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20 answers

The A Bomb was a success to science and to the war effort against Japan. I hear alot of belly aching about how terrible it was for the Japanese to have suffered so bad with the bomb. No one realises how terrible the Japanese were in starting the war to begin with against Pearl Harbour, war attrocities, the killing of our prisoner of war soldiers and the cruelty they dished out against the allies once taken prisoner. And the Kamakazies. The US Navy lost 300 Ships to Kamakazies and lost 15000 sailors and soldiers to them.

Now the US was faced with what it could do to finish the war effectively without killing thousands more men that had already served and fought there way in Nazi Europe. What the japanese feared the most wasnt in fact the ABomb although as terrible as it was, but it was the Russians who were ready to invade the north and it was incomprehensable to them to have Japan overrun with Russians. The Abomb was the catalyst to end the war quickly due to its terrible effect.

So as it would seem that the Japanese had surrendered to the Abomb but in fact it was the fear of the Armies of Russia coming knocking at their door that forced the japanese to surrender to the allies. I think in Trumans mind having the Russians in Japan was unthinkable as well, and using the Abomb would sort alot of "ills" out.

Yes , you would have to applaud the Enola Gay crew for carrying out such a dangerous mission as the engineer had to load the firing mechanism enroute before it could be dropped and this in itself was highly dangerous. Then there wasnt any gaurentee that the Enola Gay would get off the ground with a 4 ton bomb. Its also worthy to point out that the Abomb that hit Nagasaki didnt hit its intended target and was dropped out side the metropolitan area of Nagasaki in a hill region. Still it had wiped out 40000 people at a twinkling of an eye, and tens of thousands more with radiation illnesses.

2007-08-16 22:10:25 · answer #1 · answered by The Navigator 2 · 1 1

No. With hindsight I believe the killing of so many innocent Japanese people was wrong. If the Germans had dropped an atomic bomb on London and Manchester we would never have forgiven them. The decision by the President of the US was inevitable for he felt this was the only way to finish the war. Recent television programmes showing the awful effect upon ordinary people in the two cities filled me with deep dismay and I feel sorry for those airmen who were ordered to carry out the bombing raid. I wish only that the allies could have found a more courageous way of beating the Japanese rather than dropping those monstrous bombs. I truly believe the americans had no idea what the effect of the bomb might be but they knew that much of the world did not care. I can only hope that no civilised nation will ever make a similar decision.

2007-08-17 15:04:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Nuclear bombs may have stopped the war, but the overall effect has made the world a more dangerous place. The
Enola Gay was just a plane. The Yellow peril, was at one time, but now is one of the world's greatest countries. I don't really like to call it a Yellow peril though. Land of the rising sun is a better term. Throwing out racial slurs is not a good thing in public forum.

2007-08-17 04:33:05 · answer #3 · answered by Benjamin 2 · 0 1

During WW2 there were no innocent adult Japanese civilians, by the time the bomb was dropped in 1945 all Japanese civilians, age 8-90 were members of the Japanese Militia Self-Defense Units, wore a uniform and were being trained on weapons and in the ways of suicide attacks to stop the Americans. In fact Japanese society was totally militaristic, with uniforms being worn in all walks of life from school to work.

While the Enola Gay succeeded in bringing the Japanese to their knees, there would have been no need to use it if they had of surrendered unconditionally when first requested to do so, a request totally ignored by the fanatics in the Japanese Military High Command.

That war ended in 1945, why somebody who was neither involved in the combat or even born at that time should take pleasure from other peoples suffering, makes you no better than the Nazi's or Japanese fanatics of the day.

2007-08-17 04:50:52 · answer #4 · answered by conranger1 7 · 2 0

I agree with President Truman's decision to drop the bomb (twice) to minimize the losses to US troops AND the Japanese that would have occured had their been an invasion of the Home Islands. Or we could have simply starved the whole nation into submission.

I certainly don't place all the applause, credit, or success upon ONE Army Air Force crew though... it goes to EVERY serviceman during that war, to the Allies, and to those who were working hard, making sacrifices, and giving support on the Homefront.

I visited Nagasaki while I was in the US Navy, and was deeply touched at the losses... just as deeply touched as when I visit the Arizona Memorial, the Island of Wake, etc.

2007-08-17 11:59:57 · answer #5 · answered by mariner31 7 · 0 1

Wow, 'simon_saintclaire' you really are a fan of the Japanese aren't you? You will of course now understand that your own unreasoning hatred of a race of people is just what drives Muslim extremists to attack us.
Yes,the atomic bomb brought the war to an end but made the world a very dangerous place with the continuing proliferation of nuclear weapons.
A little study of factual history by some correspondents would not go amiss either.

2007-08-18 00:51:01 · answer #6 · answered by Rob Roy 6 · 0 0

To me it was a cowardly attack on a civilian population that cannot be justified at all. No attempt was made to avoid civilian casualties and it ranks as one of the biggest war crimes in the history of the human race. To applaud that is akin to applauding Hitler's massacre of the Jews in the second world war or the Rwandan genocide.

Clearly there is something wrong with your reasoning here.
"Satanic Christian" is a good term here. Or is it just "Satanic?"

2007-08-17 21:50:30 · answer #7 · answered by K. Marx iii 5 · 0 0

That bomb saved many American British and allied lives apart from the troops about to invade Japan. In spite of the terrible casualties in Japan it also saved many Japanese lives although I would not expect them to acknowledge that.
I respectfully suggest that it also saved my life because military experts realised that he devastation of the more powerful bombs made a nuclear was a non win suicide option. We are now dealing with a bunch who regard life as very cheap indeed if they can have 72 virgins looking after every need and I do not see what we can actually do about it except take the treat very seriously indeed

2007-08-17 12:11:42 · answer #8 · answered by Scouse 7 · 0 0

We were rival nations at war.....We've lost many on both sides of the world. To drop the bomb was a very difficult decision to make for our leaders, and it also caused severe regret among them, but at the time it seemed extremely necessary. Although I am grateful that it ended the war, I am also irritated that it caused the loss of so many innocent lives, because the fact remains that the bomb did not discriminate between military and civilian.

Also, I can't say that if I were in charge, that I would do things different....there weren't many options left, and we were pretty much pushed into war. The main reason that we entered the war with the allied forces was because the attack on Pearl Harbor, which left us demoralized and enraged. I also want to make this clear...we didn't fight for revenge....we fought to end the threat. And to answer your question, I am grateful that our nation succeeded in its mission and gained victory over Japan, but I don't celebrate the cost of that success.

Semper Fidelis,

2007-08-17 05:29:58 · answer #9 · answered by Michael W 2 · 1 1

It was an Atomic bomb not a nuclear bomb that was dropped.

The war had dragged on to the point it was starting to leave a bad taste in the US peoples mouth. Already 20 million people had died and it was bleeding all countries dry financially.

This was the end it had to have , the japs had no common sense and couldnt accept they were beaten , they were ruthless war criminals and fought the secong world war as barbaric overlords without ant honour. Their treatment of war criminals made the SS look like schoolboys.

The Japs were cowards and fought as such, Bushido was a cop out not a reason , the soldiers who had honour were the allied prisoners who suffered Japans emperors godless torture and cowardice.

As far as I am concerned a race of people so blinded and stupified by a gutless piece of **** leader should have been bombed back to the stone age and eradicated. ( this includes the whorees who birthed his barstard children)

The Japanese race are the scum of the earth, they have still not apologised or made reparations, so much for a race that bases their code on honour!!!!
2 bombs was nowwhereenough

2007-08-17 04:51:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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