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They have become so accustomed to being able to abuse illegals that they think they can do it to Americans as well.

2007-08-16 12:30:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

I would like to add that now these companies are being forced to pay closer attention to worker safety.

2007-08-16 13:32:05 · update #1

11 answers

No, I hope the trend continues...

People are willing to work for a living wage, the amazing thing is its a win win situation... The community/state wins with money flowing into it from the local or nearby employee and employer, the employee wins with a livable wage and the employer wins with community acceptance and people who earn enough to turn around and purchase the products sold by the plant/company not to mention the family members showing their loyalty with purchases... Is it really so hard for companies to understand the process?

2007-08-16 13:11:03 · answer #1 · answered by Rabid Frog 4 · 1 2

I read the article , but I don't know if I understand the issue .

Any worker on an assembly line, would tell their supervisior they are leaving their post right ? I mean wouldn't the safety of other workers be jeoporadized ? I would think on an assembly line that is live , that the supervisor would give permission or decide to stop the line or send in a replacement to do what she was doing. The woman in the article didn't ask anyone to call 911 right ? She went to the nurses station. It sounds like she felt like it hurt a little and she needed a tylenol . It sounds like a report of the injury was made / some acknowledgement of some sort is being made . In some companies, they will deny it.

Companies exploit all labor, minimum wage to executives. It happens in the so called "best" and "worst" jobs. The only difference I see is how much the paycheck you bring home is and what price someone is willing to settle at to be exploited. A business needs a source of labor and they are just doing what companies do , go out there and recruit workers to carry out company business. An employee has a job to get the most compensation in a paycheck and benefits that they can get in exchange for being "exploited".

I realize that meat packing might not be the best job to have but this is a legal job and appears to even have some kind of dorm style housing / shelter. This is a good job compared to some jobs in foreign countries. If the workers feel they can find better jobs they are not slaves, they can go and find better jobs. I would think that the experience from this job would help them make a step upwards. In some years passed, they would not give felons a job. You went to prison for something serious, no one would hire you. Many felons returned to life of crime because they had no legal means to make a living once they returned to society. Many of these people , would have been glad to take legal job at 9 bucks an hour with free housing. If they are living on site for free , that means would be earning gross 360.00 a week. With no rent, they could save 300.00 a week . In one year, they would have 15,600.00 for a downpayment on a house. In five years, they have 78,000.00 not including any interest. It's not to hard to find 5 percent. If you get a husband and wife team working together ... in five years they could have 156K ... more than enough to buy a small house in a rural area in the US that they will own outright. They will only need to find jobs that pay the taxes, and buy a litlte food. They can worry about getting cars now and paying those off. I'm sorry I don't see this as abuse.

Is there more here I am missing ? Maybe you have heard other news that I have not seen / don't understand.

Good Luck to you.

2007-08-16 20:00:29 · answer #2 · answered by Mildred S 6 · 1 1

Can I use the R word on the Hispanic that call Blacks Lazy or that word is forbidden for Anti's to use. The African Americans who are working the plant would obviously produce less work than the Hispanic. They are new to the job and have not figured out the flow. I have seen this tactic used by racist of all races to target new hires. I have often said the main reason why illegals are being used is not the actual pay. The real cost saving comes from not providing a decent work environment and the knowledge the employee would not sue for abuses. I find it interesting that now they got rid of illegal immigrants, they are able to get legal ones. THis article shows that not only illegal immigrants depresses the pay of Americans, but that illegal immigrants prevent legal immigrants from coming in.

2007-08-17 01:28:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


2007-08-16 20:01:30 · answer #4 · answered by Independent 2 · 2 0

i heard that laura bush was looking for a new dish washer in crawford. that's why chimpboy went against the cons on that amnesty issue. he wouldn't get laid otherwise.

yeah, they might have to pay a decent wage.

2007-08-16 19:39:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Huh? The only people claiming that they can't get workers are illegal immigrant supporters and illegal immigrants themselves. they want to justify their position. We have prisons full of people who could do those jobs and we should have them working instead of hiring illegal immigrants. Also, we have enough people on welfare who could be ordered to work or starve. There is no abuse here. Lawbreakers set themselves up to be abused and don't deserve pity. they deserve jail.

2007-08-16 19:36:14 · answer #6 · answered by Mindbender 4 · 0 3


its always a deal that gets made

if its worth doing whatever for whatever money, then somebody will do it

its nice when people are not subject to economic violence and pressure of that I think

2007-08-16 19:37:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I remember that. Too bad there haven't been more similar incidents, lately.

Oh, no sympathy for the exploiters of illegals, of course.

2007-08-16 20:06:24 · answer #8 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 3 1

Not at all
they need to learn to pay their employees decently

2007-08-16 22:45:03 · answer #9 · answered by Miss M 4 · 1 0

not at all...the cheap a**es need to quit pocketing all the assets and pay their help decently

2007-08-16 19:35:41 · answer #10 · answered by Southern Comfort 6 · 3 0

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