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and used your martial skill to defend yourself
imagine if a robber broke into ur house would u feel nervous
would u still use ur skill

how do u sweep some one or get out of half guard position if ur on bottom
and when in a fight if ur takedown fails would u go for a throw or would u still look to get his legs

and one last thing, when i tried the armbar the arm was laying on my croutch and it killed like a bitc*
it realy hurt


2007-08-16 11:52:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

14 answers

I have only one time as an adult.

I had some one pull a gun on me that was supposed to be a friend. before they could even raise it i reacted and kicked their rising arm causing them to drop the gun and as they reached for it on the ground I knocked them out with an axe kick to the back of the head. Then i used a cloth as to not put finger prints on the handgun , used my Cell and called the police where he was quickly arrested for having an unregistered Handgun with him

To this date I still do not know what his intentions were but seeing a handgun raising in your direction left me little time to ponder and only to react.

That is my only adult fight.

As a kid I had numerous fights growing up always being the new kid on the block. I never looked for them but they always followed me and forced me to fight back. Well I did and at that time in my life i was a Junior Black belt and though i did not have the wisdom and knowledge of an adult BB I did have the physical knowledge on how to use the moves. it saved my butt many times.

Once my friend and i were jumped leaving a teen dance club because i was dating this other guys ex girlfriend so he had 6 or so of his buddies waiting for us around a corner and jumped me and my friend. My friend ended up in the Hospital was a busted up face and bruised ribs. I however had nothing more than bruises on my arms from blocking repeated attempts to hit me. i was too young to know how to fight multiple people well but it was enough that i was never hit in the face or stomach. After a bit they got frustrated that they could not touch me and gave up allowing me to aid my friend and take him to the police and hospital.

We filed charges, found them and they were arrested.

Those are my only stories.

2007-08-19 02:45:09 · answer #1 · answered by Legend Gates Shotokan Karate 7 · 0 0

Yeah the armbar is alot less painful when you are wearing a cup, it actually makes the armbar more effective. I once got in a fight and got hit in the head with a 40oz bottle, I was rocked (and still have a scar under my goatee) but I swung back and hit him so hard I broke my hand (another reason for protective equipment, MMA gloves are not to weaken punches like boxing gloves they are to protect your hands) but it wobbled him enough to get the thai clinch and I ended with a knee to the face that broke his nose.

Also years and years ago when I only knew how to wrestle, I used a head lock with an arm drag (when done correctly you would think it was a judo move) to take down a would be bully and knock the wind out of him, I just stood up and walked off because I didn't really know how to fight.

2007-08-16 13:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by Joseph B 5 · 0 0

There was a 10 year period when I worked as a bouncer or a security agent. Most of the time people responded to verbal direction, but every now and then you'd get a physical action coming at you. I've had people come at me with bottles, knives, long handled windshield scrapers, brooms, chairs, ash trays, and punches of course. I picked up a bruise or three and a few scratches over the years but no broken bones or puntures. I train Isshin-Ryu karate in a dojo that focused on real world application and self-defense. It saved my life a couple of times.

2007-08-17 00:37:06 · answer #3 · answered by lee49202 3 · 0 0

I can't sat that I have had to use any of my Muay Thai training in a street fight, or any other instance to defend myself.

However, assuming that the "robber" doesn't have a weapon, I wouldn't hesitate to chop him down quick with a low kick, or punch to the eye, or a powerful front kick to the gut, etc., then knee or kick to the jaw to render him unconscious. Try to not get in a wrestling match with the suspect. If he goes down, take his back and choke him out from there. Resist the orge to over do it.

With the arm bar, go to the side of your crotch.

2007-08-16 12:26:37 · answer #4 · answered by faybio 3 · 0 0

I've been in a couple fights, one using Judo and one using kung fu. Both were equally as effective (meaning I won both times). Generally, when people suddenly realize you are competent with a martial art they back down if it is a petty fight at school or something. I have also been in a few bareknuckle fighting matches (no rules except for no groin attacks) and won using Kung Fu.

The bareknuckle boxing matches were when I was young and stupid, and no one should ever do that haha.

2007-08-16 18:31:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I got to green belt in Go-Ju-Rae many years ago. I only used it once in a real fight. An ex-boyfriend unfortunately tried to get physical - I tried to talk him down and when that didn't work gave him one simple good turning kick to the gut.. Probably wouldn't have got me any points for good technique but he didn't want to play anymore after that... I also (probably stupidly) bluffed an enormous gorilla of a guy who drunkenly started to paw a friend of mine in a disco... told him, with a dead straight face, to meet me outside - the bar staff (who knew I only had a green belt) all egged him on and dared him to take me outside (I'm female and was then 24 years old, slim and dressed for boogying)... They pushed him so hard he backed down, apologised and left the disco... Ah those were the days... I have more sense now... Fun at the time tho'.

2007-08-17 03:12:45 · answer #6 · answered by Origami 2 · 0 0

I do try to avoid fights, but chavs and fighting find me a lot. I have used Judo more than a few times to defend myself, it feels natural to use and i didnt reli use particular moves i just used what felt right at the time and mostly just used my skill at off-balancing people rather than the techniques themselves. It is amazing against drunk people, Juji gatame is the only thing i do to actually finish the fight, i dont approve of knocking people out, so i usualy bend their arm and make them apologise. Judo works fantasticaly in most situations, but it is of course not completely perfect.

2007-08-17 02:53:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a kid no, as an adult only once but it was not much of a fight thankfully,

I was at Denny;s restaurant with my Girl Friend and two other friends.

A man that knew my GF sat behind me about 30 minutes after we were there, He was talking to her and I was cool with that,

Next thing i know he grabs my shoulder as tight as he could. I responded as I was taught too and grabbed his hand with my opposite hand and then used my hand on the same side to twist his wrist and make him stand up with his elbow facing over the end of the table and all i had to do was apply more pressure and I could have snapped or broken it,

I asked him if he was ready to calm down before i let go. He of course said yes. i let him go and he gets in my face. I ignore him and keep eating upsetttinng him even more because i will not play his game.

He goes out side as if he is going to wait for me, so my other friend goes out side and they both return about ten minutes later and the guy seemed calmed down and his head down. I asked my friend what he said to him. He said that he told him that i was a Martial Artists which was why i twisted his arm so easily and all i wanted to do was eat my pancakes but if he insisted on causing problems when i was done i was going to go outside and wrap him around the bumber of his own veichle. (OF COURSE I never said that) my friend did and it was enough to make him back down and go away,

so I never threw fists but I did use a ju Jitsu move i learned in my Goju class and had him at my mercy for a short bit. The better man in me let him go and did not hurt him. i am still glad i did not have to hurt him,

2007-08-16 13:18:50 · answer #8 · answered by Rex 2 · 2 0

There's a lot of ground fighting techniques you can use if you fall. When you fall you definetly don't wanna stay on your bottom! You wanna roll onto your back and keep your head away from your opponent.

I never had to use any of the things I learned in my Tae Kwon Do class, but I'm sure if I needed to use them, I would.

2007-08-16 12:03:23 · answer #9 · answered by Serena T 6 · 0 0

I've been in several fights but only twice was my health in any real danger and those were before I got into MA.

My dad likes to test my skills every time I meet him cuz he learned fighting from being a corpsman in 3rd recon. But he's big and slow

2007-08-16 16:44:20 · answer #10 · answered by R. Lee 3 · 0 0

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