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don't you realize that wicca,witchcraft is evil! it says so in the bible. its Gods word! also you are worshiping false gods. mother earth is no god and not real. sun god is not real. you are worshiping things that will not get you no where but hell. i pray you will open your eyes and see the truth. before its to late. Jesus is not just my truth its all of us truth. some don't want to accept the truth. it will mess up there sinful lifestlye. praying for you all. satan is real and wicca comes from satan. believe in it or not. satan is real, Jesus is real! Satan is evil. Jesus is good!

2007-08-16 12:19:52 · 37 answers · asked by ANGEL HORSE 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

I agree with what you are saying,but you are saying it too harshly,I realize some people need to hear it told harshly but the majority of people on this wabsite will probably respond to your question as if you were a religious radical.Simply saying you speak the truth will not convince many people of your view.In their eyes the worship of wicca,voodoo,witchcraft,etc... is truth to them.try to express your thoughts more based in scripture so people can see and read from where you draw your conclusions.
Perhaps then others will have the truth revealed to them and make the choice that is best in their eyes and God's eyes.

2007-08-16 12:28:24 · answer #1 · answered by boobooloo 4 · 1 13

You contradict yourself right there. You said the Bible is God's word. And at the end you said Jesus is good.

The Bible states that the non-believers should be shunned by Christians, while Jesus loved all people unconditionally.

I can see which one you picked, and it seems you have left Jesus behind you. Can you hear him calling you back?

Also, is it not also in the Bible that you should not judge others? Whoops, looks like you've left the Bible behind, too.

It's just strange how I seem to know your faith better than you do, despite the fact that I do not follow it.

May peace go with you throughout your life.

((((Hugs)))) <= You need more love in your heart. Hopefully this hug will help.

EDIT: And to actually ANSWER your question (not that I really feel I should grace it with an answer), I will compare the percentages of actually good people from each religion, as per the people I have met.

Christians (inclusive all denom's): around 30-40%
Atheists: around 40-45%
Spiritualists: 100% (I only know of one)
Pagan (all pagan religions): 100%, of around 20
Buddhists: 75% of 4
And one wonderful Christian Fusionist: 120%

2007-08-16 12:32:38 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 6 1

Dear Lady Saphira, Thank you for your concern, i realize it has come from your heart. (By the way i named my snake saffy too!)
I know you believe what you have just written, but you see, we do not believe the words of the bible were really Gods. I believe they were written by a man with good intentions...to keep everyone on the right track. We do not believe in satan. We do however believe that all roads lead to deity, which means we respect your faith as valid, just not your book.
So everything that you say above is basicly the words of man, not the creator, there fore we do not subscribe to the belief that we are doing any wrong.
I am sure that....IF...we are wrong the creator will look into our hearts and know that we are GOOD people.

Just on another topic, i know we have a lot of Pagans who are rude to christians, but most of these are people who are new to our ways and have not let go of a lot of their negative feelings yet. Just as you must see new christians do the same. Please try to remember that we all must start somewhere.
Blessed Be

2007-08-16 13:56:55 · answer #3 · answered by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6 · 2 1

That is just your opinion and no one can prove otherwise. Besides modern Christianity is paganism in disguise. Did you know that all you hold dear about Christ was decided on during the council of Nicea in the early 300's? The pagan emperor had a huge hand in the decisions the bishops made. So what you believe about Jesus was mostly what a pagan emperor believed.

Constantine was convinced Jesus was a Sun God.

Paganism is not evil the Catholic church declared it evil because they wanted to control all spirituality. If you celebrate Christmas and Easter you are celebrating pagan holidays which the bible says to not do.

2007-08-16 12:31:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

I'm Catholic. It's good to see someone standing up for their belief in God, but we can't force anyone to see things the way we do. Not everyone feels Wicca is evil. To those that believe witchcraft, it is another form of religion based on nature. Just as God does not want us to speak negatively of others, let's not discriminate others as well.

2007-08-16 12:26:42 · answer #5 · answered by a s 3 · 6 0

Maybe you should be careful with your false Gods accusations, your only proof of your God being the one and only real God is a book written over numerous centuries and translated back and forth between many languages.
If it actually contained an important message it more than likely has been lost to annals of time.
You should allow people to have their beliefs, if you disagree with them state a decent argument, not the same old religious dribble (evil doer, satanist, burn in hell, blah, blah, blah).
It doesn't even make for interesting reading.

2007-08-16 12:58:11 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 3 1

Your thinking is almost as bad as your grasp of the English language. You do realize that the Bible cannot in fact say Wicca is evil because Wicca was not around when the Bible was written. You must also realize that there is absolutely no such thing as a one-size-fits-all religion. You can't just think that your religion is right for me, or that my religion is right for you. That would be foolish.

2007-08-16 12:25:48 · answer #7 · answered by xx. 6 · 5 2

Not all Pagans are Wiccan. And not all Wiccans practice witchcraft in the sense of casting spells.

And the God of the Bible admits that other Gods exist.

Psalm 82:1 actually states that "He judgeth AMONG the Gods"

PLEASE get your terminology straight.....

2007-08-16 12:34:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anne Hatzakis 6 · 7 1

All that evil crap will come around to chew you in the tush. I had slightly devil worshipping roomate as quickly as and that i kicked him out and acquired all of his possessions for lower back hire. endure in ideas that a sturdy magnum revolver will decrease by sorcery and sorcerers like cobwebs.

2016-10-02 11:46:33 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is sad to see that you have not opened your eyes and seen the influence the pagan world and beliefs have had on your faith, how many symbols or beliefs can you truly claim to be solely the idea of christians. The cross itself is a pagan symbol, symbolising man and the elements, pagans used it often because it was a simple symbol and easy to associate with. Also do you know the truth about the satan figure, in the old testment he was merely seen as a lawyer type figure, someone who stood in your way to heaven who knew all that you had done in life and told it to you asking for a reason as to why you did that stuff but when christianity came along there was a need to make a figure of pure evil and satan was chosen since he was the only figure to oppose people on their path to heaven which made him evil. Did you know that the things your priests do in your masses for worship are based off of pagan ceremonies and rituals. Your priests do magic just like other pagans do. The 10 commandments themselves say that you shall have no other Gods, meaning that there are other Gods out there but this one wants you to worship only him. The word Hell is never mentioned in the bible, but Hades is but that was nothing like Hell, in hades people went through pain and torture yes, but that was because of the things they did in life and in the center of Hades was guess what, heaven known to them as the elysian fields. Look it up. Also look in the bible, it does condemn witchcraft but it also tells the clergy on how to use witchcraft in its ceremonies, so do not be so quick to judge. I was raised a Catholic/Christian, but i turned from that path, i became a Pagan/Heathen(Asatru) and am proud of it. Please i beg of you, open your mind do not fall into the state of mind that most christians have, denouncing anything that isnt in the bible because they dont know about it. Its not to late for you to change your mind on what paganism is, and by the way, your question/statemen i find to be very offensive to me and to other people of not only my religion(s) but also to people who are not christians, the Christian faith is about loving others and letting those who are meant to be christian come into the faith and letting those who arent meant to be in it walk their own path, Jesus in the bible says for people to be tolerant and respect others beliefs, so why are you not living up to his decree like you claim you do by calling yourself a christian.

2007-08-16 12:33:53 · answer #10 · answered by Benotafraid 3 · 4 1

I'm neither pagan or wiccan, but I can tell you this...the bible is not God's word. It is a collection of books written by men. It was assembled by a man...has been preached by men....and it is neither the absolute truth nor word of God. It's a good starting point....did you miss the part that said

2007-08-16 12:26:13 · answer #11 · answered by Barbiq 6 · 8 1

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