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They cannot accept an idea without proof. They think logically rather than believing in a document that is self contradicting. I don't believe to be better than anybody, we can all live a better and fullfilling life without god, if we where to be at piece with everybodies beliefs. We are all incharge of our own destiny. My own believe is that my life has a purpose "NOW" and after death. I'm not trying to offend anybody but If the whole world was atheist, I would personally feel selfish to not believe in a supreme being that created life and the universe. I have witness miracles far before I understood the bible. We have a world that was built with Intelegent Design, and Science is part of that inteligent design. Human's where created in god's image, we are capable of great things but we are still yet to solve the problems of today. My believe is that a better life awaits us, death exist today because of sin, and Jesus came to bring hope to nonbelievers. What are your comments?

2007-08-16 11:42:58 · 37 answers · asked by Vision 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

hmmmmmmmm, interesting

most Atheists are smart people, it takes courage to contradict mainstream society and think for yourself, you have to give em that at least

I'm with you on that purpose here and now thing. I think Heaven and Hell are both right here in everyday life too.

I also think its a miracle just that the world and people exist the way they do.

The world is SOMETIMES built with intelligent design, mostly its greed and fear that builds most things I think.

I think humans created God in their image, not the other way.

I guess I still need more proof an that afterlife anything though.

2007-08-16 11:54:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What I think is simply that look at the world around you...

Think about it REALLY hard...

Use all of your logic, scientific explanations, whatever you want...

Now put your hand on your chest...feel your heart beating? Take in a Breath, hold it...move your arm up and down...

Now tell me how in the heck a "big bang" or whatever other theory you want to use explain how your amazing body and the world around you works? How...in all honesty if the world was a whole lot less populated, or there were a lot less species of animals, plants, etc I could understand a theory of a big bang or some accident causing a very few amount of beings to be a live and work like we do. But look at the world..there are MILLIONS of animals, people, etc and we are capable of living, reproducing, thinking...how could all of this just come from nothing? How could there not be some sort of higher purpose or being guiding it?

You don't have to believe in this God or that...but how can you say you don't believe in any superior being? You don't even have to believe in life after death or life having a purpose. But how can you possibly say there is no divine being that created us and the universe we live in? (I would prefer you did) Who cares if you can't see it or touch it?

Science simply states you can not create something from nothing? Even IF we did start as a bunch of helium in space where did the helium come from first? There can be no beginning without something greater guiding it, something we can't possibly begin to fathom or understand...it just isn't logical!!

2007-08-16 12:03:58 · answer #2 · answered by Dinobot 1 · 0 0

You asked for comments, so here they are. I am not trying to hurt your feelings.

My comment is, you have picked one book about a god, the Christian Bible.

There are dozens of other books you could have picked, such as the Koran.

What makes you think the book you picked is the right book?

What makes you think ANY book is the right book?

Why are you so afraid of death? Death is natural and all living things die. Why want anything more than that? What will you DO if you are stuck alive for all eternity?

I think that you're right about one thing: religion exists to give people hope, especially poor people, slaves, soldiers, prisoners, and people who have no power in their society. It helps keep them peaceful and unrebellious if they believe that they have another life AFTER this where everything will be fair and their lives will be better. People who believe in an afterlife are a lot easier to oppress and control in this life.

I believe if you want life to be fair, you'd better start working on that right now, and not wait until you are dead. Try making that your purpose NOW (as you say) and you'll be busy and unselfish every day of your life -- which atheists agree is the only life you're going to have.

You can be glad and grateful for that life without being grateful TO some imaginary all-powerful thing who just happens to be imagined exactly in humanity's image, with two arms, two legs, two eyes, etc. Doesn't that strike you as a little too convenient? A little bit conceited, on humanity's part?

Good luck with your spiritual quest. I hope you find an answer that works for you.

2007-08-16 11:56:21 · answer #3 · answered by Ankhorite 2 · 0 0

Well, it's not like that, for me at least. I think about what is possible and not possible. Yes, I would need some actual proof of the exsistance of "god" other than the bible or written down documents because, it's just like another book of laws to scare people into believe in something that is not true.
You say that you have witnessed "miracles". "Miracle" is a word used to explain something extraordinary that has happened, like a dead person coming back to life. It is true, that events like these cannot be explained, but it doesn't mean that "god" exsists.

I am not trying to prove anything, but I found this documentary quite interesting.


2007-08-16 11:53:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Funny how most of the world's atrocities were committed by people who believed exactly like you do, isn't it? Funny how this so-called intelligent designer created so much painm and suffering, naturally, isn't it? I mean, why aren't there steak trees so we could enjoy the delicious taste without slaughtering cows? What did cows do to deserve such a fate? For that matter, why doesn't health food taste good - pretty stupid designer that makes things that are bad for us tasty, isn't it?

Only human ego supports intelligent design, not science, logic, or reality. It's arguments like this that make atheists think believers are stupid - how could you NOT notice how poorly designed this planet is? If, of course, it was designed; evolution, which has no claims of morality, is the only intelligent explanation.

2007-08-16 11:51:59 · answer #5 · answered by Brent Y 6 · 3 0

Atheists are most definately smart.
Willing to think and understand how they feel about this?
Sometimes not
All humans are curious, and almost certain there is something higher than us
WHERE would the sun, and the planet come from.
But whether or not there is a god is an entirely different thing.
Perhaps the bible is a documented piece of "proof" but you dont know if the dude who was writing it was skitsophrenic or anything.
There is NO proof
Only personal belief.
Now, it's not SELFISH to be atheist.
Its just not understanding. To each his own, right?
We will never understand. just a matter of settling that insecurity.

2007-08-16 11:49:36 · answer #6 · answered by Arielle = 2 · 1 1

Smartness is distributed along a bell shaped curve whether you are talking about atheists or Christians or Jews or whatever. You can not generalize.

You have a certain way that you "feel" like you want to believe in. No problem. We have another way that works for us. That's how the world works.

2007-08-16 11:47:30 · answer #7 · answered by Alan 7 · 5 0

intelligence is personal, not collective. a person's intelligence has nothing to do with their religion (I've met some pretty stupid people of differing beliefs and intelligent people of the same), though fear, pride and their perception of what is logical might.

so yes I believe that Christ is the Only Way, yes I'm born again but no I don't think that makes me superior or inferior to others.

2007-08-16 11:50:18 · answer #8 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 1 0

We haven't been able to solve the problems of today because too many people refuse to open their eyes to the reality of existence. We're emotional beings on a planet with limited resources. Believing in God is very selfish because you're not addressing the problems, you're wasting your time and energy on something that's just for you.

2007-08-16 11:49:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The Fear (Reverance) of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom;
The Fool has said in His Heart there is no God;
The word of the Lord.
I guess the" smart people" is realtive; what is the Standard to compare to.?

2007-08-16 11:54:40 · answer #10 · answered by section hand 6 · 0 0

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