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How do you..(a) cast your circle....
(b) close your circle
Just curious! And it is always nice for a solitare to see how other folks practice! Thanks and Blessed Be!

2007-08-16 19:28:46 · 10 answers · asked by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

The tradition of my coven tends to be on the lengthy side but not as bad as say Laurie Cabot's tradition.

Before entering circle, outside of the circle we go to the faery shrine and anoint and light the candle while speaking charge to invite the faery folk, this is usually done by the Handmaiden.

Next the Summoner stands at the gateway to the circle and each person approaches, alternating boy/girl with the High Priestess first and the High Priest last in line. The Summoner lights the black candle for banishments and lights the sage smudge stick, while speaking banishment charge. Each person stands at the gateway and takes their personal banishment (written on a thin strip of birch bark) and lights it from the black candle and casts the burning banishment into the cauldron at the gate, then the Summoner circles the person smudging them while reciting the banishment charge, then the person enters the circle. Once the HP (High Priest) has done his banishment he does the banishment for the Summoner. Once this is complete the HP enters circle and the Summoner speaks the final charge for banishment and extinguishes the black candle and puts the lid on the cauldron.

Next the Broom Maiden sweeps space, clearing away any negative energy.

The Summoner moves to the South as the Handmaiden moves to the North. The Handmaiden gathers the salt from the North and moves to the West as the Summoner lights the lantern in the South. The Handmaiden blesses the water in the West by adding salt from the North, consecrating the Feminine. The Summoner then moves to the East and lights the incense there off of the lantern from the South, consecrating the Masculine. Then the Summoner and the Handmaiden move to the North and move about the circle binding it and then return each element to their corner.

Then the HPS (High Priestess) uses the HP wand or atheme to cast the circle while speaking charge and each individual focuses upon the color of the circle that is chosen (based on the Sabbat/Esbat being preformed).

Next, in turn, each Guardian moves to their corner and invites each element into our circle, North/Earth first, then East/Air, then South/Fire, and lastly West/Water by speaking the charge for that element and lighting the appropriately colored candle, then walking the element around the circle.

Then lastly the HPS holds the silver candle for the Goddess and both the HPS and HP speak the charge to invite Her while the HP lights Her candle. Then the HP holds the gold candle for the God and both the HPS and the HP speak the charge to invite Him while the HPS lights His candle from Her's. Then the HPS and HP speak the charge while lighting the white candle in the center for "The A;;, The Everything" from both of their candles.

After all circle work is done and the symbolic Great Rite (cakes and ales) are done, circle is to be opened.

The HPS thanks Deity and extinguish the God and Goddess candles.

The Guardians thank each element in reverse order and extinguish the candles and ask that each element "...go in peace, harming none along the way."

Then the HPS again takes the HP's wand/atheme and opens circle, as she finishes with "So mote it be" the HP extinguishes the white universal candle from the alter.

Circle is now open and usually joyous chanting starts.

Blessed Be )O(

edit: when we are done we say that circle is "opened" meaning that it is over, instead of "closed".

2007-08-17 00:19:48 · answer #1 · answered by Stephen 6 · 3 0

Merry Meet certainly everyone, because of the fact the definitions are be responsive to in the present day: All Wiccans ARE Witches. All Witches at the instant are not unavoidably Wiccan, and all Wiccans/Witches are Pagan, yet Pagans at the instant are not unavoidably Wiccans or Witches. In easy and Love, Alawnduin

2016-10-10 10:03:28 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I use the example Raymond Buckland gives in his book Wicca for One.

I concentrate on what I am about to do, I mark the circle on the ground then take salt and go around and concentrate an removing negative energy and sending positive energy. I call on the quarters and basically just do what his book outlines.

When closing the circle I take my athame point a hole in the circle and say the circle is now closed.

2007-08-17 00:11:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the circle is the sacred space in which magick is worked, where witches can meet with the Goddess and God. The magick circle defines the ritual area, holds in personal power and shuts out all distractions and negative energies. you can use objects on the ground to show the boundaries of the circle, such as stones, flowers, candles, stick incense, crystals or cord. it is formed with personal power which is felt and visualized as streaming from the body. i use my hands to direct this power.
i begin with calling upon the 4 elements [air, water, earth, fire] to bless the circle i wish to cast.
i then clear a small area, indoors or outside [i prefer outdoors] and walk widdershins [anti clockwise, the direction the Earth spins] carrying water which i sprinkle upon the ground, then repeat this carrying incense which i waft around the circle, asking for blessings from each of the 4 directions associated with the elements as i do so. [north for earth, west for water, south for fire, east for air]
i begin in the north at the edge of the future circle, left hand out, palm down, fingers toward the edge of the future circle. i can see and feel the energy flowing out from my fingertips as i slowly walk the circle; thinking of the energy that my body is generating.
the energy will move with me as i release it- personal power creating a sphere of energy around the altar. then i invoke the four quarters and the rites can begin.

when the rite is complete, the circle can be closed again - the process is reversed - sense the circle dissolving, shrinking; the outside world slowly regaining its dominance in the area. when i have arrived at the north again, the circle is no more. i remove any items laid out to mark the circle. the spirits are thanked for my/our use of the place, and th rite is done.

it is done with much reverence, love and respect, and can be a truly mind-blowing experience on a deeper, spiritual level.

hope this was interesting for you to read, it can be difficult to truly express the atmosphere in just words alone!

blessed be

2007-08-16 20:24:34 · answer #4 · answered by hedgewitch 4 · 1 0

I've dedicated my whole apartment to be the family sacred space so I don't always cast or close a circle but we do begin by stirring/calling/summoning the quarters ... and end by thanking them and ending the ritual.

2007-08-17 01:16:16 · answer #5 · answered by )0( Cricket Song 4 · 1 0

this is what i feel right (only for me, i dont know the others)....

first, i concentrate/meditate.. (cleanse my inner sacred space)..
second, (I created my own spell in circle casting), after i felt the energy inside me... i visualize a purplish light surrounding me... with my hand stretched in front of me... i create an invisible circle in a clockwise movement...
last, i then pray to our Goddess and God...

closing the circle...

in a counter-clockwise movement...


2007-08-16 20:10:44 · answer #6 · answered by Morrigan 2 · 1 0

i use the rattle or the drum in a circular motion, starting at the east, south, west north up down and center on my heart, calling my spirit guides to help me and support me in my work.

2007-08-17 02:16:10 · answer #7 · answered by joe the man 7 · 0 0

Once, just once, I used a tear.

2007-08-16 19:56:29 · answer #8 · answered by Terry 7 · 2 0

I am going to get nuts here and actually copy and paste the opening and closing to the actual Equinox tradition rituals:

The Room should be cleared and everything cleansed before setting up the Altar. The Summoner enters from the West and moves to the right hand side of the altar. The Maiden and the Attendant enter from the west and approache the Altar. The Attendant rings the bell, and the Maiden lights the altar candles.

I am a handmaiden of Aset, a star in the belly of Nuit.
I am the darkness between the stars, awaiting the becoming.

Light the Right Altar Candle
Our Lord of death and rebirth
Lord of Duat and of the Earth

Light the Left Altar Candle.
Our Lady of infinite light
Bless us on this scared night.

The Maiden moves to the left of the altar. The Summoner lights the Corner candles.

I am a servant of Wasir, a soul within the night.
I swim in the waters of the abyss, awaiting the becoming.

Move to the East and light the Candle.
I light the East, the home of air and perception, realm of the will
The air of Shu separates the sky from the earth
The air of Shu is the pillar of the world
The air of Shu shall fan the flames

Move to the South and light the Candle.
I light the South, the home of fire and inspiration, the realm of awareness
The fires of Had raise all things to appearance.
The fires of Had move all things in their courses.
In the fires of Had is the universe destroyed.

Move to the West and light the Candle.
I light the West, the home of water and emotion, realm of the psyche
From the waters of Nuit did all things arise.
In the waters of Nuit do all things live and have their being.
To the waters of Nuit shall all things return.

Move to the North and light the Candle.
I light the North, the home of earth and fruitfulness, the realm of abundance
Geb laid with the heavens and the gods were created
From the clay of Geb man was created
To the dust of Geb our bodies will return

The Summoner moves to the right of the Altar.

The Attendant rings the bell. The Guardian enters and stands at the west of circle.

Summoner gives and into to the ritual

The Priest and Priestess enter, stand before the altar and genuflect.

The Summoner places some incense in the censer and says:
The fire is laid, the fire shines;
The incense is laid on the fire, the incense shines.
The perfume comes to us,
May our perfume comes to you, oh gods.

The Priestess takes the Athame from the altar, places the tip of it in the salt, and says:
O Lady Aset, purify this Creature of Earth, our foundation,
and cast out all impurities of this world.
From the earth, my heart cries to you and is awakened.

The Priestess takes 3 scoops of salt with the Athame, adds them to the water, and stirs saying:
O mother Nuit, bless this Creature of Water, our blood and intuition,
and cast out all uncleanliness from your sacred source.
From the abyss, my soul cries to you and is awakened.

The priestess sprinkles water around the edge of the circle deosil while saying:
From the waters of Nuit did all things arise.
In the waters of Nuit do all things live and have their being.
To the waters of Nuit shall all things return.

The Priestess takes the athame to the East and casts the circle. Visualizing a blue flame shooting from the tip of the athame to seal the circle, point the athame at the edge of the circle and move around the edge deosil and return to the East slightly overlapping the end while saying:
I conjure and create this circle of power
to serve as a boundary between the veils,
which shall protect all energy raised within.

The Priestess takes the blue flame overhead and below sealing the circle into a sphere of energy, saying:
Blessed Be the Lord and Lady who guard
the gateway to everlasting life. So Mote it Be.

Calling of the Quadrant Guardians
The Attendant rings the bell.
While walking the circle clockwise. Perform the A ka dua chant.
A ka dua
Tuf ur biu
bi a’a chefu
Dudu nur af
an nuteru

Grasping with the active hand above the head, visualize your hand grasping life force in a glowing shaft, and pulling it down to your forehead at this point
Vibrate -- Netjer-oun
Trace the life force down to the svadisthana chakra
Vibrate -- mntero
Trace the life force up to your right shoulder
Vibrate -- auw amaxte
Trace the life force across to your left shoulder
Vibrate -- auw eoou
Finally, clasp your hands, fingers intertwined, elbows folded and pointed horizontal to the floor (like arms of a cross), and visualize your Lamen in the center of the cross, while
Vibrating -- mpoou auw 0abol

Move to the East make the Invoking Active Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Shu
Give the Sign of Rendering the Veil.
Make an invoking Pentagram of Air.
Make the Sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Duamutef
Make the Sign of Shu supporting the Sky.

Here me Duamutef, Lord of the Whirlwinds
Guardian of the Eastern Portal
Hear my call and let your essence be at one with ours
As Witness and Shield at this Gateway between the Worlds
So Mote It Be

Move to the South, pulling a line from the East to connect them, and make the Invoking Active Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Hadit
Give the Sign of Rendering the Veil. Make an invoking Pentagram of Fire.
Make the Sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Qebesenuf
Make the Sign of Thoum-aesh-neith.
Here me Qebesenuf, Lord of the Flames
Guardian of the Southern Portal
Hear my call and let your energy be as one with ours
As Witness and Shield at this Gateway between the worlds
So Mote It Be

Move to the West, pulling the white line from the South to connect them, and make the Invoking Passive Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Nuit
Give the Sign of Rendering the Veil.
Make an invoking Pentagram of Water.
Make the sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Hapi
Make the Sign of Auramoth.
Here me Hapi, Lord of the Mysterious Depths
Guardian of the Western Portal
Here my call and let your fluidity be at one with ours
As Witness and Shield at this Gateway between the Worlds
So Mote It Be.

Move to the North, pulling the white line from the West to connect them, and make the Invoking Passive Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Geb
Give the Sign of Randering the Veil.
Make an Invoking Pentagram of Earth.
Make the Sign of the Enterer.
Vibrate: Imset
Make the Sign of Set Fighting.
Hear me Imset, Lord of fertile soil Earth
Guardian of the Northern Portal
Let your stability be as one with ours,
As Witness and Shield at the Gateway between the Worlds
So Mote It Be

Now turn back to the east, still drawing the white line, completing your circle. There are now four flaming blue pentagrams connected with a circle of pure white light. Return to the Altar and stand facing east. Extend arms straight to the sides, visualize yourself as a white cross in the center of the Universe.

Visualize before you a figure dressed in yellow robes, carrying a caduceus wand.
Vibrate: Before me, Duamutef
Visualize a figure behind you, dressed in blue robes, and holding a cup.
Vibrate: Behind me, Qebesenuf
To your right, visualize a figure dressed in red, holding a flaming sword.
Vibrate: On my right hand, Hapi
To your left, visualize a figure dressed in citrine and olive, holding some sheaves of wheat.
Vibrate: On my left hand, Imset
Visualize another electric-blue pentagram outlining your body.
Vibrate: For about me flames the pentagram...
Visualize a brilliant golden hexagram at your heart.
Vibrate:.. And in the center shines the Six-rayed Star.

The Priest and Priestess stand before the altar and genuflect. The Attendant rings the bell three times. The Priest takes the Athame from the Altar and proceeds to the North where he begins the dismissal of the quadrants.
Visualize before you a figure dressed in yellow robes, carrying a caduceus wand.
Vibrate: Before me, Duamutef
Visualize a figure behind you, dressed in blue robes, and holding a cup.
Vibrate: Behind me, Qebesenuf
To your right, visualize a figure dressed in red, holding a flaming sword.
Vibrate: On my right hand, Hapi
To your left, visualize a figure dressed in citrine and olive, holding some sheaves of wheat.
Vibrate: On my left hand, Imset

Move to the North, and make Banishing Passive Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Silence.
Vibrate: Geb
Give the Sign of Closing the Veil.
Make the Banishing Pentagram of Earth. .
Make the Sign of the Silence.
Vibrate: Imset
Make the Sign of Set Fighting.
Here Me, Imset, Lord of fertile Earth.
Guardian of the Northern Portal
We thank you for thy Blessing at this gateway
Between the worlds, and bid you hail and farewell
So Mote It Be.

Move to the West, pulling away the white line, and make Banishing Equilibrated Passive Pentagram of Spirit. Visualize absorbing the flaming electric-blue light.
Make the sign of the Silence
Vibrate: Nuit
Give the Sign of Closing the Veil. Make Banishing Pentagram of Water.
Make the sign of the Silence.
Vibrate: Hapi
Make the Sign of Auramoth.
Here me Hapi, Lord of the Mysterious Depths
Guardian of the Western Portal
We thank you for thy Blessing at this gateway
Between the worlds, and bid you hail and farewell
So Mote It Be.

Move to the South, pulling away the white line, make Banishing Active Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Silence
Vibrate: Hadit
Give the Sign of Closing the Veil.
Make Banishing Pentagram of Fire.
Make the Sign of the Silence
Vibrate: Qebesenuf
Make the Sign of Thoum-aesh-neith.
Here me Qebesenuf, Lord of the Flames
Guardian of the Southern Portal
We thank you for thy Blessing at this gateway
Between the worlds, and bid you hail and farewell
So Mote It Be.

Move to the East, pulling away the white line, make Banishing Active Pentagram of Spirit.
Make the sign of the Silence
Vibrate: Shu
Give the Sign of Give the Sign of Closing the Veil.
Make the Sign of the Silence
Vibrate: Duamutef
Make the Sign of Shu supporting the Sky
Here me Duamutef, Lord of the Whirlwinds
Guardian of the Eastern Portal
We thank you for thy Blessing at this gateway
Between the worlds, and bid you hail and farewell
So Mote It Be.

Take the Athame from the Priest, move to the north, and banish the circle starting with the bottom and then top of the sphere. As you do so point the Athame at the edge of the sphere and visualize drawing the electric blue energy back into it as you speak the following:
I banish you, O circle of power
that has been a boundary between the world of men
and the realm of the Mighty Ones

Starting and ending at the North, point the Athame at the edge of the circle and visualize pulling the electric blue energy back into the athame.
Let all energy and power be returned as we depart in peace and love.

Hold the Athame in the air then plunge it into the earth, releasing the excess energy back into the earth.
As above, so below.
So Mote It Be!

The Maiden approaches the Altar, and extinguishes the Altar Candles:
Let now the potential, power, and force
Raturn unto the original scource
Let now the motion, direction, and sight
Raturn unto the original light!

We ask Wasir, our Lord and Father, the Divine Solar Radiance,
Ever Dying King, and Guardian of the Threshold
To Give us strength, power, and wisdom

We Ask of Lady Aset, our Sacred Mother
She who has been known by many names,
To bless us through her Holy Spirit
And Grant us compassion, understanding, and love

Now and Forever.
So Mote It Be

How is that for a casting and closing?
Lord AmonRaHa

2007-08-16 20:47:17 · answer #9 · answered by Lord AmonRaHa 3 · 0 0

Wiccan solitaire? afraid of the power of other wiccans. Every right to be - read all about it in 'From Witchcraft to Christ' by Doreen Irvine.

2007-08-16 19:40:22 · answer #10 · answered by cheir 7 · 0 11

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