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What sort of life did you lead and what sort of epiphany did you have to lead you to this path? Were there any signs?

2007-08-16 18:06:19 · 11 answers · asked by mysterygirl 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Before I came to Christ I was a crude, obnoxious teenager. I looked to all the wrong things for answers, sought pleasure but found it fleeting, thought horrible things about people I "just didn't like", and I was extremely depressed. When I hit rock bottom, pregnant and single and betrayed, that's when I finally caved. Only when my heart was broken was I willing to give Christ an honest chance. You know what? The Bible is right when it says he makes you a new creature. From that point on I began to grow in him and he gave me a new heart with new desires. The old me was self-centered, but the new me is Christ-centered. I have the capacity to care more about others and to make a difference in the world. And best of all I don't have to be afraid of God's perfect judgement. I can know with all certainty that this earth is the closest I'll ever come to hell. :)

2007-08-16 18:15:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I was around 12 and I already believed in God. The turning point was while watching a Billy Graham Revival on TV. He touched my heart. At the end as he's always done, he called upon people to make a commitment to Christ. I did then and there. To this day, I love Billy Graham; he is a true man of God.

2007-08-17 01:13:33 · answer #2 · answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7 · 4 1

I was born and raised as a southern baptist. My dad was a pastor. He lead me to accept Jesus Christ in my heart. I lived in sin, sometimes in holiness but most of the time in sin especially when my dad died. I thought I was saved. I thought I was going to heaven, not until I listened to the way of the master. It's a radio show I stumbled upon in the net. They evangelize using the 10 commandments and it was cool. I realized that a real christian cannot be living in sin and at same time be saved.

I read and studied the bible. God has revealed to me through His word that I must repent and turn away from my sins completely. Most christians thought that after saying "Lord I accept you in my heart and i repent of mys sins" in a prayer it's over and you can go back to the original life of sin, but that isn't true repentance.
Trusting God means surrendering your life to Him. Submitting to His grace. believing that since God became man----Jesus ---He experienced trials and temptations and was able to overcome them. If we put our trust in Jesus who had overcome the world, the bible says, Jesus will work in us so that we can overcome the worldly temptations as well and live a holy life.

Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

I believe that if you are a true christian, the Holy Spirit will move in your life, you will mature spiritualy. You will hate what God hates---and that is sin! Sure, we sometimes fall into sin like when we get mad, when we accidentally look at lustful things. Sometimes the flesh still wrestles with the Spirit, there are times that your body wants to commit the sin you did before but by the grace of God, the flesh is overcomed by the Holy Spirirt.

Now I have a burden to preach God's word of salvation to everyone, I don't care if you're an atheist, a so-called christian (false professed), a LSD, JW, satanist, what be you.

I believe the power of the cross can change you if you surrender your life to Jesus.

I also believe that many will not believe in the word that I will preach. but I will still preach it until God has taken away my last breath. I will preach it because it is the power of God unto salvation.

To God be the Glory! Forever and ever! Amen!

2007-08-17 01:33:28 · answer #3 · answered by cloneology-servant of JESUS 2 · 2 1

I've was raised with the belief of Jesus, but I didn't have Christ live in me until I was 13. My sister took me to a born again church and i loved the singing and the new relationship i had with Christ. I was excited to find out that our
God loved us so much that He gave us His only begotten Son to die for our sins in order that we could live and that He became a Life giving Spirit that now can live inside of us. It like a puzzle piece that enters in and fits perfectly within our spirit.

2007-08-17 01:17:34 · answer #4 · answered by ckrug 4 · 1 1

Ive always been interested in learning about all religions. I was brought up catholic and strayed in my teens. I was the one who always wanted to debate the street preacher, mormons, jws, anyone I could debate and discuss religion with. When I finally heeded the call I was a partying pothead debating the bible with a Jehovahs Witness who was my roommates boyfriend at the time. It got me in the Word, I was finally reading it! One day I got on my knees in my room, Ill never forget that moment that changed my life forever, that was 10 years ago, Praise God and Amen!

2007-08-17 01:17:39 · answer #5 · answered by Loosid 6 · 2 1

I was always with Him. Sometimes I knew it. Sometimes I didn't. Life kind of is like that. My life, however, is not yet over, and I await more things. I have Great Expectations.

There WAS this one time, however, when I thought that God didn't love me anymore, and found out that He did. You have never met a more grateful dog than I for that entire month.
March 1990 (maybe it was April)

2007-08-17 01:11:38 · answer #6 · answered by Shinigami 7 · 4 2

No, to the majority; it's the going down into the water the third and last time while drowning that we would acknowledge and call out to God.

2007-08-17 01:12:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

I turned away, not toward, as I recognized it was all hogwash. The signs were obvious; illogical thinking, absurd claims, and pressure to accept things on "faith," which is a fancy word for ignorance.

2007-08-17 01:11:20 · answer #8 · answered by Brent Y 6 · 4 5

That day they nailed him to a cross, wherever my spirit was at that time I felt it.....that was the day~!~

2007-08-17 01:32:50 · answer #9 · answered by inteleyes 7 · 2 1

to make a long story short..........I just asked Him one day. It turned out He is real

2007-08-17 01:11:26 · answer #10 · answered by . 3 · 5 2

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