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2007-08-16 19:34:32 · 4 answers · asked by Samantha 5 in Health Diet & Fitness

4 answers

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.

It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.

Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog.

2007-08-17 04:22:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%.

Chew each morsel at least 32 times. Do not touch articles of food or the cutlery in between. This will activate ur body to generate strong signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take light exercises and brisk walks (minimum 20 min duration) regularly preferably twice a day.

U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry. It is however to be noted that one cannot change the shape or size of different parts of the body.

2007-08-17 03:08:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Without a doubt, the Cambridge Diet! I'll have completed 5 months on their Sole Source plan on Wednesday week, and I've now lost 5st 8lbs. I should be just under my goal weight by the time I go on to their second step Maintenance Plan, where you still use the sachets of shakes and soups or meal bars, but also add food each day. The first Maintenance Plan doubles the calorie intake to 790. After that, the second Maintenance Plan goes up to 1000 calories a day, then the final two MPs are 1200 and 1500 calories respectively.

The shakes are lovely, and the soups are wonderful. This plan takes away any decisions on what food and how much you will eat each day, and leaves you to decide only what flavour shake or soup or meal bar you want for each of the three meals allowed.

CD is a VLCD - very low calorie diet. You lose weight quickly on 419 calories a day, which was one major reason that I chose it. I needed results quickly, to spur me on. In the first two weeks, I lost 16lbs, and fortnightly thereafter lost between 7-9lbs. I have found it wonderfully effective, was lucky never to have felt hungry at all right from the start, and I gained so much energy and felt so well all the time. Most people do find the first week very tough, and have two or three days when they are very hungry before that passes and their body adjusts to the diet, after which they don't feel hungry at all. You have to drink at least 4 and a half pints of water each day, and water is great for stopping hunger pangs.

You can only obtain Cambridge products from their specially trained counsellors, so you have to commit to regular visits to your counsellor for weighing and talking over any problems you may be having. The counsellors are all people who have themselves used the diet successfully, so they really understand where you're coming from and are helpful, supportive and encouraging.

But let's face it, any properly balanced diet plan whether VLCD or a balanced meal plan using ordinary food will work and you will lose weight if you really are determined to do so and you STICK to it and don't cheat.

The real hurdle to get over is finding the determination to DO it. It took me years, and I've been battling my weight ever since I can remember, sometimes successfully losing with my own eating plan, only to go back to eating all the wrong foods and piling it on again.

What Cambridge has taught me is that I am as addicted to carbohydrates, sugar and fat as any heroin addict is to heroin, or alcoholic to alcohol. Time will tell if that lesson has really gone home, but right now I am determined to keep my intake of these three food categories as low as possible for the future. Because they are addictive for me, I need to be very careful with them, or I am going to find that one slice of bread becomes a sandwich, then two, then half a loaf, and so on with sugars and fats.

Having done CD for 5 months, I have no cravings for any of these now, and it would therefore be foolish to start them up again. I also realised in the course of CD that one reason why I always wanted more bread, etc. was that carbohydrates generally never satisfied me for long.

Now I've ditched all the tent tops I used to hide in and am wearing clothes that actually fit me, it feels great. I really am not planning to return to the tents. Another thing that spurred me on to success was the fact that I paid money for the CD products, and I was damned well not going to waste it by cheating or giving up half way through.

There are the killjoys who say, particularly of VLCD's like Cambridge: "Oh, you'll gain it all back again when you come off the diet". The fact that many do is no reflection on the efficacy of the diet, it is merely part of human nature to return to the temptations that caused the problem to start with.

I recommend Cambridge very highly, but I know that some people couldn't deal with nothing but shakes, soups and mealbars and would want "proper food". For them, there are loads of sensible well-balanced eating plans where they can have proper food, if that's what they want. But often that kind of dismissal of CD or other special eating plans is just an excuse because they're not prepared to commit themselves to the discipline required to lose weight.


2007-08-17 07:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

exercise....forget diet plans...its honestly not about how much u eat its about what u eat...VEGETABLES & FRUIT & MEAT...and deffinately EXERCISE!!!! even just walking...a walk around the block every day can work miracles in the long run

2007-08-17 02:40:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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