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I am christian, but When I research religions, I agree and disagree with different things in each religion. Could People please tell me about there religions, and please do not waste your time telling me not to have a religion. I also want to know when you talk abour your religion what the controversial aspects of your religion is if you know them. Thanks so much!

2007-08-16 18:02:40 · 33 answers · asked by Dawn 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

So, I go to a "Christain church" and do all the things that would make most people call me a Christian, but I do not consider myself a christian! Why? I think "christian" has become a generic answer for people on the religion section of a census form. I consider myself a follower of Christ, this means I actually follow the things Christ asked us to do durring his time on earth and I strive costantly for a "living" relationship w/ him. If your confused about what that takes or means I would like to direct you to the scripture that moved me from where you are in your beliefs to where I am in mine. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.". I live my life by this scripture! I examine almost everything I do and ask myself if I am doing it out of love or if I'm hurting someone else.
Now, don't let people tell you that you must do this or must do that let God direct you and guide you in your relationship with him. I think your quest is knoble and God will be pleased that your truely searching. I hope you find more than religion, I hope you find truth!

2007-08-16 18:27:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There are two religious concepts; ‘the creator’ and ‘the self creator’.

There are fundamental differences among the two but they have the same purpose and goal.

To some people the concept of ‘the creator’ is very powerful in inspiring development of self discipline becoming a good person with a sense of love and forgiveness and devotion to the ultimate creator or God.

The other concept is ‘self creation’. If one wants to be good then it is ones own responsibility to be so. Without ones own efforts one cannot expect something good to come about. Ones future is entirely dependant on oneself. It is self created. This concept is very powerful in encouraging an individual to be a good and honest person. This is the idea behind Buddhism, and in a much less cohesive way atheists and people with no religion.

So you see, ‘the creator’ and the ‘self creator’ are two totally different approaches but have the same goal.

2007-08-16 18:19:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well ill make an attempt but not sure how well i can explain things since my path is very broad, but here it goes. I am a pagan/heathen. To many on either side they see it as impossible but i agree with some things in paganism but many things in heathenry aka Asatru. Such as i believe the earth is sacred and a living being not just the place we are put on and have a special connection to, i believe it is truly a living being just like humans, and i can relate it to Asatru through the Edda's since the body of the god Ymir was used to create the earth. I agree with the nine noble virtues of Asatru such as honor, truth, boldness, loyalty/faith, self-rule,hospitality, industriousness,steadfastness,etc.. I also sorta believe in reincarnation, to some degree it is both pagan and heathen since in heathenry the souls of some people will eventually came into the new world after ragnarok, the end of the world due to the war between the gods and the giants and their allies. there are many aspects and it would take me forever to list everything i believe and that is in both religions.

With both religions people in monotheistic abrahamic faiths tend to see it as evil and unnatural. And among many people Asatru symbols are seen as racist because the Nazis adopted some of them during ww2 because they saw them as german. Since then the religion has been identified with people who are racist, which simply isnt true, there are racists of course in the religion but they are a very small group. And everyone is racist to some degree. If someone says that Asatru is racist religion, do not believe them because it is untrue. One thing i noticed about pagans and heathens is that they tend to be well educated especially on matters of history and religions, you can find nearly a group for everyone out of the two big groups, especially in paganism since its extremely broad. I too used to be christian and spent years looking into other faiths but when i found paganism/heathenry i knew i had found the one for me. Sorry i couldnt give you a more in depth look but to do that would probably take up the whole page and confuse you.

2007-08-16 18:33:15 · answer #3 · answered by Benotafraid 3 · 0 0

I am a christian also and when you are talking about other religions I wondered if you actually meant denominations of christian or actually other religions. If you are a christian then you know the truth there is no other truth. If you are asking about denominations I am Baptist. There are many types of Baptist I can't even name them all but they do teach the Bible and that Jesus is your savior. They believe in total body submersion in baptising where some denominations believe in sprinkling, they believe in the Trinity of God. But they all are one also. they believe you can not lose your salvation where some believe that you can lose your salvation if you sin again. There are lots of little differences in all denominations you shouldn't sweat all the differences read your Bible go to a few differant kinds of churches that teach the Bible and that Jesus is God son and Is God because that is what the Bible says, if they don't teach that then don't join. Pray about your decision before you make it and listen to the Holy spirit. And remember which ever church you do decide to join if it is a true Gospel preaching church we are all members of the same body no matter what sign is on the door.
God bless you and I'll pray that God will lead you in finding the Church that you belong in.

2007-08-16 18:45:31 · answer #4 · answered by atiana 6 · 1 1

It seems you are referring to Organised religions. All organised religions have illogical and contradicting texts. I recommand Hindu religion for you to follow. Because it is not religion in strictest sense of the word. It is a"way of Life". It is not dogmatic, ever changing phenomina. The change vehicle is Logic. The variety og Gods and Worshiping pattern so many that you would find one of them to suit your caliber, intelligence and inclination, without compromising with your value system. Visit India. Do not fall in the hands of some fake religious teacher. Imbibe the accence of religion from your own inferences drawn from the society. There is no easy way.

2007-08-16 18:25:01 · answer #5 · answered by Panchal J 4 · 1 0

It sounds like you want to pick the best religion among 2500 in the world! It's going to boil down to what you like best. Just like when you go to a huge buffet and choose the foods that taste the best to you. Religions are based on faith. What you end up believing is not what's real. It's always what appeals most to your intellectual taste. It's a subjective matter, not an objective truth.

When in doubt between faith and reason, always choose reason. Reason is the tool with which we can distinguish truth from falsehood, real from unreal, just from unjust, good from evil, and moral from immoral.

2007-08-16 18:21:08 · answer #6 · answered by DrEvol 7 · 0 0

Spiritually isn't about religious dogma. It's about finding a path that's true to your heart. If there are aspects of different religions that ring true for you, embrace them. Mold them. Make them your own. I don't mean start your own cult. I mean, take what's wonderful about each one, and make them a part of your daily life.

For example, if your feel more connected to Jesus by praying in a more meditative way than just going, "Now I lay me down to sleep.." Go for it!

And don't ever let anyone tell you different than what you know to be true. Just remember, they really don't know, either. They can only believe, just as you do.

2007-08-16 18:21:01 · answer #7 · answered by trai 7 · 0 0

If you agree and disagree with different things in each religion, then why not just go for the moral code in the first place? Anyways, theres always secular humanism. Its not really a religion but a ideology that carries high moral standards. Best of luck bud.

2007-08-16 18:16:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Shinto (Japan) is likewise a nature based faith, nevertheless practiced and esteemed. Buddhism is extremely time-honored and has, for you, the best thing approximately no longer requiring a GOD in any respect.Why no longer lead a sparkling parade and revive the classic Greek panoply of lively assorted gods ?It leaves you unfastened to decide for who to think of the main of and approximately, with a lot of female gods as an advantage. there's a revival of Norse gods pastime you may inspect. The exciting element approximately faith is there's no longer something too loopy to be believed. do in basic terms no longer use that line approximately being "non secular ,no longer non secular"in the corporate of knowledgeable human beings. It marks one as a simp.

2016-10-02 12:14:22 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i believe that if you are to pick a certain religion..though it means nothing because every person should have their own beliefs on what they believe..not what others believe.but i believe that god is the only true god..god the father the holy spirit,and the son.but though i believe in god as the one TRUE god i also practice certain magyck..though i dont believe in pagan gods.i practice magyck to protect myself,my family,my friends.magyck is just energy...energy is just the holy spirit in a different word.no where in the bible does it say that there is a TRINITY.but it does say that having the holy spirit is the only way to heaven..it also says that witchcraft is against the bible.i practice magyck but not witchcraft.the magyck i practice is more powerful than witchcraft and most other types of magyck,if you can master it.which can take perhaps years if you dont have the right teacher.but that is what i believe..you have your OWN personal beliefs and values just like everyone else here.and do NOT let them tell you any differently.i believe in christianity,the one true god,the god that saved me.he loves you with an everlasting love and he shall always love you.look to him and he shall guide you.many ppl always say "god doesn't love me anymore.god hates me."no u've just given up on god.hes always standing beside you looking out for you,guiding you by his word,and protecting you.but you chose to fall.you self consciously chose to fall farther than you ever have,and blaming god for something you never did.

2007-08-16 18:17:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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