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Ok, so I did a huge no no and read the boyfriend's email, only because I think something is up... I know, bad, ok... But, while doing my digging, I found that he sent " naughty " pictures of himself to like 6 other women. What do I do ? Things are rocky right now to begin with, but that is just so wrong of him. Do I bring it up? You just can't forget about something like that.

He and I have been together for around 8 months now, and he is living with me temporarily.

2007-08-16 18:08:52 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

18 answers

I think you should just get out now. You don't even owe him an explanation. It's up to you if you want to tell him or not. I say just let him suffer and wonder. ;)

I did a little snooping myself and found out something similar with my guy. I did it because I knew he wasn't being honest with me, and I had to take things into my own hands so I could make a decision. I immediately cut all ties with him, and even though I missed him at first, I feel so much better now. It's only been two months, and now I'm free for the RIGHT guy, one who won't be a d-bag and play around.

I'm not saying it's ok to snoop, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...or however that old saying goes! :)

Follow your gut. I think we both know what it's telling you to do.

2007-08-16 18:16:13 · answer #1 · answered by rachel_ann_82 2 · 1 0

Wow....that's tough. On the one hand, if you bring it up, then of course he will hit you with "you invaded my privacy" which is totally valid. But in doing that, he's going to attempt to pull the distraction away from his wrongdoing and make you look like the bad guy. I have been in a very similar situation....I logged into my boyfriend's myspace account and found flirty messages from a female friend...I know, not as bad as naughty pictures, but enough to really upset me. I told myself to not say anything to him, but it got the best of me and I confronted him about it. Sure enough, he turned it right around and made me feel like the bad one for "hacking" into his account. I sent some very unfriendly messages to the girl though, and voila, problem solved. So I don't know if it's an option for you to e-mail the other women and let them know that whatever's going on isn't cool...or even if that's something that you would do. But it's either that, or confront him about it, or ignore it. None of those options are very pretty. But if you guys are already having some problems then I don't know if this is something you should ignore...so if you choose to ask him about it, do it as non-accusingly as possible (as hard as that will be...).

2007-08-16 18:20:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

He is cheating on you, and living with you and you have not kicked him out? Sweetie, end it now...... Yeah, you probably should not have snooped, but you did and found out you had a reason to think something WAS up. If a man is serious about being in a relationship with you, he would not be sending "naughty" pictures of himself to anyone but you. Do you really want to be with someone you cannot trust? Don't feel sorry for him if he gives you a sob story about having no place to go....... tell him he is out and that he should have thought about that before he started cheating. Good Luck to you Hon.

2007-08-16 18:17:03 · answer #3 · answered by TC 3 · 1 0

Hummmmm, well first off did he give you a reason to go snooping, besides the fact that YOU thought something was up, was it more than just a insecurity of yours? Second off you have to tell him, confront him about it. I mean that is pretty much cheating and believe me that is HORRIBLE for a relationship!!!! If the love and trust and feelings are there you should be able to ask for his passwords and not have to go digging, I think you should confront him about it in a way that gives him the opportunity to deny it, dont be straight forward and say i know its true i saw it, just find a way to be suggestive and see if he will tell you the truth before busting him out about it. Without trust in a relationship it is nothing, believe me...if you love the guy, work it out, dont let go because everyone makes mistakes, but be stern and let him know it is unacceptable!!!

2007-08-16 18:17:03 · answer #4 · answered by Blondie 2 · 0 0

I totally understand how you've feel right now. Just 3 weeks ago, I dogged into my boyfriend's myspace emails, and I've found he was contacting with a very attractive woman, and my mind just gone crazy about it. I brought it up and he got so angry with me, because he said I didn't trust him..blah, blah, blah..I was okay for couple days after the talk, but a week ago, she sent him another email asking him if he likes darker skin tone Thai girl ( she is Thai.) alone with his personal email reply on it ( he told her to send all her emails to his personal email account ) I broke up with him right away, because I do not want to be with someone like that...well, to make the long story short, he begged me to go back to him, so we are back together...anyway, what I am trying to tell you is, I am not longer checking his emails any more, because if I don't trust him, then there's no futures for us. We commuicated for more than a week about this matter, and I felt he is really want me in his life, so I stop to spy on him. You need to talk to him, because not everyone is the same. good luck.

2007-08-16 18:30:37 · answer #5 · answered by jessica c 1 · 0 0

Get rid of him. If hes living with you .. You are VERY independent and you dont need him. I know its not the answer you WANTED or whatever... you dont have to tell him that you snooppped .. you can go around it if you want to give him an explaination of WHY you want him out.. just say like..... i feel you dont feel the same for me as you did .... or whatever ..... and say you feel he is involved with other women ... and if he denys it ... like he will say. .. ask him to prove it ... be near a computer and say ... let me read your email.. you can say ... and phone .. so it doesnt look like you have already knew that it was on the computer... then you have proof .. you can feel better find someone better too.. and he can know that you know ! the end.

your better than that and i dont even know you

2007-08-16 18:20:55 · answer #6 · answered by Life is simply beautiful 3 · 1 0

a million: confident it grow to be incorrect to hack into his digital mail, whether you're at the same time for 5 years he has a good to his very own privateness and a pair of: that element is two years previous and he did back out of it. 3: it may serve you good if he cheated on you on account which you for sure do no longer believe him. You get what you anticipate. you do no longer believe him why could he be believe worth?

2016-10-10 09:57:51 · answer #7 · answered by federica 4 · 0 0

I would say think about how you want the relationship to go. Obviously he was dealing with other women, possibly talking to them on the phone or meeting them.

If you confront him, he might try and turn it around on you. He will probably spend the whole conversation on why or how wrong it was of you to go into his email.

I would plan on moving on if I were you, cause if your intuition was already telling you something, and he is sending dirty pics to other chicks...it's just a matter of time before he is sharing himself.

2007-08-16 18:25:43 · answer #8 · answered by Soul Blossom 2 · 0 0

I would kick his @$$ to the curb! First, since you are quite the detective, you should ask a series of questions pertaining to other women (not relating to what you saw, just general) see if he lies or not. Make him squirm a little then dump him. It was wrong to check his email but you found out the truth about him.

2007-08-16 18:23:56 · answer #9 · answered by crazylady 3 · 0 0

If he sent naughty pictures to other women then yes you should bring it up. You have to be the one to decide if you still want to be with this guy. If you want to know his email you'll just have to ask him.

2007-08-16 18:15:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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