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Are Kept under wraps because people will not be able to handle it???The 3rd secret Pope John revealed was that Souls would be lost and faith lost within the church-That's it??hardly as some say
Many say Jesus spent time with the Essenes who were a unique group and wrote many of the scrolls-They felt that they had been entrusted with a mission, which would turn out to be the founding of Christianity and of western civilization. They were supported in this effort by highly evolved beings who directed the brotherhood. They were true saints, Masters of wisdom, hierophants of the ancient arts of mastery.
They considered each religion to be a different stage of a single revelation. They accorded great importance to the teachings of the ancient Chaldeans, of Zoroaster, of Hermes Trismegiste, to the secret instructions of Moses and of one of the founding Masters of their order who had transmitted techniques similar to those of Buddhism, as well as to the revelation of Enoch.

2007-08-16 11:22:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

+ The Secrets of Fatima +

Here is the official Vatican document on the Message of Fatima which includes photocopies (and English translations) of Maria Lucia's original Portuguese documents of all three "secrets": http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html

+ The Dead Sea Scrolls +

The Dead Sea Scroll contain:
- All of the books of the Old Testament (Hebrew scriptures) except Esther
- Several books that never became part of the Hebrew Scriptures
- Numerous commentaries on the Scriptures
- Books having to do with
.....- Community life
.....- Rules for living
.....- Temple worship
.....- Other matters

There are many duplicates. Fourteen copies of Deuteronomy have been found and two of Isaiah.

The scrolls are important because they:
- Testify to the accuracy of the people who copied and recopied the Scriptures over the centuries. Despite minor errors, they show us that the Old Testament has not changed since it was compiled.
- Throw light on beliefs and customs in Palestine during times between the Old and New Testamants. There was far more diversity among the Jews than had been thought.

For more information, see:

+ With love in Christ.

2007-08-16 16:39:29 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 1 1

Jesus the Splendor

The Essene Nazorean Christ is not quite the same as the Romanized Jesus propogated by the New Testament and modern Christianity. Original Gnostic Christianity had a deeper and better understanding of the real historical Jesus before the coverup and falsification of the record by the Pauline school. In addition, the Nazorean office of Christ is filled by both Yeshu (Jesus) and his female counterpart Maria. On this page we will concentrate on the male aspect of Christ. Correctly identifying the Essene culture and backdrop of Christ's life and teachings is an important component of identifying the true tradition, as is identification of the correct historical record. Jesus WAS NOT a Jew or a believer in the Law of Moses! The New Testament IS NOT an accurate portrayal of His life. He was NOT resurrected in his body which was entombed in Jerusalem next to Miriamne and other members of his family. Yeshu was vegetarian and taught a unique form of Nazorean Gnosis called Nazirutha.

"Come and stand beside me and you shall not be burned." - Yeshu (Jesus)

"Be calm, be loving unto others, be gentle, be peaceful, be merciful, give tithes, help the poor and sick and distressed, be devoted to Deity, be righteous, be good that ye may receive the Mysteries of the Light and go on high into the Light Land." -Yeshu (Jesus)

"Act as you have seen me act, instruct people in accordance with instructions I have given you,and be for them what I have been for you." -Yeshu (Jesus)

"For many will accept our teaching in the beginning. And they will turn from them again by the will of the Father of their error, because they have done what he wanted." (Yeshu (Jesus), Apocalypse of Peter)

2007-08-16 12:00:17 · answer #2 · answered by Br. Benjamin 4 · 1 0

Perhaps there are spiritual forces at work on behalf of humankind. Jesus studying with the Essenes is as likely the truth as any other theory, given their proximity and esoteric focus.

However, imagining grand initiatives and conspiracies tends to distract people from serious transformation which would benefit the world-at-large. Consider it - "understanding" the psychological significance of the Nag Hammadi texts and other sacred literature could be vastly more significant than thinking about secret conspiracies.

2007-08-16 11:37:07 · answer #3 · answered by MysticMaze 6 · 3 0

Well that's undoubtedly true, but the 'people' who wouldn't be able to 'handle it' as you say, are not the general public, it's all the clowns who have been living off this bogus myth of the 'Roman Church'.

Currently one of the richest institutions in the world, the Holy See was founded by two main protagonists, both of whom were not the slightest bit interested in Yashua bin Yusef, or the Essene and Zealot sects of Roman occupation Palestine. The Great Liar, as he was known to the Qumran Community, the main Essene sanctuary on the shores of the Dead Sea, not all that far from Jerusalem, invented the story of being 'struck' by Yashua on the road to 'Damascus', which by the way was just a code-name for Qumran, and pretended to be a convert so that he could learn the inner secrets of the Essenes, a process which generally took three years minimum. He then went on to utilise his falsely obtained knowledge to twist the teachings of the 'Teacher of Righteousness', who was most likely John the Baptist, but could have referred to James ( Ya'cov ) the younger brother of Yashua, who led the Community after Yashua's departure from the scene.

Three hunred years later, Constantine, in danger of loosing the crumbling Roman Empire needed a 'crutch' and decided that a 'State Religion' was the key, it was nearly given to Mithraism to fulfil this role, but at the last minute, typically due to a c*ck-up of war, a shield ensignia for Sol Invicta, Constantine's official faith until his deathbed conversion to 'Christianity', was mistaken for the 'Christian' Cross ( another case of mistaken identity, the real cross was a 'crux simplex', just a straight pole ), and everyone credited to victory to the 'Christian Gods'. Thus tipping the balance in the favour of 'Christianity', which would, by the way, have more accurately been called 'Paulianity'.

That the Dead Sea Scrolls were kept out of the public arena for nearly half a century by the Vatican and it's minions is a testament to the last death-grip that the 'Roman Church' had on the throats of the billions of poor, ignorant, masses around the world. With that now gone, the shibbolith will undoubtedly collapse, and that it is, also undoubtedly, going to spell the end of the 'Myth of Christ' as Pope Leo X admitted in the early sixteenth century, had served them well for 1,500 years of domination of most of European, and European influenced societies.

This third part of the Fatima 'prophecies' would surely be sufficiently scary for the Vatican 'powers' to be very reluctant indeed to share it with their world. One could almost say an inevitable act of religious suicide.

{{{{{{{{{{Cosmic Truth Outing}}}}}}}}}}}

2007-08-16 11:51:56 · answer #4 · answered by cosmicvoyager 5 · 1 1

The Dead Sea Scrolls mention nothing of Jesus. There is a good chance Jesus and the Essenes knew nothing of each other.

2007-08-16 11:33:08 · answer #5 · answered by Shawn B 7 · 0 2

Yes, this is true!
The Sufis are a very old and unassuming group of small beings that are aware of many secrets that have been passed down since the time of Adam (PBUH).

*footnote.."The Teacher of Righteousness" was indeed James the brother of (Joshua Ben Joseph), Jesus (PBUH).

2007-08-16 11:55:46 · answer #6 · answered by WillRogerswannabe 7 · 1 0

Actually the Dead Sea Scrolls can be viewed and actually the complete Dead Sea Scrolls have have been published and sold at bookstores, I have a copy myself

2007-08-16 11:29:25 · answer #7 · answered by ST 4 · 0 0

you speak a language i can understand - sometimes a lil rare here!

i get annoyed by christians who claim their part of the story is the whole of the truth - it put me off reading the bible for a loooong time because, even as a child, i could tell something was wrong.

my first thought was...the catholic church has been burying the evidence of how rife paedophilia is amongst their ranks 'for the good of mankind' for a looong, looong time...does this fill with you trust and hope about what else they say or suppress?

Hermes is great though!!! i like colin wilson - not because of his conclusions which, franky, suck, but because in a single book of his you can find enough references to keep your Search fed for anouther 100 years or more!

thank you for the 'stages of revelation' concept - that's got me thinking in a new way..

2007-08-16 11:28:51 · answer #8 · answered by mlsgeorge 4 · 2 1

Its been awhile considering I study lots of the lifeless Sea Scroll stuff. i think of the extra books are super and upload advice relating to the time. i do no longer think of relating to the money owed anymore than i think of relating to the bible.

2016-10-02 11:42:45 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

They are just guessing about Jesus and the Essenes; there is no way to really know.
Most of that other stuff is pure speculation.

2007-08-16 11:28:04 · answer #10 · answered by supertop 7 · 0 1

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