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Please tell us what was said and how it made you feel?

To the christians reading these answers...please learn from it!

2007-08-16 17:04:37 · 19 answers · asked by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

You will not get that from me to be sure. I know this question is for pagans to give their experiences but after reading your responses I felt strongly about saying something.

I honestly never realized that you all were persecuted that much. I don't have that much experience with people of other faiths mainly due to the places where I lived were predominately christian. If someone was of another faith they hid that fact.

I have to say that it makes me angered in my spirit that those who claim to be of my faith have treated you the way that you have described. They are ignorant children in their faith.

There is no love in those actions. They broke one of Jesus' main rules - love one another as you love yourselves.

There is no reason for their actions other than the absence of love - hate.

There are less hurtful ways to disagree to be sure!


2007-08-17 01:22:55 · answer #1 · answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 · 5 0

I have found that the Christians do seem to target those with a genuine curiosity about Paganism, (especially all those Young Kids with an interest in Wicca) As to how effective they are in dissuading the curious from finding out about Paganism, I neither know , or particularly care. I don't know how Wiccans manage recruitment, but my breed of Pagans aren't "Evangelical" in any way, shape or form. And while I have been attacked by Christians on this site, it's generally less to do with any point of religion, and more to do with having a bit of a pisstake at their expense. In fact, they usually attack me for being an Atheist. as I don't make a point of declaring my beliefs, and they rarely even think to ask. I don't mind if they assume I am "Non-Specific Hellbound". I can argue points of Scripture too, if I have a mind to, and I have found some of the least Judgemental, and most tolerant people here, to be non-denominational Christians. Which kind of surprised me. And while I am most certainly not about to suddenly see the light, and start to follow Jesus, I find that there is a lot more common ground than is immediately apparent. It's not too hard to find a place to stand, that is close enough to enable communication, but far enough away to avoid conflict. I have never been emailed by anyone naive enough to try and advise me on my soul, or anything like that. And while I am not above using derision, or ridicule where appropriate, it's generally because the person has said something really stupid, or offensive, or just plain wrong. And there is no subject that should ever be so exalted, that it is beyond people making a joke, or having a poke at. I think the more Fundamental of the Christians, are so bogged down in Dogma, they have forgotten what communication actually is, (two way) and once something has pressed their "Zeal Mode" button, it's pretty much all Scriptural monologue from there on in, descending into smug pompous diatribe, when they have run out of points to try and make. And it's fairly easy to avoid getting them into such a state, just as it is often tempting to poke them until they react. All a bit predictable, and ultimately hollow. But I do think that any person who is put off finding out about Pagans, by the mostly witless "Fire and Brimstone" Frothy Brigade, are probably better off staying away from any serious Paganism. Until they can think for themselves with a little more aptitude and Flexibility.

2016-05-20 18:59:04 · answer #2 · answered by katie 3 · 0 0

In person: verbally attacked, protested, and even had stones thrown at me once. (brings to mind a glass houses metaphor)

Online: pretty much every time I am online, sometimes here, and when I go into Yahoo Chat in the Paganism rooms. Almost every time I am in the Yaho chat Paganism rooms, someone comes in there yelling and preaching, and telling everyone they are going to hell. Most of the time online I just try to set the straight a little, then I laugh it off and ignore them.

Really, it is not very unchristian for christians to attack people of other faiths. I am not going to sit here and quote scripture to them, even though I can. Jesus spoke of peace and understanding, not attacking other people because they do not believe what you do.

I am also in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not 80% christian. One of the founding principles of this country is religious freedom, and this means freedom for all religions. I think it is about time that the militant Christians who feel the need at attack people in internet forums learns the real message of their messiah. Promote peace instead of strife between religious beliefs, and if they disagree with you, leave them at peace and knock the dust off your shoes at the edge of their town as a testiment against them. (Oops, I said I was not going to quote scripture and I did anyway lol).

However, this is in NO way directed towards all Christians, of which many are peaceful spiritual people who respect the beliefs of other people. Anything derogatory I have said is in regards to a number of fundementalist zealots who give the rest of the religion a bad name.

Lord AmonRaHa

2007-08-16 20:06:46 · answer #3 · answered by Lord AmonRaHa 3 · 4 1

I have here online. I think most of us have. What was said were things like:

you are going to burn in hell, in eternal pain and suffering, with your flesh never being consumed, hell fire burning you in agony without end

Witches don't exist (I do too exist!)

do you have a long green nose with warts on it and everything?

Your kind makes me sick

you are evil, a devil worshiper and everything you do is for Satan even if you don't realize it

you are stupid to think the way you do

all your beliefs are make believe

all your beliefs are evil

The list goes on and on. How did these things make me feel? Very hurt, very angry, and also very frustrated that many Christians don't LISTEN to us when we tell them that we have NOTHING to do with any devils. It is aggravating also to try to get through to them to get them to respect our path as valid, if not good in their eyes. At least it IS a real choice, not made up, not pretend, Witches are real and we do good things.

I have received more of this kind of hate speech from people when I tell them I am a Witch than when I just tell them I'm a pagan. For some reason, they seem to think pagans are mot as evil as Witches.

Anyhow, these have been my real experiences, and they made me feel bad. If that makes a Christian out there stop and take notice of some un-Christ like behavior, then this answer has done some good.

Bright blessings sister,
Lady Morgana )0(

2007-08-16 17:39:44 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Morgana 7 · 6 1

I was asked to lecture a church group at the church on Paganism and answer questions. A Woman stood up screamed all the usual epithets at me and threw a plastic bag blood at me. The blood, starting at my face and flowing down my clothes mad quite a striking portrait of the fear and hate Christians hold.

The poor minister was almost crying. I had to go to a hospital to have the blood analyzed as well as taking antibiotics because the woman would not tell anyone where she got the blood.....By all the Gods I haven't said this much about this in a long time.... It was Beef blood and clean of germs, etc.. The minister told me that the woman went back to her regular church. I didn't ask what it was.

2007-08-16 18:29:33 · answer #5 · answered by Terry 7 · 6 1

Many times.

"Your Damned because you are the wrong kind of Christian," my brother once said... when I replied that I'm not a Christian of any denomination, he replied, "You're still Damned, but now you are going to a special hell."

I was physically assaulted once by the Campus Crusaders for suggesting that a lady they were talking to was better off not throwing her epilepsy medication down the toilet without speaking to her Doctor first. There were two people treated in the emergency room that day; me and the young lady.

There are far too many to write out here. It's too depressing.

2007-08-16 22:40:58 · answer #6 · answered by whatotherway 7 · 3 1

Unfortunately yeah & frequently. Makes me feel sick. For many years I chose to wear a solid Pent backwards - claiming it being religiously sensitive towards those who are unconfortable with it, but another factor was insisting I had the right to wear it but seeking to protect myself at the same time.

And that's not counting the 7 years of staking from those connected to one of the more Fundementalist churches. 7 years of having people point out my house as being the "Satanists". That stopped the weekend AFTER the State introduced anti-stalking laws. So in my mind they KNEW they were in the wrong.

It's easy to HATE, but I pity and recognise that the actions of Bigoted Zealots do not represent the views of the majority of Xians.


2007-08-16 17:42:54 · answer #7 · answered by Rai A 7 · 5 1

More times than I can count. But one of the funniest was at my local grocery store where a "neighbor" who found out I am Pagan (this happened about 15 yrs ago) cornered me in the store and went on and on about how terrible I supposedly was and that I was going to hell, etc etc... The typical attack. I simply stated "I'm sure your God is very proud of you right now... attacking your neighbor with a vengeance. Maybe you want to burn down my house with me in it? I hear your God enjoys the smell of burnt offerings." Which they continued that their God doesn't enjoy human sacrifice. To which I replied... "Of course he enjoys human sacrifice... Jesus was human wasn't he? He was sacrificed right? And you worship him, right?" After that, all I got was Jesus videos placed on my porch every summer. I think they've given up though, I haven't gotten any in a couple of yrs now.

At the very beginning of the attack, I was embarrassed that this woman and her friend would act like this in public. I kept waiting for others to join her, but most of the other people just looked at her like she was crazy and walked off. I was only 21 at the time and was more than a little scared till after I started replying to her. Then I wanted to follow her out to her car with a few choice verses from the Bible (seeing as she seemed to forget that her own God told her to Love even her enemies), but I didn't. I let her go. I was surprised though that the manager of the place was actually kind to me and made it a point to let me know he wouldn't allow that sort of thing in his store again.

2007-08-17 01:41:39 · answer #8 · answered by River 5 · 2 1

Not yet, but I have had plenty of Dirty looks for the Pentacle I wear and when I am in the Wiccan section of the book store. Canadians are less likely to say something, they just try to fry you with their eyes.
Online, Yes. I was even called a child abuser!

2007-08-17 01:10:20 · answer #9 · answered by PaganPixiePrincessVT 4 · 2 1

Yes, last year just before my wreck my neighbors little kids came over and stood in the street mocking me and saying, "I will pray for you, I am praying for your soul, it is burning in hell. You evil pagan."

Well, I was furious, they did this because in my area there is a trend when people get angry with you, they say they will pray for you. I just told the kids to stop and that I had called child protective service and reported their parents. These kids were living in a small 20 foot travel trailer and there were five kids and two adults. These people claim to be Christian and speak in tongues and such but they also are criminals and cannot afford the authorities called on them.

That is the only incident in person, but on the Internet I get emails saying I am an evil devil worshiper and I am bound for hell and they are praying for me. I have started sending their prayers back to them with a prayer to the Goddess and God attached for them, but before I do this I reply to the first prayer and say that Wicca teaches to not pray or send energy or cast spells for anyone who does not give our permission and that Christians could learn from this, but if they send another one and insist on praying for me, then they are giving me permission to pray for them, and when they send me another prayer asking God to take care of me, not necessary a bad thing in their mind, I send them a very polite prayer asking the Goddess and God to bless them and heal them and help them be tolerant.

This usually puts a stop to that one individual.

2007-08-17 00:03:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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