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ok, i used to be a real christian, and around the time i was 13 i started thinking alot, and i kinda let it slip away
i really honestly dnt know if i bleve in god
its almost like....
im scared of hell, but i dnt really know if i bleve in it
i do not wanna die and burn over and over
i do not wanna change my life for no reason
and after this all
i need like a sign or something
i just need help

2007-08-16 16:51:53 · 37 answers · asked by Cameron G 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

God IS real.

There are 365 prophesies of Jesus in the Old Testament that all came true in the New Testament. The chance of that happening by coincidence is 1 in 13,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,


000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (it keeps spacing like that, I don't know why)

You can find the OT prophesies by a simple Yahoo search.

Good Luck,
God Bless :)

2007-08-16 17:01:25 · answer #1 · answered by Petina 5 · 0 3

Friend, you already know the truth, and it is why you question the things that you do. You know that should you not turn back and repent and renew your life with the Lord, that hell does await. You have the fear of hell, the knowledge and the wisdom, all God given, the hold of not wanting to change your life for no reason, that is bondage from hell, saying go ahead wait, do what you want to now, get saved later, NO, don't listen to it, and tell the devil to go, leave you alone and you, get into the word, start reading the book of John in the new testament, and just read everyday until you know the Lord IS speaking to your heart, He is wanting to bring you back into the kingdom for His glory. He will give you a sign, you will know it in your heart. Read the Bible, pray to God, it will come, do not doubt....be open to receive, be blessed.

2007-08-16 17:19:10 · answer #2 · answered by deeprnll 2 · 0 0

I once pondered for a very long time about evolution and why it wouldn't be real. I prayed to God and asked him to show me that he was real and that life was created and he said "look at home complex you are." The realization came to me then that this is not the sort of world where complex things come into existence on their own. If it were we would not have to build cars or computers, they would just evolve. So thus something as complex as we are must have been placed here. And if you cry out to God, confess your sin nature and ask to be saved the changes that will take place in your life will be so awesome that you will not want to keep living the way you have. The change is always good and is completely worth it.

2007-08-16 17:07:26 · answer #3 · answered by strongood 2 · 0 0

Well I had a dream once. I was asleep one night over 6 years ago and God
said in a deep, thundering and commanding voice "Are
You trying to be like Me?". When God said that to me, I
immediately awoke from that dream with a heavy array
of invigorating goose pimples over my entire body.
I felt amazingly excellent or best all over. It was truly a
one of a kind experience like I have never felt before.
I know this is only words from a stranger stamped onto
this web site. But this was a genuinely authentic event.

You may need to repent of your sins and ask Jesus
Christ to come into your heart and believe he died on
the Cross so he can be your Savior
and that he can be the Lord of your life so you can have
a chance to receive Heaven as your home after You
have breathed your last breath here on Earth.

2007-08-16 17:14:31 · answer #4 · answered by Brian Sanders 5 · 0 0

Use your rational mind to help you decide what to believe for yourself. Dont let others scare you into believing the way they do by promising eternal agony. There are really very few references to eternal suffering even in the Bible. Here is a very interesting movie that may help a little bit. go to www.Zeitgeistmovie.com the beginning of this movie deals a bit with religion and where it came from. If there happens to be a God do you really think he would want you agonizing over something like this? And if there is not then all this worrying is for nothing. Always think for yourself. Question authority.

2007-08-16 16:57:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

God bless you. The confusion you feel is a desire. It’s your heart crying out for what you know is real despite anything of the opposite you’ve been told or learned. Listen to it.

God knows you’re trying. He knows the struggles we deal with, against the world, against ourselves. One day we’re shining and full of faith, the next dark and empty as a black hole. That’s our journey, our fight. The important thing is that we never give up. It’s because no matter our confusion, our loneliness, God is with us the whole time, even if we don’t realize it.

Lord Jesus,

I come before You in prayer on behalf of this dear soul. His heart is pained with a struggle, with a search for You. Let him know that You are with him. Let him know Your peace, Your grace, and Your love. Bring healing to his heart, dear Lord. We live in a world where society and culture does so much against You, where it’s so hard to believe, and sometimes we get so covered up in it that we stop believing. Let Cameron know, Lord, that he is okay. Even if at times we do leave You, let him know that You never leave us. And that it is because You love us, You love him. Dear Lord, hear our prayer. I ask this in Your sacred name, amen.

Holy Mother, pray for us.

2007-08-16 17:40:12 · answer #6 · answered by Danny H 6 · 0 0

If you really want to know God, then pray to Him to reveal Himself to you. Be really sincere and try reading the Bible. You will not find God in a chat room, but He promises if you seek Him you will find Him. Try getting a daily devotional from a reputable christian source like James MacDonald, Joe Stoel, Erwin Lutzer or Anne Graham Lotz. Nobody wants to die because we are created to live forever. God's desire is not to be separated from you forever but to give you an inheritance and call you His son or daughter. That is the "blessed hope" that gives christians the courage to lay down their life. You may never have to physically lay down your life, but you still have to lay it down. that is what you mean when you say " i do not want to change my life for no reason."
You do not have to fear hell if you are forgiven of your sins by the "grace (undeserved favor) of God through faith in Jesus Christ." That doesnt mean you are perfect, that means you are declared perfect because Jesus placed your sin on himself(on the cross) and the perfect life He lived on you. All He asks is that you repent (admit you have sinned and turn away from that sin) and believe He is faithful and does not lie. When he says you are his he means it.

2007-08-16 17:19:48 · answer #7 · answered by walked365 2 · 0 0

God speaks to you in your dreams. So why not ask Him to speak?

I can tell you that I know He's real, from a real life experience but you would have to believe what I'm saying, so that takes us back to base one.

If you study into what scientists truly know about these human bodies, you'll find that all of their knowledge is based on what already exists. They can study the body and discover HOW it works. They study the brain and discover HOW it works. There remains one question that no scientist has ever found an answer to and that's 'why'.

They come up with all sorts of 'Theories' and use the word 'theory' as though it means something but the fact is, 'theory' simply means, 'somebody's idea of truth'. I have all sorts of theories but no facts to back them up. Fact and theory are contintents apart but in todays' scholarly groups, the word theory is thrown around as though it's something of intelligence. In fact, it is not.

So now back to the question: why? Why do we exist? Your first reaction will be to dig into all sorts of theories, again. Theories about our beginnings and the beginnings of this world. But think, 'where are the facts'?

Did we, indeed, begin as a one cell animal? If so, why? What caused the existance of that one cell animal? Vapors? does that make sense?

If we began as one man created by God, then the question of why is answered in God's own desire. Somehow, that makes a lot more sense to me. I mean, if you're going to reach out there for an answer, why not go for the one that makes perfect sense?

Now down to some basic answers to your question.Flat out: does God exist?

What are you? Are you a human body? Is that you? If so, how is it that you are not your neighbor? Isn't he a different entity from you and yet, he too is a human body.

Or is it, that you are you apart from the body? The fact is, you are a spirit living inside a body. Want proof?

Where do you think the term, "gut feeling" came from? Have you ever been in the presence of someone who gave you a sickish feeling in the pit of your stomach? Have you ever felt heartbreak? Have you ever been so giddy about something, that it hurt? Where did it hurt?

Isn't it true, that the sick feeling you get, when something isn't quite right with somebody you're talking to, is felt just under your breast bone? You know, where your ribs come together in the front, just barely below that spot.

When super worried don't you feel it in that very spot? They say 'butterflies in the stomach'. Isn't that sensation in that very same spot? Don't you also feel the sensation of heartbreak in that very same spot?

Now, I ask you. What organ is there? Which organ is just above your stomach, just behind the breast plate, in the center of your chest? Go ahead, look it up.

No organ? Then maybe a nerve center. No nerve center? Then how do you explain being able to feel sensations there, only sensations of emotion? And what is this sick feeling you get right there, when you know the person you're talking to is a liar?

There is nothing there that is mortal, that can cause these sensations so what is it? It's your spirit. Your spirit actually has a home where it abides in your body.

Understanding that you really ARE a spirit, living inside of a body, then where did you come from?

They say we only use about 1/5 of our brain in our lifetime. Why is that? Why is there brain matter we never use? Is it possible that it's because God ordained it so? Ever think that if we 'knew it all' that we wouldn't stay here?

We were put on this earth, living inside of bodies, for a growth we can't get any other way. It is this growth that brings us closer to God. It is said that we will be above the angels. How could that happen? Is it possible, that what we learn here, will bring us so much closer to God than even the angels?
We experience pain. Angels can't. We experience love. Angels can't. We experience emotions that could only come from the creator, as He Himself is called love. Angels don't know what love is and will never experience it.

In order for us to experience love, God must exist in this world. Now to examine what love really is. In the bible, we see a description of love but no explanation of what love actually is. In every description, we see that love is all creative and never destructive. So does love create? Is that why God is called love? Is that why we are here? To become more like God? To experience God?

Examine yourself and you will find God is true. You are true, therefore God is true.

Are you a spirit? yes
Does God exist? yes
Are we real? yes
Is God real? yes
Is Jesus real? yes
Can you know for sure? yes Just ask.

2007-08-16 17:40:23 · answer #8 · answered by judysbookshop 4 · 0 0

god is just something humans have created through the years to explain the mysteries of the universe that people cling onto as a symbol of hope but people are starting to realize that they don't need it anymore in todays society but thats just evolution and the progress of humanity which is necessary in order to survive the future we must cast aside the past and strive for a better tomorrow

2016-05-20 18:56:15 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It's normal and good to question. If you were raised to believe in God, you will go through a time of asking yourself if you really believe it or if you're just doing what you were told. You are young and still forming your own ideas and beliefs. Just be honest and sincere and place the highest value on truth. You will eventually know what you believe.

2007-08-16 16:59:05 · answer #10 · answered by Jeff A 5 · 1 1

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