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Humans are naturally born not really knowing anyting and religion ends up being taught to them. So if god created everyone and wants everyone to love him, then why would anyone end up not believing in him? This makes no sense when it comes to the arguement over the belief of god. If he made people who don't believe in him, and also made people who do believe in him, then it would not be fair to the people who he created to be Athiests, because they never would have been given the chance to go to heaven. Therefore, the people who were chosen to be religious automatically have the rights to go to heaven. So does god only want certain people to go to heaven?

2007-08-16 18:45:27 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Why do most of you think that god is an actual specific being? Even if god exists, he isnt a single defined creature. So why assume he is? We are all different because of the different combinations humans can be, just like playing cards. That doesnt mean we have to follow one specific "god".

2007-08-16 20:10:21 · update #1

Sorry for my spelling errors. I mean Atheists.

2007-08-16 20:11:20 · update #2

40 answers

I am telling you, atheists are God's secret chosen people. The bible was made as a test of intelligence. Atheists are God's way of trying to give hints to people, but they refuse to see the logic. In the end God will choose only the smartest, free-thinking people to hang out with him in heaven. I mean, would you hang out with a bunch of sheep that didn't bother questioning what others told them to believe? I wouldn't, I would think that they were sell-outs. I think when all us atheists get to heaven then we can all celebrate our correctness with a shot of Captain. God likes his Cap n' Coke.

2007-08-16 22:56:49 · answer #1 · answered by Jadochop 6 · 1 2

I'm sorry that whoever has been teaching you about God gave you that oppinion of him. God did not create people who believe in God and people who don't. God created all people and then lets us decide wether we want to believe in him or not. It's like all of a sudden one day deciding that you want new friends, would you rather go out and hang with some people and hope that some of them CHOOSE to be your friends or are you going to go into your basement and make 10 - 12 robots that only respond to what you tell them to respond to? God didn't want robots if he did he would have made robots. God wanted people who live the lives they choose to live. I think that everyone going around programed to believe the same thing and not having a say in the matter would be unfair! If thats who god was then we could compare him to Hitler!

2007-08-16 19:03:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God knows everything before we do!! Our destinies are predetermined, and he knows who will believe in Him, and who will never believe. He gives us all free will to make our own choices of what we want to believe in our lifetime. It is up to us as to whether we want to believe in the right things. God would be most pleased if we all had a home in heaven, but he knows that this is just not possible. Salvation is the only way, and if you don't have that there is no other way that you can make it into heaven.

2007-08-17 02:51:12 · answer #3 · answered by Linda M 4 · 0 0

You are incorrect. Every civilization has evidence that people are born with an inborn knowledge of some kind of "higher being" or "creator". EVERY civiliation know to man. Without exception.
We are all born with this innate knowledge that we have a "creator". How we choose to seek Him out and what we come to believe as truth is what comes later. But the desire for "a god" is there.

God created humans with free will. That is, we have the freedom to choose to believe in Him or not. That is OUR choice. God wants us to believe in Him because we CHOOSE to, not because we HAVE to. He doesn't "create atheists. They CHOOSE to ignore any and all evidence of Him, including their innate knowledge.
If God did not give us a choice to believe in HIm or not, He would not be a loving God. Just like parents give their kids choices, God gives us that choice.
Think about it. Would you want someone to love you because they wanted to or because they HAD no other choice? Which means more? When a relationship comes from a choice, it means so much more. That's why lots of people no longer have arranged marriages. People want a loving relationship from someone that CHOOSES to love them, not someone that is forced into it.

Oh, and by the way, believing in God is not the prerequisite to go to heaven. Even the devil believes in God. And he certainly is not in heaven.

God wants EVERYONE in heaven. But the bible says that only way to get there is to believe that you sin, that Jesus died for your sins to be forgiven and for you to ask for that forgiveness and live your life the way God commands as best as you can.

You should read this book : Bruce and Stan's Guide to God. It's out of print but you can pick it up used. It's a really good reference and explains lots of your questions very well. It's funny and very down to earth. I use it with my junior high kids but it's perfect for any age. Check it out. I think you'll have a lot of questions answered.

2007-08-16 19:00:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NO NO NO- I can understand why you would ask this question though.Actually God created us all to have a relationship with Him. It was us, who chose not too. By the way, God does not even want us to be religious. Who did Jesus chastise the most in scripture? The Pharisees, the most "religious" jew. God does choose us yes, however He knows who is going to choose Him. He wants all to come to the knowledge of the truth. Those that don't choose not too. No person was created as a atheist. God created us to be in relationship. We broke that relationship through sin, and God restores us through Christ, if you choose to accept Him.

2007-08-16 19:01:15 · answer #5 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

Eph.1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love, having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will...

11...In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will...

The only people who believe are the ones God PREDESTINED to believe---everyone else is out in the cold without a jacket. At the same time, though, God puts the blame on the unbelievers, as if it's THEIR fault for his having chosen other people to believe in him! Where is the free will in any of this? If God determines who believes in Jesus and who doesn't, then how can we possibly have any choice in the matter?

Exo. 7:13 And he [God] hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.
Exo. 9:12 And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses.

Here we see that GOD hardened the Egyptian king's heart at least twice so that he would not free the Israelites from slavery. Maybe Pharaoh would have relented and set them free had God not intervened, but apparently God wanted the Egyptians to suffer from plague after plague that killed off their children, crops, and animals. Pharaoh had no choice in the matter--he was simply a puppet being made to do what God wanted him to. Where do Christians get the idea that God wants everyone to have free will? BibleGod wants everyone to have HIS will, and he uses violence and manipulation to force them to do it!

2007-08-17 03:27:20 · answer #6 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 0 0

Creation is not the same as control. I don't believe God created any atheists, he created human beings with the a heart and a mind and a soul and gave all of them the ability to use all three to live. I believe all children are born with a sense of God in at least one, if not all, of these parts. But God doesn't control what we do with the life he gives each of us, he speaks but he can't make us listen. When Adam and Eve chose to have knowledge of good and evil over trusting God's knowledge, they condemned their ancestors (everyone) to having to "know God" using their own knowledge instead of God's!

2007-08-16 19:15:31 · answer #7 · answered by KAL 7 · 2 1

One is not born believing in God. One is born as an atheist. A belief, or faith, is acquired from the family and culture in which one is born. To believe in the supernatural it requires indoctrination, which is the process of conditioning the child's brain to trust that what the adults tell him is the truth.

By the time the person grows up, he/she loses interest in figuring out whether what he learned to believe is true or false. He or she may not even care to find out. Most religious people don't really say "I want to make sure that I personally know God" like one personally knows a brother, an uncle, or a person. Most religious people accept the existence of a "person" with whom they speak and pray to without ever seeing that person. A real odd behavior for grown ups!

2007-08-16 18:57:28 · answer #8 · answered by DrEvol 7 · 1 2

Its not that God created people purposely and said "Hey, I know they ain't gonna be a believer so lets let them go through life and I'm going to just put them in hell after". It does not work like that, yes, God knows everything before it happens...... He is God! But, we as humans have a choice..... You pick what you want....... Heaven - Okay simple. Accept God as your Lord and Savior and live life righteously. Hell - Do whatever you want on earth, don't acknowledge God even though people have been trying to tell you about the great wonders of the Lord. And go to hell for eternity! - You have a choice, and unfortunately a lot of people pick Hell! -THEY LIMIT Themselves, God loves people, he sent his son Jesus that died for me and for you and for everybody, the least bit that we can do is acknowledge him and glorify his name and accept him into our hearts and souls. Its not that hard, and at the end we won't have to worry about "why God this and why God that", because wants you accept him, he will give you the wisdom you need to understand things you never thought you would! - Through God and through faith! - God Bless you!

2007-08-16 18:59:38 · answer #9 · answered by JustaThought 4 · 0 1

God did not create Atheists to be Atheists they decided to be that way for various reasons. God created all humans with a spiritual need we are all dependent on God and not made to be apart from God, that is why Jesus said :"Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need....")Matthew5:3)So obviously not everyone is conscious of their spiritual need, though that does NOT mean they do not have a need to be spiritual.

2007-08-16 19:17:49 · answer #10 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 2 0

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