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It seems to me that God is considered responsible for positive things, but he is not considered responsible for negative things.

If your home was on fire, you might pray. But you'd do more than pray--you'd call 911, if you could. And who would come? Firefighters. NOT God, though I'm sure you'll say he's there in spirit.

When the firefighters arrive, and save your life, you will likely thank them. However, you'll also likely thank God for the "miracle," and claim him the person to be thanked when telling your story.

But what if the firefighters didn't arrive? If they decided not to come, and you were to die, I GUARANTEE your family members would blame THEM, and NOT God.

So, let me get this straight: when people do something good, it's all thanks to God. But when they do something bad, it's all their fault. How is that fair?

So really, *WE* can't do anything good, by our own account. However, we can do bad things. Isn't that just setting us up for failure?

2007-08-16 11:33:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To those of you that complimented my opinion, or the way in which I think, thank you. And thank you, as well, to those that brought up points against me--certainly something for me to consider.

2007-08-16 11:42:21 · update #1

16 answers

well good runs very deep . we look past the surface at where the good originates .. and i do thank God for all things good ..

2007-08-16 11:39:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Who set the fire in the first place?
Sounds like that's the devils area with fire and all ;P

Let see if Fire Fighter came do we just stop and thank them? What about the person who set up the 911 to call in the first place or the phone companies to run the lines. What about the government who set up Fire department or should we thank or tax collectors who take our money to pay for the fire department. Were does the buck stop I ask you?
Come on God made the plant and gave you life to walk around in it. Is it his fault you burnt your butt he did give you nerves to show you fire hurts so run! Don't walk when you see fire. And don't smoke in bed kids!

P.S. Oh yeah and don't forget there's a war going on from heaven and hell earth is ground zero. If you don't like bad things happening in your life then you should go to Heaven heard it's not so bad there. Or wait around till the end when the Lion lays down with the sheep.

2007-08-16 18:44:12 · answer #2 · answered by YANI S 2 · 1 1

Just me talking here, but the firefighter scenario brings out a point that I myself would like to make.... I, and I say I, am grateful we have them, and I appreciate all they do..... and I would thank them, and God for making them who and what they are...... PEOPLE WHO SAVE LIVES...... God NEVER says to NOT thank the people who do what they do, scientist, doctors, lawyers, etc....... and He does not worry if we thank them for what they do, He made them ...... IF my house burnt down, yea maybe I would be a little angry , who would not, we are human, but, I would soon get over that notion and feeling....... not because I thought the house was SUPPOSED to burn down, or it was Gods will, but because it is JUST a house........ if I were to die in the fire ???yes, I have 1 family member who would automatically blame them, and prob. sue if they could..... but, I have also told my family, ALL of them my thoughts about death..... I am READY to be with God when ever and how ever He sees fit..... I have NO fear of death.......... and yes, we can do good by our own account, as you so put it...... It is MY choice if I walk out my front door and go help some one...... God will be IN every story I tell, good or bad..... He is part of my life..... a big part....... God bless

2007-08-16 18:46:35 · answer #3 · answered by Annie 7 · 1 1

Job 2:10
But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

Lamentations 3:38
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
That both good and ill go forth?

Micah 1:12
For the inhabitant of Maroth
Becomes weak waiting for good,
Because a calamity has come down from the Lord
To the gate of Jerusalem.

What we humans see as "evil" or "catastrophic" or just "really bad" may not be so in God's eyes - not because he is amoral, but because he *always* sees the Big Picture. In your story, the people involved should, like Job, give thanks to God both when they are blessed with good and when they are afflicted with evil.

There is a great moral story which explains this in "The Once and Future King" told by Merlin to Arthur. It's too long for me to attempt to relate now, but it is well worth reading.

Jim, http://www.life-after-harry-potter.com

2007-08-16 18:48:29 · answer #4 · answered by JimPettis 5 · 0 1

I have seen many times when people thank the lord for the work of others, especially medical and science professionals. It is usually to avoid feeling indebted to a fellow human. After all they don't have to pay god back.

2007-08-16 19:00:12 · answer #5 · answered by phil8656 7 · 2 0

have you ever seen the "pursuit of happyness"? during the movie the son tells will smith a story.: there was a guy drowning in the ocean and he started praying for god's help. then a boat passed by, the man in the boat asked if he needed help, and the drowning man said, "no god will help me", so the boat left, this happened again, and after, the man finally drowned. when he got to heaven he said "god, why didn't you help me?'' and god just replied with, i sent you two big boats dummy!

do you get it?

many people believe that god directed the people to go help. the people sent might not know god had them go there, but he did.

and that's what praying people believe.

2007-08-16 18:40:43 · answer #6 · answered by lins 5 · 1 2

I apologize for not reading your comments entirely but I think I caught your jest.
Well, for a start, God allowed there to be firefighters in the first place!
Not that long ago, they didn't exist, and those that did were very limited in their ability to put out fire.
Oh, and let's not forget that you were actually able to get out of your house not to mention have a working phone.
I know it's really tough to accept that fact that we great and mighty humans are really so dependent on so much it go just right in order for us to go on living.

2007-08-16 18:41:39 · answer #7 · answered by Linda J 7 · 1 2

My gosh girl, you are confused. God gives us doctors and fire fighters who save our lives. Yes, we thank them both because they both saved us. We don't ever call it a miracle if someone like a firefighter saves our life. You are over exagerating to prove your point. And if we die, I have family members that would blame God but I wouldn't want them to because I will be in a better place and I will see them again someday.

2007-08-16 18:40:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Blame God for not preventing bad things from happening to good people???? Are you NUTS??? We can't do that!!!

You're not supposed to question the will of God..EVER....it's just NOT DONE!!!

God allows bad things to happen...that's just his way. And when bad things do happen...it's NEVER God's fault...that's blasphemy!!!!

Other than that....you make some great points...:)

2007-08-16 18:49:22 · answer #9 · answered by Adam G 6 · 1 1

Yeah - Im Christian, and Ive noticed that a long time ago.
I am certain there is a God. My philosophys have proven that.
Im just not sure I have the right one.

2007-08-16 18:39:53 · answer #10 · answered by goatman 5 · 3 0

It is because of this people feel they need God. Because they are not worthy and capable by themselves. It's circular reasoning (as with the rest of christianity), but people don't tend to see it that way.

2007-08-16 18:39:09 · answer #11 · answered by Apollo's Revenge 3 · 3 1

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