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I just posted a post that said, why do christians believe in a god that needs blood to make it all okay?
Why do Christians believe in a god that was pleased with blood offerings in the old testiament?
Why do christians believe in a god that will burn people forever?

They all said this is not our God, God is perfect and that is not the god of the bible!

Shocking....that christians don't read their bible....the god in both the new and old testaments is a god of sickness...read your bible christians!!!

2007-08-16 13:48:08 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

56 answers

Are atheists the only ones that have read the bible?

You'd think so -- since they are the only ones who actually, objectively understand how ridiculous it is.

and the "followers" don't actually follow it!!

2007-08-16 13:54:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 9

God was pleased with blood offerings because that was the way of life in the Old Testament. Why are radical Muslims so infatuated with terrorism?

And according to the bible I have read...
God is loving, caring and full of forgiveness.

Don't be misled by Skeptics that say God is a evil tyrant.

These people that claim skepticism is the truth, but they call God an evil tyrant? This shows the evilness within unbelievers. They do not blame Satan for showing mankind the knowledge of evil, but they blame God for the suffering that goes on in the world..

Skeptics are delusional.

Have a good day! :)

2007-08-16 14:42:16 · answer #2 · answered by Bad Boy 300 3 · 1 2

well im not atheist or christian, but ima have to both agree with you and disagree, ya a lot of christians aint read the bible, i use to be christian until i did red the bible, now i believe theres a god, but not the bible and all that stuff, where i disagree with you, mostly god was just twisted in the old testament, in the new testament he aint too bad

2007-08-16 13:56:04 · answer #3 · answered by bigjacka55 3 · 3 0

I know I will get a bad rating,but God has done the things you said and He has Said that people will perish in a lake of fire.
My God is God.If I believe He is,then who am I to say He is wrong.
Most Christians I know do read the bible,old and new testament.It seems many people on this post read it also but only seek to deconstruct it and ridicule it because they don't want to acknowledge that if it is true then they are living contrary to the word of God.
I live contrary to His word daily,and It is by the blood of Jesus that I have been given a chance to be with Him for all eternity.I strive to live by his word but I fall short of His glory and I repent for my sins and asks His forgiveness.
You condemn the different acts of the bible but you also ignore the same acts in your lives.Consider the things you take for granted such as throwing out the food you can't finish.Someone would say you have a "sickness" because you throw out food while others are starving.
Too many of you are caught up in school educated semantics and have thrown out reason and wisdom.

2007-08-16 14:08:01 · answer #4 · answered by boobooloo 4 · 2 2

How sad that you are choosing to go on in this world under your own power and understanding when you need Him the most.

What you are witnessing in the headlines is an ungodly world. If enough of the foolish keep persecuting, belittling, making fun of and challenging His existence, just maybe He'll give you what you wish for and you can live in a world where you can't reach for Him and the peace that only He can bring. Imagine, what a world that will be.

You should at least hedge your bets by seeking to have a life with God at the helm, all you can lose is coming back to where you are right now if He isn't real; and if you are wrong, well, I'll see you in Heaven one day.

2007-08-16 14:22:55 · answer #5 · answered by OPTIMIST 4 · 1 2

Or conversely read it and think objectively about it, don't rely on what others have told you it means!

I said this because many Christians have read the bible but have never really thought about whole picture or the implications, they tend to focus o a verse here and there that support a particular topic.

2007-08-16 13:56:46 · answer #6 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 2 0

Atheist may read the bible after all. To make some of the comments I just read many of you have to be well studied to point fingers. Yes, Father God did indeed want blood sacrifice because, He said "Life is in the blood!" Likewise, His Son Jesus had to shed His Blood because Father God required it. "Life is in the Blood" and without blood sacrifice there IS NO remission of sins. All who believe in the shed blood of Jesus will be saved since they believe Jesus died and rose again from the grave.
God will burn those who refuse to accept the Gospel in the New Testament 1st Corinthians 15. Everyone has a chance, you're all reading it now. If you reject Jesus and His sacrifice, refuse to believe in Him, you will forever burn.
That is the God of the bible!

2007-08-16 14:12:18 · answer #7 · answered by peterngoodwin 6 · 1 3

I've read the Bible. Yes, blood sacrifices were offered to God. But it's not because God asked it of them. They GAVE it because that's what they thought a God was SUPPOSE to want. They based their idea of what God wanted on what their rulers would want of them. And that was a very VIOLENT time in our history. Violence was accepted as a normal part of life. In the NEW TESTAMENT, Jesus comes and tells that God is all about peace and love and treating our neighbors well. NOW, we know how he wants us to treat others. It all had to evolve from somewhere.
The Bible is basically the history of a people and a record of their lifestyle and how they saw things. When Atheists read the Bible it's only to find things they can argue with. It's history, pure and simple but it is filled with metaphors and symbolism, it's NOT LITERAL in every single word and phrase.
I'm Christian. I've read the Bible beginning to end. I am currently reading the Torah because I want to find the similarities. And next I'm going to read the Koran for the same reason.

2007-08-16 14:04:48 · answer #8 · answered by kj 7 · 1 4

It sound like you need to read the bible. First of all, the whole blood sacrifice was only used in the old testemant as a way to ask for forgiveness for sins committed. That went away when God's son (Jesus) came to earth and made the ultimate sacrifice so we wouldn't have to use "blood offerings" anymore. As far as burning people forever I assume you are talking about hell which in that fact people do not burn forever in hell. Hell is supposedly eternal darkness and lonliness, the whole fire and hell thing are just years of people changing perspectives trying to scare others into their religion. Believe me my father was a Christian pastor so this is why I know these things. I agree with you in the fact that some Christians have their views screwed up but these views aren't from the bible, they are from others they know and sometimes from the church. So if you have any other questions you and anyone else are welcome to e-mail me.

2007-08-16 14:04:37 · answer #9 · answered by cheeftheleaf 2 · 2 4

Heh, christians forget that the god of the bible is a cruel, and unrelenting god. He demanded genocide, infanticide, ethnic cleansing of his own people, and sends people who don't believe in him (some who just haven't heard of him) to eternal torment. But, according to christians, things have changed, god is kinder god now, which is funny, because god is supposed to be eternal and unchanging.

2007-08-16 13:57:00 · answer #10 · answered by Erulechto 3 · 2 0

the blood is a sacrifice. I guess you mean the sacrifices as offerings. God tests us to see if we will obey him. You will burn forever IF you sin and do not repent your sins. You have to tell God you're sorry for not living a good life. We're all living in sin every day. What I don't understand is why you're wasting you time asking this question... I mean, do you really not have anything better to do than put down people who want to live their lives in a good way. You're athiest and that's sad but that's your chosen life. If you're an athiest, why are you reading the Bible if you don't believe? Is it because you WANT to believe and something's holding you back? Examine what you're doing and try to figure out what you can do as to not be "lost"

2007-08-16 13:55:23 · answer #11 · answered by YO Mama 2 · 5 3

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