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She is a chihuahua- we put her out, she walks around for a bit and cries to come back in. When we finally let her in, she strolls around. I turn around for a few seconds, litteraly, and she's squatting!!! She does it everywhere, and we can't keep an eye on her all the time. What to do?

2007-08-16 12:17:14 · 22 answers · asked by April May June 4 in Pets Dogs

she do put her out, she cries immidiately, she still won't do her business outside

2007-08-16 12:31:45 · update #1

and yes, we punish her for evertime she does

2007-08-16 12:33:53 · update #2

22 answers

well what we did was for the first couple of days every time we saw him((MY DOG)) sniffing around we would take im outside let him do his busiiness tehn bgring him back in and like praise him((belly rub,reat...etc))
good luck ps u have to watch her EXTRA carefully if that doesnt work then u have to do crate training andu have to put her in comfortable crate and take her out side fo a couple of minutes every 2 hours and do that for 2-3 days GOOD LUCK!

2007-08-16 12:30:29 · answer #1 · answered by heart_star_bling 2 · 1 0

First of all you need to realise this is not the dogs fault. You will need to go back to step one, this may mean forgetting the training method you are currently using as it's simply not working.

First of all, outside needs to be fun & safe place to be, so this means spending time with her outside playing and so forth.

Next up. For the next week, take your dog outside every hour when you are home and give a toileting command, this command should be a simple command not a strain of words, so something like "Toilet".

When the dog starts to toilet you calmly say "Good Toilet", when the dog has finished toileting you lay on the praise big time, then have a play with the dog to show that toileting in the backyard is great fun.

Now, whilst the dog is inside, you should not take your eye off the dog, if you can't watch the dog it should go outside with a bone or kong etc or pop it in a crate (granted you crate train the dog first).

Everytime you allow the dog to have an accident inside the house you are reinforcing this behaviour so this is why it is so important that you never take your eye off the dog.

If you suspect the dog is about to toilet, i.e. dog is sniffing the carpet or circling, in an upbeat manner take the dog outside and do the above steps.

If the dog does toilet in the house and you see it happening, give a firm "No", do not yell at the dog or raise your voice or run at the dog or smack it or rub its' nose in it or anything else like that as what happens when you do that is that you scare the dog and the dog learns that you don't like it toileting infront of you, so it will hide from you when it toilets.

Ok, so after you have given the verbal repremand, in an upbeat manner, take the dog outside and do the steps mentioned above.

When you clean up the accident, ensue you use a special accident spray that gets rid of not only the stain but also the scent the dog leaves that tells it to toilet in that area again. It is reccomended that when you clean up accidents that you don't allow the dog in the same room as you as it can sometimes turn into a game.

Now, if the dog has an accident and you didn't see it, you need to hit yourself over the head because you should have been watching the dog. You can NOT repremand a dog for anything you did not see the dog do, simply clean it up, learn the lesson and go on with your day.

In addition, this is a small dog, stop picking your dog up and let it be a dog, make sure your dog knows you're the leader in the house so it knows to taker commands from you and does not develop a bad attitude as so many little dogs do, you don't do this by being a bully but by simply being firm, assertive and calm.

Good Luck.

Now all the above will absolutely work granted this isn't a baby puppy who doesn't have full control of its' bladder yet.

2007-08-24 00:49:39 · answer #2 · answered by Sas 3 · 1 0

You can't just put the puppy outside and expect her to know to go there. You need to stand outside with her until she goes - no giving in! Take her to the same spot so that it will start picking up the scent of pee/poop. As soon as she goes, praise her and give her a treat. To prevent her peeing/pooping in the same spots in the house, pick up some Nature's Miracle from the pet store and clean the areas she has soiled thoroughly. You need to get the smell out so she doesn't associate the areas with going potty.

If you can't keep an eye on her, then she needs to be crated or kept in a safe area of the house.

2007-08-16 12:46:16 · answer #3 · answered by jml167 4 · 3 0

Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://bitly.im/aL5Pw

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

2016-05-14 17:27:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

After the dog eats, drinks, wakes up from a nap, and plays it's gonna have to go. you dont have to watch it too much other than that. When the dog eats and drinks it will have to go almost immediatly after. When it awakens from a nap it should be taken directly outside. If it cannot be trusted to walk through the house on its own carry it out. Say "Go potty" repeatedly and it will get to understand what go potty means and know what you are talking about. Stay outside with the dog and supervise it. When it goes potty Praise it! But dont get too exited or you will interrupt it, wait til it's finished get exited and give it treats. Playing can also bring on the urge to go so before or during play time take the dog out.
Good Luck!

2007-08-21 18:21:22 · answer #5 · answered by LoVeAPBT 3 · 1 0

First don't punish her. After the fact she has no idea what is happening.
If you see her start ...make a big vocal noise and grab her and take her out. Every time you see her about to go, make the big noise again and out she goes. If she is going to be unsupervised put her in a crate. Normally they will not go in the crate. Be sure she get taken out about every hour. Her bladder will only hold an ounce or two of liquid and she needs to empty it often.

And be sure you clean the spot EXTREMELY WELL smell left is an invitation to the next time.
Get something at the pet store that helps with odor.



2007-08-20 11:05:03 · answer #6 · answered by Lyn B 6 · 2 0

Before you take your dog for a walk, have she ate a while ago, or do you just decide it's time ( for you?). When you take her out, walk for at least half an hour, if not yet, keep walking her until she does her business. This cannot be a command! Would you go on command??? Have patience and keep at it, she will understand, and don't rush her, they like peeing around, smelling everywhere, take time, after it's for her not for you!Be kind, you'll be rewarded, oh and always do it at the same time, it's best! Good luck!

2007-08-24 07:43:29 · answer #7 · answered by kayneriend 6 · 0 1

start with taking it out at least once every couple hours. do not get upset when it starts to deficate just simply say no in a dominate tone and walk it outside. people might say yell stop but it will only scare them and then they will really go. something else b4 you even have to ask. If it starts peeing in the same spot all the time use fingernail polish remover on that one spot it will keep it away. but DO NOT use it on a big area just a few drops. And be careful where you use it cuz it will bleach your carpet.

2007-08-21 15:46:00 · answer #8 · answered by waterlilyccr 4 · 1 1

You did not say why the animal felt obliged to act against the
autocrat. Dogs are social animals and would associate in a
pack of different breeds if unsupervised. Your pet is serving
notice this association is desired and welcome. Pet speaks
to autocrats too claiming right to assert preference. Suggest
owner consider trial introduction of second dog as a partner.
The other option is to enlarge daily exercise pattern so your
pet can inquire into and add her own doggy business cards.
Every tree and public road fixture in sight should be visited.
Some solid hours of daily exercise was the regimen for dogs
in military to keep them focused on their assigned duties.

2007-08-24 08:36:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Punishing her ain't the way to go, You need to let her know that you are more happier when she goes out side than inside, Then your dog will know that it's time to go outside to use the grass ground not (bath room) (LOL). Play with her after she goes outside, Tell her good girl, Say in a firm voice Naughty Dog and don't spoil her when she goes inside. That's the best way to train any dog on any thing you are trying to train them on .

2007-08-22 14:23:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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