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Our little baby Ryan is 5 months old and he's the light of our lives. There were some complications at birth and the doctor said my girlfriend (yes, we're not married, don't lecture me!) could have died. Thank God everything went fine and she and Ryan are healthy now.

We really want to memorialize this...we were thinking a tattoo for Ryan in honor of his mommy. Just something simple, but it MUST include his birthdate (3-5-07), and something else small. I was thinking the word "Miracle" written in Arabic, since he really is a miracle of God.

Does anyone know somewhere we could get this done? I know they usually don't like to tattoo underage kids because it might spoil there chances for work and stuff, but we'd just be putting it somehwere no one will see, like his back or bottom. Also, it will help identify him if he gets lost.


2007-08-16 13:51:32 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

My girlfriend doesn't want a tattoo because we think they are kinda trash on girls, and
I don't want to put it on me because it will probably hurt. But Ryan won't even remember. When you're a baby you don't remember if getting circumcised hurt, y'know?

2007-08-16 16:11:07 · update #1

LOOKEE HERE, PEOPLE. Does no one understand parody? Some of the things I'm parodying are:
1. How every hour some underage kid asks if s/he can get tattooed...and people don't discourage it; they even say it's cute. The age people are getting tattoos nowadays is way too young.
2. The seemingly obsessive need to memoralize every thing with tattoos. I think it's def. a legitimate reason for tattoos, but people these days want to do it for everything...before thinking of nicer alternatives.
3. The tackiness of many of said memorials...or using the excuse of traumatic events to hide the banality of a tattoo. People fooling themselves with "sweet" stories..
4. In the end there I threw in a likkle jab at those people that are up in arms about modifying a baby's body...but don't think twice about circumcision.
It's more scary that people don't recognize the parody--it suggests they are not disturbed ENOUGH by these ideas to see they are absurd.

2007-08-17 07:23:27 · update #2

hey Bobbi, like I said above: I'm not against memorials at all; they are a very legitimate thing. What I find ridiculous is when people use memorials as a justification for some really DUMB ideas...the dumb idea of tattooing a baby is just an exageration!!! :)

2007-08-17 17:43:32 · update #3

42 answers

That is a very touching thought that the two of you have come up with. His butt would be the best place, that way he could cover the tattoo if he wanted to or he could show it at any time. Maybe get his birth date tattooed on a dove and the dove should have two ribbons in his mouth. One should have your son's name in Arabic and the other should have your girlfriend's name in Arabic because they both made it through that terrible time. You can always do a search on the INTERNET to get the sign for their names. Don't worry to much if the sign is wrong because you will never find anyone who will be able to read Arabic anyway. I think if you go to Mexico they will put the tattoo on your son with no problems with his age. Good Luck

2007-08-16 22:50:35 · answer #1 · answered by thisisme 6 · 2 2


this is obviously a joke... a very disturbing joke, but a joke nonetheless. if the basic story is true though then i'm very glad for you that everything worked out ok.

i completely understand the point that you're trying to make and can't believe that some of these people gave you ideas on what to tattoo on your baby and even said that it's cute. that's sick!

i disagree however where you say that people use stupid reasons to get tattoos. although some reasons are stupid, i think that memorials of a loved one who has passed or tattoos in honor of people you love are amazing, and something like that is definitely a good reason to get a tattoo.

and this answer. OMG this answer really gets me:

by: bettyboop#1

"That is a very touching thought that the two of you have come up with. His butt would be the best place, that way he could cover the tattoo if he wanted to or he could show it at any time. Maybe get his birth date tattooed on a dove and the dove should have two ribbons in his mouth. One should have your son's name in Arabic and the other should have your girlfriend's name in Arabic because they both made it through that terrible time. You can always do a search on the INTERNET to get the sign for their names. Don't worry to much if the sign is wrong because you will never find anyone who will be able to read Arabic anyway. I think if you go to Mexico they will put the tattoo on your son with no problems with his age. Good Luck "

2007-08-17 17:02:23 · answer #2 · answered by Lovely 6 · 0 1

I REALLY hope you're kidding...or your child should be taken away! I can't even stand when people get a baby's ears pierced, that's already really wrong! Usually I won't attack someone for tattoos...but this deserves it so badly!

One-- That's unsafe since he's so young. Do you realize that he already had a hard entrance into the world? What if he gets an infection or disease and dies from that? How would you feel, how could you risk that with your own young child? His immune system isn't even WHOLE yet! AIDS, Hepatitis, and a hundred other diseases and infections...why take a chance on dooming your own child?

Two-- No self-respecting tattoo artist would tattoo someone under 15, neverless under a year! It's wrong and dangerous.

Three-- The kid is too young to know what he wants-- I find it VERY cruel to tattoo or pierce a kid before they're old enough to ask for it! How would you like being forced into something? Like, say your parents thought you'd look cool without thumbs, and they chopped them off before you could make the choice? Forever you'd have to live with the choice they made for your body, and that's horrible. A tattoo is forever.

Four-- "I don't want to put it on me because it will probably hurt." How DARE you put a child in pain like that just because you're too much of a baby yourself to deal with it! It's already bad enough he had a hard birth and all, then this? He has to go through loads of check-ups and shots in the next few years, and childhood sicknesses, so how could you willingly add to his pain?

Five-- It's his body, not your's. You have no right to alter his body in any way, if he wants it done when he's old enough to decied, that's fine. But you have no right to alter him, as you do not own him.

Six-- "If he gets lost"? Are you planning on him regularly getting lost? He's a child, NOT a dog!

I'm pierced and tattooed, but I still think this is wrong. If you go ahead with tattooing your BABY, I hope CPS gets after you. And I can't believe your wife would go along with this! That's just wrong in so many ways!

2007-08-16 22:07:46 · answer #3 · answered by mathaowny 6 · 2 0

Hi.. I starred your question because it is intriguing.. I simply don't agree on your idea.. Well, it is because that tattoo you're planning for your baby is too risky.. If you really love your baby, why take the risk? His skin is very delicate that even just a mosquito bite could spoil it.. How much more with needles? And, if you do the tattoo now, are you certain that your child likes that tattoo when he grows up? I do understand that you want to memorialize that event but you should not put your baby into risk just because of that. Think of better & safer alternatives like plant a tree and/or both of you just get married, perhaps??? Isn't it a nice idea???

2007-08-17 00:46:30 · answer #4 · answered by Shalem 1 · 0 0

That's not a very good idea. Aside from the, "it's his skin, let him choose" and the "it could get infected and cause him health problems", there are a few other issues. If you tattoo him now it would be like drawing a tiny smiley face on an uninflated balloon and then blowing it up. Can you imagine what that tattoo would look like after he grows 10 or so times the size he is now?! Why would you do that to him? Even if it's done, by the time he's ten it's going to look like he got it in someone's kitchen with a sewing needle for a bottle or two of Boonesfarm. Please don't do that to your baby...

Good Luck.

2007-08-16 14:37:31 · answer #5 · answered by Alice 2 · 3 0

It might seem like a good idea because of the circumstances, but think about how it will effect him as he grows up. I would be afraid that later in life he might not like it and either get it removed or done over anyways, maybe not but you know how rebellious teens are. Also, I would wonder if it would get like deformed or something as he grows?? And I think most tattoo artists would be pretty reluctant, it is a very painful experience and you have to hold completely still, I'm not sure how you would get a baby to do that. Plus, there are other ways to identify your kids for if they get lost, like bracelets and chips. Well, whatever your choice is, good luck!

2007-08-16 14:42:04 · answer #6 · answered by Pheonix 1 · 1 0

Great story, very sweet, but maybe you all should wait. As far as medical reasons, maybe you should ask Ryan's pediatrician. I'm thinking, tattoo ink isn't the best thing for a 5 month old.

You guys could raise Ryan in a way that would let him know every day how special he is and how miraculous his birth was. You could tell him every day of his life how loved he is and what mommy went through to bring him into this world. After many years of such positive reinforcement, he'll not only know he's special, but it would bond all three of you in the most special way.

2007-08-16 14:09:15 · answer #7 · answered by gnomiechick 4 · 6 0

I think too many people are making this a big deal. I think you should get the tattoo, the reason young people do not get tattoos is because as they GROW their skin will STRETCH and it will be completely blurry and distorted very quickly. Grown men are done growing and i think you can take the pain of the tattoo if you really care about your kid. if not, take some drugs before it.

2007-08-16 22:28:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

beautiful story. God has blessed your family with everything working out fine. but no offense, why would you want to put your little guy in that much pain and yes, torture (he is too young to understand "why mommy and daddy are letting this stranger put this needle over and over again on my body") for a symbolic tattoo? why would you wanna mark up his precious body?? thats wonderful your girlfriend made it thru, amen to that! kiss her everyday, and just gaze, smile at your little guy, let that be your symbolic way to thank God and remember. but seriously why do that to a infant?? let him make that choice when hes older for himself. why do wanna risk some needle going on him and permanately injecting ink onto his skin? and for the i.d. reason, right now he should never be outta your sight... ever! hes a baby, when he wears a jacket, some brands make a spot inside the jacket for an I.D. CARD, when he gets older give him a cell phone that they make fore kids. either way, i know this is a crazy world and anything can happend, but seriously a tattoo for a "almost" situation of his mommy and for identification reasons..not buying it buddy. why dont you get the tattoo of him and your gf on your body? atleast you can comprehend what the hell it happening!!

2007-08-16 15:32:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Thats wonderful that everything is going great with your girlfriend and nothing happened to her but I dont think you should tattoo your baby. It'll be painful for him and there is a possibility that he wont like it all. I think the baby should grow up and decide if he wants the tattoo or not.

If you want to memorialize this why dont you or your girlfriend get the tattoo,at the time the tattoo will only matter to you two and the baby wont appreciate it until he is much older.

Be careful in what you decide! : ]

2007-08-16 14:07:56 · answer #10 · answered by : ] 4 · 6 0

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