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Could you give me tips on:

Posture while singing?

Achieving good range?

And I have difficulty going from high to medium or low pitches in the middle of my songs.

Please help, and thank you much :D

2007-08-16 13:37:44 · 12 answers · asked by AyK 4 in Entertainment & Music Music Singing

12 answers

Your tongue should be back where it goes when you yawn.

Your mouth should be open as wide to get the sound out.

Over pronounce the words to be understood and sound good.

Sing on key by practicing with a piano starting with middle C to C above middle C and down again.

Control the vibrato in you voice so it is there sometimes as needed and not other times for contrast.

Breathe from the stomach, not the chest.

2007-08-16 13:51:16 · answer #1 · answered by Pey 7 · 1 0

Smile. Lift your eyebrows. Concentrate on what your facial muscles are doing. This opens up your "soft palate" and makes your voice resonate. If you sing with your face flat and droopy, then your tone will be the same. Keep it bright and open.

Shoulders down and back, arms loose at your side. Back straight. Knees slightly bent. Do not tighten your body- it will make you sharp.

(unless you are going to try and hit a quick high note- sometimes tightening your tushy helps keep those notes from getting flat)

Breathe deeply- filling up your belly, then chest with air. Practice doing this so you can get your full breaths quickly.

Sing in front of a mirror. You can see what needs to be improved.

As you practice, your diaphragm gets stronger, and the "break" will become less noticeable. It is all about breath support.

And re-read everything adioposer63 wrote. Great advice there!

Good luck!!

2007-08-16 13:50:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1. Posture. Stand or sit straight, and keep your chin up. Not really high, cuz that looks really dumb, but the whole "confident chin thingy" is great for your voice.

2. Acheiving good range. The best thing I can say here is practice. Practice to ANYTHING. Some of the best artists you can practice to are: Celine Dion, Fergie, Christina Aguilera, Darren Hayes and/or Savage Garden (highly recommended for high notes), Hayley from Paramore, :the lead singer: from Flyleaf, Amy Lee from Evanescence (highly recommended for like if you want to have good range), Ben Burley from Breaking Benjamin, and just various other artists who have huge talent. Doesn't matter if you like them or not. Practice to them. I despise Fergie, but I listen to her SINGING stuff alot so I can sing it and get a better range. Personally, I'm in love with Darren Hayes. =] He's my favorite.

3. Changing pitches. If you practice singing, it'll become easier, just like your range.

Other tips:

Don't drink carbonated sodas, or eat pizza (at least not often). They can mess up your throat. On that topic, don't eat many sweets either. (I'm a huge hippocrite when it comes to these three things. I love coke, pizza, and candy. T_T)

Herbal tea is great for the voice & throat. Especially if it's got honey in it.

And on that topic, honey-lemon drink works wonders both for your voice and when you're throat is soar. Boil some water, add a buncha lemon juice, and add a buncha honey with it. Then drink. Plus it's delicious.

Try to keep in shape. (This seems to help everything, ne?) But it's true. The better in shape you are, the better your voice.

This will sound weird. Yell alot. (But not like screamo, just like yelling to your friend across a field kinda thing.) Yelling increases your lung capacity. So does deep breathing. Do that too. But yelling is more fun. =]

Like somebody mentioned kinda, swimming is great. Go swimming, hold your breath as long as you possibly can, then take a deep breath (of air! =]). Or just holding your breath as long as you can in general helps.

Something my uncle told me-- It hasn't been proven, and I'm not even sure if it's correct, but I do it and it doesn't seem to do any harm. My voice has definately been stronger since I started, though. --When you're throat is sore, sing. It makes your voice stronger, supposedly. But don't sing TOO loud, because that would actually do the opposite. Just sing gently, but enough so that it sounds near-to-normal.

Right. Like someone said, kinda, sing clearly. So that you can be understood. The more like...well like if people can't understand what you're singing, you're voice doesn't sound as good. Practice pronunciation. Do tongue twisters, when you speak, speak clearly.

Another good thing--Join, if you can, both choir and theatre. Choir to help with the singin, duh, and theatre to help with stuff like breathing techniques, memorization, volume, pronunciation, etc.

Hmm...If I think of anything else, I'll add it in.

2007-08-16 13:53:02 · answer #3 · answered by goo. 3 · 1 0

Choose a good singer to sing along with. One who is adventurous with their vocal range.
Always stand up to sing, it allows more air into the lungs.
Before playing and recording your effort along with the song, loosen your vocal chords by singing the doh ray me fa so la ti doh scale.
Sing a song you already know well and project your voice.
To project, imagine you are singing to people at the back of a hall. You want them to hear you.
To make the voice louder without screaming whilst singing, push down with your tummy muscles and the voice will be stronger. This will take practice, but is worth the effort.
Strength is needed (using the tummy muscles) in the last words of sentences, as they must be cut off and not phased out weakly with the lack of breath.
It is always possible to use tummy muscles to get that last bit of air needed to finish the sentence.
Notes can be reached with confidence if correct breathing is used for projection. There is much less chance of wandering out of key if done this way.
Vibrato can be achieved with projection, and then breathing the sound at the end of the word, rather than holding the note.
With practice, you can pop the breathing in and out ever so quickly to make a great sounding vibrato. Notes will then sound more musical and take on a professional sound.
After practising and feeling more fluid with the voice, play the song required, and turn on the recording machine.
Sing along to the end, and then listen to the playback.
If the vocals or the singer on the music is too loud and drowning the other out, adjust for a better all round mix. (Turn down the mic volume, or the volume on the song).
Sing along again, then listen. If the mix is fine with your vocals just above the singer on the music, go for a 'take.'
Listen to the playback carefully and write down all the words that sound wrong.
Play the song without recording your vocals this time, and concentrate on those wrong sounding words. Listen carefully to the singer and after repeating the song until you feel you have it properly in your head, record yourself again.
Playback and check for your progress. You can repeat this until you have got it right.
Do not practice the whole song whilst making mistakes on words thinking you can learn them later, or you will have a barrier on those words and will find it much harder to alter the way you sing them.
Learn to wiggle in a word to make it sound more interesting, but stay within the key. It is similar to singing harmonies when other notes can be sung in conjunction with the main note. Experiment!
The use of a recorder to check if you are singing in key, is the best way to learn how to stay in pitch and will show up any mistakes before you are stuck with them.
If you are not tone deaf, you will progress very quickly with this method.
Correct breathing and confidence makes a good singer.
Technique and fluidity in going up or down a scale to the highest and lowest edge of the vocals, makes an excellent singer.
Practice daily and there is no reason not to sound like some of the best!

2007-08-16 13:43:24 · answer #4 · answered by adioposer63 3 · 3 1

Hayley Williams had instructions from Brett Manning, who's an incredible vocal coach. To the 1st answer, lol. that is referred to as vibrato, and that is an influence, no longer something that may additionally assist you sustain your notes. it relatively is why you may no longer attempt to benefit on your man or woman. you are able to no longer relatively discover the money for to coach the incorrect way. you will could desire to get a vocal coach, ultimately. you are able to initiate off of attempting to benefit on your man or woman. yet you do no longer desire to strengthen a undesirable habit, for this reason unfavourable your making a track voice. in simple terms ask your mum and dad for starters. there is plenty to benefit, like a thank you to alter registers, selection, etc. etc.

2016-10-10 09:33:16 · answer #5 · answered by courts 4 · 0 0

You know, a famous singer from our country said she used to submerged herself in the sea (about until her shoulders, I think) so as to train her lungs and vocal chords. She can hit high notes, and she can really sing well. And I swear I'm not pulling your leg.

Another thing, they say chewing on a ginger (or atleast, drinking ginger tea) is really good for your throat...

2007-08-16 13:49:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

in order to being a good singer, you need:

good, straight posture

practice songs above your range: it should help you hit the high notes.

when it comes to reaching high notes, sing a verse and and raise your voice slowly to hit a note.

2007-08-16 13:42:08 · answer #7 · answered by angel_love_rocker 2 · 1 1

im lazy but for ur first question is 1 inch sitting on your chair,back straight,legs part(sitting and standing) and when standing,arms on the side and your legs apart and not locked cuz you can faint from standing like that over a period of time

2007-08-16 13:42:25 · answer #8 · answered by cutie angel 1 · 0 0

I would suggest the following tips:
-Good disposition
-Interior Silence
-Self Confidence
-Put God First
-Humilty and Simplicity
-Vocal Exercise every day at your convenient time
-Good exercise every morning
-Enough rest
-Love above all things
-And many others...

2007-08-16 13:47:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

stand up straight,sing songs that are in your voice range, sing pitches that you feel comfortable singing.

2007-08-16 13:41:04 · answer #10 · answered by flowers_oneighty 1 · 1 1

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