every "holy" book was inspired by "god", according to the believers. They're all different, yet each one is the only true one. To me, they're all equal to the waste matter of a sick bull.
2007-08-17 13:59:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately you are mistaken. The Bible was written by God through many individuals. And I'm not a member of the clergy.
2007-08-17 13:52:54
answer #7
answered by William D 5
1) The Bible was not written to control peasants
2) Faith is not seeing and believing, it is believing without seeing.
3) That's not to say it's fake, you feel God's presence and glory when you truly commit. This easily, or hardly achieved. It all depends on yourself.
and 4) I'm not going to try to convert you, so I'll stop here.
2007-08-17 13:54:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They can be expected to do that because they ARE doing it.
It's the fear issue I think.
Believe in it all or you spend forever being burned. If you think there might be even a chance that it's true, you go along with it all out of fear. That's what they count on, the fear factor.
2007-08-17 13:55:30
answer #9
answered by sara_says_no 3
Barely literate to those who don't follow the original language.
Actually one must be extra-educated with a pastor or someone who knows original languages to teach you certain words that have different meanings in the greek and hebrew than they do in the English language and other languages.
2007-08-17 13:54:25
answer #10
answered by sassinya 6