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Can you help someone simply because they need help?

2007-08-16 17:48:50 · 17 answers · asked by Black Dragon 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

yes, of course; Jesus said at the end of the parable for us to "go and do likewise" but I think the person has to have already overcome many predjudices and pride that accompany the social ills of this life. good question.

2007-08-16 17:58:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The parable of the Good Samaritan originally had nothing to do with us helping others. The audience listening to the parable were placed in the position of the victim, who had to receive help from a hated (and heretical) enemy. It is a story about not judging a book by its cover, and not a story about helping other people.

A modern equivalent, for the United States, might be this (directed to a Christian): You are mugged and left for dead. A Baptist sees you, and passes by. A Roman Catholic sees you, and passes by. A Pentecostal sees you, and passes by. But a Muslim sees you, administers first aid, takes you to the hospital, and offers to pay the bill.

2007-08-16 17:55:29 · answer #2 · answered by NONAME 7 · 3 0

i think utuk has a good point about the perspective of the good samaritan parable. i've also heard it interpreted to allow people to identify where they are spiritually. if we were there in the parable, are you the bandits who robbed and left the man for dead? are you the priest who looked the other way and continued on? are you the temple assistant who stopped to look, yet did nothing? are you the man who is half-dead? or are you the person, who in spite of being despised or treated badly, will stop to give aid to someone in need - no matter who they are...?

2007-08-16 18:02:34 · answer #3 · answered by chieko 7 · 0 0

It's kind of an ethnic slur. It makes a big deal because this Samaritan did "good". That is to say that Samaritans are not normally capable of doing good things.
And, yes, I think we are hard wired to help each other if we can. It is the tendency to not help that we learn.

2007-08-16 17:58:43 · answer #4 · answered by San Diego Art Nut 6 · 0 0

So, I think this is one of the easiest answered questions of all times! There are a thousand examples all around us! From big names like Mother Theresa to little heroes in our personal lives no one will ever know. I come from a VERY small town, at any point if your broke down on the side of the road if a local passes by they will stop to help. I was raised that way if someones in need you help. I've changed many a flat tire for old ladiess on the side of the road and all I've taken in return is a simple thank you. Well I also feel that little spark of joy that comes up inside. I like to think of it as the "living in life", so I guess I did get something in return.

2007-08-16 18:05:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. The good samaritan was a human, and I believe that if someone could help someone who was considered "taboo', then the least we can do is help our neighbor. I mean, come on people! So many people in our world need help, and so many people don't even care.

2007-08-16 17:56:07 · answer #6 · answered by mekelbee04 2 · 2 0

The true charity is incessant in its operation, and employs all possible instruments to accomplish its own purposes, regarding only the eternal end which it ever has in view, and which is simply this, to endeavor on all occasions, and under all circumstances, to make men wise, good, and happy. parable, we are instructed in the duty of regarding every man as a brother, and, accordingly, of relieving all his bodily wants to the utmost of our power, uninfluenced by any partial consideration of situation and of circumstance, respecting either his religion or the country to which he belongs. And, from the spiritual sense of this parable, we are further taught the important duty of spiritual charity, which consists in relieving the spiritual wants and necessities of others, by instructing them in the truth, and especially by conducting them to an eternal good.

2007-08-16 18:20:06 · answer #7 · answered by My Brother 1 · 0 0

I believe so, there should be no reason not to help someone if you can. People who worry about creed or religion are generally the people who never recieve help themselves.... whats the worst you can do? Have someone who doesn't say thank you? thats not bad at all I mean you helped and maybe just maybe that person may help someone else.

2007-08-16 17:56:26 · answer #8 · answered by Natashya K 3 · 2 0

Of course it's achievable. In order to do that, you have to be selfless which is one of the fruits of the Spirit. I'm not saying I'm always selfless, because I'm not, but I have done things before for strangers for no other reason then because they needed help. If I can do it, anyone can.

2007-08-16 18:01:24 · answer #9 · answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7 · 0 0

of course you can help someone if they need help!! If you see someone lying on the side of the road bleeding, you would help them, right??? What if it was you lying there and no one came to help you?? If you need help, you'd want someone to help you, so if you see someone who needs help, you should offer to help them, it's up to them if they want your assitance, but most of the time their grateful for it. But thats what this scripture is about, helping others when they require help, thats a pretty awesome goal for mankind to have. It's definately achivable, but I think the world needs to work on helping others and treating eachother like friends, just because someone is from another race than you doesn't mean that their different, help them anyways if they need help! The world needs to work on that, and if we keep trying, it is a very achivable goal!!!

2007-08-16 17:58:07 · answer #10 · answered by Ms_Spectacular 2 · 1 0

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