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Well, I don't understand, my mom used to be so nice to me and now ever since i turned into a teen, she's tightened the reigns, and grounds me more than ever. I don't act any different..so i don't understand why she would do this. And lately i can't take it so much that i've considered running away. Why is she doing this..and why do i feel this way?

2007-08-16 11:06:39 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

27 answers

well has it ever crossed your mind that she is trying to keep you out of trouble and and away from the wrong element ? that is our jobs as parents . when you get older and have kids of your own you will understand . good luck .

2007-08-16 11:12:21 · answer #1 · answered by Kate T. 7 · 0 0

As you get older your relationship with you mother will change. When you are a teen, there are worries she will have about you. She will want to keep you on the right path, keep you away from drugs, alcohol, having sex when you're not married, doing things you shouldn't. If she is grounding you, what are you doing to get grounded? Maybe you are acting up a little more because you think she is being unfair. I think it's a good thing that she tightened the reigns, when you get older you will appreciate that. I know it's hard now, but it will get easier. Stick to your school work and don't sweat the small stuff. If all else fails, talk to your mom. If it's too hard to talk face to face, write her a letter, explain how you feel. That worked for me when I was younger.

2007-08-16 18:14:21 · answer #2 · answered by cdc92281 2 · 0 0

Well, are you sure that absolutely nothing has changed? I recall when I was a teen that not only did my body start changing, but also I was more interested in other things. I started having crushes/boyfriends, maybe skipped school and did things with my friends due to peer pressure. Some girls start having sex at a young age and maybe she's concerned that you will lose your virginity and/or that you will end up pregnant. Her keeping you at home is her way of keeping you under her wing. Maybe she went through something at that age that she may not feel comfortable sharing with you... and she is only protecting you so that you don't go through the same. If you still have your mom's trust and respect, you should be able to talk to her like a young lady and explain to her how you feel. I suggest you take the time to have a private conversation and tell her how you feel... and that it bothers you. Explain to her that just because you are a teen... that you're mature and responsible and capable of making the right choices. I wish you and your mom can somehow get through this. I still disagree with my mom on alot of things, but I can talk to her... we have an open relationship and I can talk to her about anything.

Ultimately when you grow older, your mom may become your best-friend. Your mom loves you today, tomorrow and always more than you'll ever know.

2007-08-16 18:31:28 · answer #3 · answered by lily e 2 · 0 0

Okay, sweetie first of all you need to know that you are maturing and you can sometimes change yourself and not even know it. So you could be getting irritated a little bit more. But the main reason I think she is tightening her grip on you is because there are so many negative factors out in the world today and she is just trying to keep you in line. Kids are growing up a lot faster now days and learning things quicker than can be imagined. Now that you know right from wrong or atleast you should she is trying to teach you how to be responsible by making you accountable for any bad decisions or actions. Whatever you do, do not run away, this may seem like a silly way to show you that she cares but it is for the best. You will really appreciate it in the long run. Just think about some of these parents now days, they let their kids do and say anything they please, so be grateful that you have mother who cares how you turnout. Just stick in there, she should lighten up a little bit everytime you show her the you are responsilble. Good Luck!!!

2007-08-16 18:16:35 · answer #4 · answered by michelle.wales 3 · 0 0

Ok first off you should not run away. Just let that idea go, that will only make things worse. If you want her to lighten up you need to show her that you are mature and responsible. You may be acting the way you always have but now it's time to act a little more mature. Running away just makes you seem more immature.

She is doing this because she is scared for you. If you read some news online you will see that many horrible things are happening to teenagers these days. Parents are freaked out. We're trying to save our kids from making choices that will cause them pain, jailtime or even death. Of course it's going to upset you, you want to be allowed freedom, you want to be trusted. I still remember being 14 years old and thinking why won't people just trust me to make my own choices. I eventually ignored them and made my own choices anyway. Many bad things happened to me that I won't even share here! Focus on doing well in school, respecting your parents rules and being mature whenever they do allow you to do something new. If they see that you are handling these teenage years responsibly they will give you more privelages. Above all else you need to keep talking to your mom. Don't argue just ask her why she doesn't want you to do something. I'll bet she has a good reason everytime. And if she feels that you respect her and what she has to say that will help her feel that you are becoming more mature.

Good luck to you

2007-08-16 18:31:08 · answer #5 · answered by Jessie 4 · 0 0

She probably had a few problems when she was a teenager and is trying to shelter you from making the same mistakes. Sit down with her and discuss the ages that you will be given certain responsibilities such as:
1. Going to the mall with friends.
2. Staying up an hour later than you are allowed now.
3. Learning to drive.
4. Getting a job.
If you discuss the ages that she would consider these things then you have something to look forward to and can work your way towards them. Your mom will be able to see you becoming more responsible and may lift the reigns a bit. Good Luck

2007-08-16 18:16:42 · answer #6 · answered by firemouse23 5 · 0 0

It could be that she remembers herself at your age and all of the trouble she got into. She is probably trying to protect you from something. Its not that she is trying to be mean she simply cares about you. Have you tried to sit down and have a cool and level headed conversation about it with her? That may shed some light on things. Also it may be helpful to tell her that you don't understand somethings but you know that she is trying to protect you. Are you open with her or are you able to talk to her about things that all teenagers become curious about i.e. dating and partying. It also might be that maybe she isn't trying to protect you and she has some problems going on in her life and unfortunately it is affecting you to. Parents can do strange things if they are having trouble in a relationship or even money problems. It may not be you at all. If she is having problems try helping her around the house and take some of the burden off of her by doing household work. That can sometimes do wonders. She could be having problems and rather than deal with some of the problems associated with teenagers she is sheltering you in an attempt to avoid it all together. Plain and simple try to talk to her and see if there is anything that you can help her with. That may open a door for you. My parents always told me that one day when you have your own kids you will understand. And guess what they were right. Good luck and just try to be understanding that not everything parents do is meant to be an attack on you.

2007-08-16 18:22:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The teenage years are tough. There's so much more that you can do, so much danger that your mom sees all around. Drugs, drinking, sex, gangs... She wants you to grow up safe and get into a good college and make a good life for yourself.

Just talk to her. Let her know that you respect the rules, but that you need a bit of breathing space. Maybe she will confide something that made her more protective -- did a friend lose a child to some accident?

If there's another adult you can talk to as well, an aunt or uncle that can help you see your mother's side of things, that would be good too.

2007-08-16 18:12:55 · answer #8 · answered by Jarien 5 · 2 0

At your age you tend to think that you're always right....everyone goes thru it. You might not act any differently....but you are different. You're not a little kid anymore you've grown. If I were you I would try talking to her and if it doesn't work.......then there are lots of help out there. Try not to do anything that's gonna endanger yourself. It could also be that your mother is going through a depression stage. Just do the right thing and do what she asks you to do but only as long as that the right thing to do. Don't yell at her or talk back to her. I've been thru that too....but thats because my mom was stressing out and was a single parent.

2007-08-16 18:27:13 · answer #9 · answered by whatitreaure 2 · 0 0

She's probably just trying to protect you. With every thing that is going on around us, she feels the need to reign you in, so as to keep you safe. Do not run away because it is not safe. Talk to a guidance counselor or a close relative or someone that can let you know that your mother loves you and is just trying to get you through your teenage years and safely into adulthood. I would also like to suggest that you sit down with your mother and let her know how you feel about her change in attitude with you. Let her know that you appreciate her concern but you would like to work together to a better understanding.

2007-08-16 18:19:25 · answer #10 · answered by jan 7 · 0 0

Are you a only child? I have 3 daughters 27 19 17and 1 son 12. I can tell you Mostly she is afraid of losing you.Whether it be moving out or more as I was of death. My girls have recently all moved out and Im so missing them I cry every day. I speak to them every day and yes my youngest is only 17 will be 18 in Nov.But we are very close and I thank god every day that we are. I have always gave them the space they needed because I didnt want them to do what I did married at 15 and had my 1st child at 16. I would have her read this question you have asked and see her reaction. My daughter did it to me and it sure woke me up to how she was feeling. It will get better!

2007-08-16 18:28:20 · answer #11 · answered by age2purrfection 1 · 0 0

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