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Why do people do such hate crimes?
The only thing I can figure out is this:
When someone tries to diminish or belittle a religion or group is only out of fear. Someone would destroy a mosque because they fear everything about it. They fear the fact that they will one day be overpowered. Same reasons why racists act the way they do.
Why would you attack someone weak? It doesn't show how strong you are, just how weak and a sissy you are.

There are too many unjust people, and the only reason they do such terrible things is because they are afraid of them. Shows how string and brave one is.

2007-08-16 12:37:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Hatred & terrorism is creation of Popes. In 11th century the crusade was started by the sermon of pope only & Christians killed all about 5,00,000 Muslims including women , children & old persons mecilessly & none was spared b coz pope told them to do so. That was highest figure of people killed in medieval period ' first example of religious terrorism'. Pope John Paul was actually a Jew & Christians are so great fools that only after death they came to know of it who was cheating them throughout. When Serbians were mercilessly killing 2,50,000 Muslims in Bosnia in 1993 , in a short span of 6 weeks, Pope kept quiet. But when Taliban only arrested few Christian missionaries in Kabul, afghanistan, he too much shouted against those who treated them so nicely & humanly that some missionaries embraced Islam, harshly slapping on treacherous Christianity of those days there. Christians are responsible for starting terrorism. 9/11 was not done by Muslims rather Israel, USA & India combined together as told by some experts & academicians in India. In USA , the jew senators & busunessman do not allow govt. to take any just decision against that community of born terrorists . For sometime , the Arab population in USA has increased considerably & so , it is becoming more & more difficult to take all pro Jew decision. To avoid that 9/11 was deliberately plotted & done to get a chance of expelling Arabs from there, as said by great learned Professor Shamim Akhtar recently. The sharp analysis of Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed of Hamilton University is 100 % Correct. Read them. How could Arab become so much efficient that they could plot 9/11 & hijaked planes by knives of cutting carpets. Only few unclear cellphone conversations of few passengers cannot confirm the real story. A USA based industrialist has already posed many sharp questions & challenged Bush that he cannot answer them at all. He said that in 9/11 plot Bush himself is responsible. A great auther of USA written a book too sharply questioning findings of CIA & FBI. In Iraq case of weapons of mass destructions too credibilities of the 2 agencies were proved to be ABSOLUTELY WRONG, as established earlier too by Haans Blix, former chairman, IAEA. I too have heard many fathers of Indian tecnical young boys( working in World Trade Centre, New York, USA) saying in Delhi & Mumbai cafes different times that their sons held coctail parties on 10 th Sept., 2001 night, enjoyed too much & said, "tomorrow will be a great fun day " & deliberately went late to office to see WTC crumbling down. FBI & CIA only manipulated reports in hurry. CIA was deliberately giving wrong reports about Iranian troops positions during 1080-1988 Iran-Iraq War which was confirmed by the the president of USA too. Thus, FBI & CIA are unreliable having ZERO credibility. If American looters of Arab oil don't change their attitude & become civilized, honest & just, the day is not far that USA will collapse like erstwhile USSR. Indians blindly admire MOSSAD too much which completely failed in Palestine, wrongly called Israel, where it could not bring peace at all. India is taking tremendous assistance from MOSSAD against Muslims , particularly in Kashmir where I saw several its agents & took their photographs too. They proudly said that they were MOSSAD men & women. Local people said that Kashmir would become their graveyard as already hundreds of them have been eliminated(while commiting crimes against locals) in that area of sub zero freezing temperatures. So called video tapes shown on CNN are bogus & doctored ones not having even voice clear & photographs too of dummies. We also know how doctored VCDs are made. I wonder how the so called Christians & Jews are so much narrow minded & fascists that they jump on the conclusions so fast & blame only Muslims for every terrorist activity & blame Islamic teachings without reading even a word on Islam. Hitler was a terrorist. So were Johnson, Tito, Reagan, Breznev, Andropove, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Sr. Bush & Clinton. Can anybody imagine military terrorism in Kashmir against extremely beautiful, simple, clean minded & peace loving 75,00,000 Muslim people of Indian administered part of disputed territory Kashmir by 12,00,000 Indian Hindu troops only b coz they are demanding their legitimate right of self determination given by UNSC. Army has been SPECIALLY ORDERED(since 1991by Govt. of India) to GANGRAPE Muslim young girls to frustrate masses to put down natural uprising for their aim. So far, Indian troops killed 7,00,000 Muslims & gangraped 60,000 young girls. The troops are trained for anti Muslim hatred too . Mossad is training them. why nobody of the west talk of that against Hindus . I've visited Kashmir several times. There is no Muslim extremist. That is a Military colony only having imperial brutal rule.

2007-08-16 23:13:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This conversation was between the shaikh & British man. Where shaikh might understood the best way to make understand the British man. Because here shaikh means of the protection and valve of women which islam gives. The queen is not a particular Elizabeth it is a way to make understand the British man who might have understand what actually Shaikh point out. Because otherwise if any body want to question about the queen so their are many queen whose history is miserable for example Cleopatra etc. So muslim order to treat women in such a way so that they will be Queen for ever inshaallah in this world and here after so in that some thing which have to make them understand in right way it is also order like to beat with the tooth brush. So that inshaallah both will be together and not depart because if evil interfere and this is a examination. That is why I know if the people have understanding they might understand other wise i just can say Cleopatra was also a queen. In fact Allah says in quran in Surah bakra this book is a guide for who believe other wise it is quite difficult for person to understand right and wrong. And if they understand also they might not accept because the world will go from their and they can't do what their vain say.

2016-05-20 17:18:32 · answer #2 · answered by cortney 3 · 0 0

This world at this point is completely awash in fear, hatred, intolerance and ignorance...AND hate crimes. From big countries invading weak ones to people attacking each other out of ignorance.

"And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another"
Matthew 24:10...Jesus telling of the "end times" and the way the world will be (is right now).

2007-08-16 13:21:09 · answer #3 · answered by Perry L 5 · 1 1

Hate is a manifest of ignorance. Anyone who performs hate crimes fears the unknown and refuse to acknowledge anything other than what they hate about the religion. It is always easier to hate than it is to tolerate. Hatred has mob mentality and thrives on others to embellish it by performing unjust actions towards other. It's always easier to gather a mob to destroy something, and even harder to gather people to build something.

I agree with you, hate crimes are nothing but foolishness and anyone who participates in such things is no one but a closed minded, blind follower of hatred.

Peace & Salam sis.

2007-08-16 12:48:27 · answer #4 · answered by ۩MoonLit Muslima۩ 5 · 8 1

The reason that mosques are being destroyed , is each faction is trying to get complete control of the government. In America the Republicans fight the Democrats with voters ballots. In Iraq the Sunnis and the Shiites fight each other with suicide bombers .

2007-08-16 12:46:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I completely agree, their scared. Its a horrible way of getting over their fear.

2007-08-16 12:43:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

We need to figure this out as a whole.... hate crimes? who are they hating? is it jealousy?

2007-08-16 12:43:23 · answer #7 · answered by DJ 1 · 2 0

Oh? Muslims you inply are weak? How then do you explain the strange, meak occurances of 9/11?

2007-08-16 12:43:56 · answer #8 · answered by roadjack1096 2 · 2 5

Who is this directed towards?

2007-08-16 12:42:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What's the question?

2007-08-16 12:42:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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