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Sorry if the main line of the question offends anyone, I'm just entertaining a new line of thought that has been brought to my attention.

You see, despite the actual FACT that I have witnessed MANY loving acts and words from people of these faiths throughout my time, there appears to be an opposite theory.

It's also a fact that I have read the Wiccan Rede, which supports my own theory that there is no possibility of so called 'evil' within the Wiccan faith.

And I'm just wondering if I've somehow missed something.

Can anybody point out anything factual to support the opposite theory, so that I may take it into consideration, otherwise I'm just gonna ignore anyone who presents this (in my belief) offensive opinion to me.

The opportunity to speak up starts..... NOW

2007-08-16 13:44:34 · 22 answers · asked by ? 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jon. saw you coming already. I have faith in my religion. I am an atheist. What more do you want? I'm Buddhist.

In Buddhism there is no God, therefore the religion of Buddhism is Atheistic.

2007-08-16 13:51:53 · update #1

Jon, again.

You may want to look up the definition of Atheism. it's not someone with no religion or no faith, it is someone who actively denies the existence of a God. Therefore my logic is sound.

2007-08-16 13:57:29 · update #2

Note that I'm not trying to stir trouble here, I'm just trying to settle a simmering volcano.

And so far no facts.

hmmmm.. surprising, in a not surprising way.

When I use the word facts, I am not referring to anything that is subject to debate. It needs to be something that we can all witness.

2007-08-16 14:04:10 · update #3

22 answers

Retro, a LOT of very good answers on this one. I won't add a "me too" to those wonderful answers. I'll just answer the question that you ACTUALLY asked.

YES, because anyone that doesn't worship YOUR god is evil. That's the official line of reasoning here on this Y!A section. In other words, it's ALL relative to the Religion that is being followed. If you're a Christian then anyone who doesn't follow the God of the Bible is evil, If you're a Muslim, then anyone who doesn't follow the God of the Koran is evil, and so on and so forth. The ONLY ones who do NOT subscribe to this concept are the Hindus, Buddhists and Pagans. They ALL see the COMPLETE acceptability of the God of every other Religion, only they choose to follow their OWN Gods/Goddesses, as THOSE are the ones who speak directly to their hearts and spirits. Those are the ones who can actually from an open dialog directly with the practictioner. Therefore, ALL are correct and ALL are false, ALL at the very same time.

Raji the Green Witch

2007-08-16 16:19:58 · answer #1 · answered by Raji the Green Witch 7 · 2 1


What makes someone evil, the label or the acts committed by the person? I posed this question here some time ago, and the answer, almost universal and crossing religious lines, was that actions are what are important and labels are essentially meaningless.

With that as a basis, clearly there are people of all walks of life who do good things and who do evil things, and they label themselves all the labels we know about here on R&S.

You haven't missed anything. What a group says is stands for and what any given individual in the group actually DOES are frequently not the same thing. And the other clear thing in this discussion is that some will consider others as being "evil" or perhaps potentially evil, just based on the label, bc their brand of spirituality instructs them to do so.This is very unfortunate, especially those of us, like Witches and pagans, who are on the receiving end of this condemnation.

We just need to remember the source and then will be able to reject this condemnation as having come from a less than enlightened person.

Lady Morgana )0(

2007-08-16 15:40:04 · answer #2 · answered by Lady Morgana 7 · 2 0

A true Wiccan will never be evil. It's not part of who they are. Thing is, some people talk just because they have a mouth and write just because they have hands but it would be very interesting if they knew what they are talking about.
Then, why should a Wiccans or an Atheists be evil? Labels again, it's people who are good or evil no matter what their creed is. Why should they be evil? just because they don't believe in the same thing some people do or maybe not believe in a God or gods? How can they do any evil by this?
Popes have said to represent God and you can see how wonderful many of them were! (BTW for those of you who only read words literally, I'm being sarcastic here)

Some people shouldn't answer if they say they don't care ;)

2007-08-16 14:21:43 · answer #3 · answered by Der weiße Hexenmeister 6 · 1 0

I don't know if it's me, and I'm not quite reading this right . . . but it seems to me that everyone missed your point, Retro. I think you were looking for FACTS to support the THEORY that these groups have an evil basis. Which, of course, no one could provide. I am surprised, however, that you did not receive a bunch of quoted Biblical passages about the evil way of witches and nonbelievers. I guess the fundies just lost their opportunity here, eh what?

There is no fact to support that concept. Dogma is not evil; it is the followers of dogma and what they do with their knowledge that makes THEM evil. And this can be true of Pagans, Wiccans, Atheists, Christians, and so on.

EDIT: (((troublemaker))) (((volcano stirrer)))

2007-08-16 14:16:15 · answer #4 · answered by Shihan 5 · 2 0


No, all the ones I have ever met and known were very good and helpful people. A "few" in the Wiccan and pagan groups had some chips on their shoulders blaming Christianity for all their woes and acting like the witch trials were 6 months ago but conversations are debated, move on and we get along just fine.



2007-08-16 13:56:12 · answer #5 · answered by Michael Kelly 5 · 2 0

personally I think that the religions Pagan and Wiccan are evil or any other religion for that matter (except satanism), people are free to believe what they want to believe mostly all religions tell people to be good and help others. I think that's the basis of what god (or anything else you believe in) wants you to do. I'll give you the overview of these two religions

Wicca:is a nature-based religion found in various countries throughout the world, often praticed in secret. They believe in a 'goddess' and and 'god', they observe the festivals of the eight Sabbats of the year and the full-moon Esbats, using distinctive ritual forms; and they attempt to live by a code of ethics. Other forms of witchcraft may also adopt some similar specific religious, ethical or ritual elements. (its a lot to explain so i just gave brief summary)

Pagan:Besides Jesus, Christianity believes in one God -- and more than that, in a personal God who steps in to make people's lives better, or not, and who punishes us for doing bad things, and rewards us for being good. Christianity believes in prayer, in eternal life, in miracles, in prophecy, in a human soul, in heaven and hell.

And you know what, Pagans believed in all those things generations before Jesus. Christianity was not new. Christianity was not unique. Christianity borrowed way more than the story of a Godman with magic powers who came back to life after he died. The first Christians took the basic ideas of their culture and adapted them to their new faith. Like all the ancient Pagans, they built a new religion out of old parts.

There's more. Don't forget the Christians sacraments. Christians are initiated into their faith by baptism. They share a sacred meal of wine and bread, which they believe become the blood and flesh of Jesus.

And generations before Jesus, Pagans practiced baptism and pagans shared sacred meals with their Gods. Pagans even ate sacred meals that were the body of their Gods. The first Christians took the basic ideas of their culture and adapted them to their new faith. They built a new religion out of old parts.

and being an athesist is not evil, it just means you don't believe in the supernatural (meaning you don't think there is a god) it is definately not evil, but frowned upon by society. Athesists tend to not believe in god and go on with their lifes being free.

hoped that helped...and forgive me if I was too harsh or something....

2007-08-16 14:04:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, there not. Unfortunately many Christians believe that being an atheist or Wicca, (not christian) means you are against god, which means that you are evil. The only thing they have to support this is the bible. I prefer to base my beliefs on people and not a 2000 year old book.

2007-08-16 14:05:13 · answer #7 · answered by punch 7 · 1 0

Anyone, not only Pagans or Wiccans that uses there knowledge to do harm against others which causes misfortune, or destruction; a cause or source of suffering, injury.

Evil The quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice; That which causes harm or destruction or misfortune.

Evil is behavior or thought which is hateful, cruel, violent!

2007-08-16 14:33:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

SOME pagans, Wiccans and Atheists are evil.

Just like some who call themselves Christians or Jews or Muslims are evil.

Not because of their faith particularly, but because they are human. A condition we all share.

2007-08-16 13:52:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Pagans and Wiccans and Atheists...oh, my!

Actually, I have known some very fine people from each of these categories, and although I am Christian, they have shown me love and respect, and I have tried to return as well.
Sure, we argue...aah...debate...ummm...discuss our differences from time to time...isn't that what friends are for??

2007-08-16 14:01:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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