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Before you start bashing(some of you anyway), am just asking a hypothetical question. I was, like many, raised to believe in God but I've recently been REALLY wondering about this.
However, it does give me an eerie feeling to think that there possibly could be no one out there looking out of us. I personally feel like God is/could be real but there are so many questions with that.

In contrast, the theory of evolution is a strong possibility but then there are some things in this world that seem more designed than just happened to be. Does anyone else feel this way?Please be open minded. Thanks! :)

2007-08-16 10:29:05 · 39 answers · asked by Cilantro 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

The theory of evolution is a sad one. Darwin himself stated that there should be millions upon millions of fossils to prove evolution, but there isn't. There are "mutations" in bacteria ect....but no one, and I mean no one has ever proved evolution as fact. There is a reason the missing link is missing, it is because it doesn't exist. Many on yahoo q&a will tell you evolution has been proven, yet they cannot give any facts.

A prime rule in biology states that life comes from life. So science is contradicting itself when they state life just happened. If life were easy to creat by accident, don't you think someone could have done it by now? I mean honestly, if life started by a cosmic accident by chance, it should easily be recreated in a lab. It cannot be. No scientist ever has ever created life of any kind with out the help of life already existing. If one could mix dirt and water (sterolized of course, because if it contained bacteria, that is life) and zap it with electricity and have life, it should be creatable inside of a lab.

Now, the only thing I can say about God is, He is very real to me. I can tell you, look what He created (earth, solar system ect...) but if you believed that was all by chance, I cannot make you see my point of view. All I can tell you about is how real God is to me. What He has done in my life. How every thing I am today, is due to Him. My life literally changed when I accepted Christ as my Savior, that is real to me.

Good luck on your search. And please, honestly look into evolution as deep as you can, you will find so many holes in the theory, you will wonder why it is in text books across America.

God Bless

2007-08-16 10:47:49 · answer #1 · answered by frosty 3 · 0 1

Evolution and God cannot both be true. It's either one or the other. Either God is a liar and evolution exists, or God is telling the truth and evolution is what it is - a theory. See Yahoo News "Fossils challenge old evolution theory". Science is imperfect and so is man. Over 200 years ago scientists believed the world was flat. Science is always changing.

If you want to find out if God exists, study the scriptures (not just read) and pray about it and ask Him yourself. If you are truly sincere about it, He can and will answer you. There's many people that just want to prove Him wrong and/or aren't willing to act upon if He was to answer them. So, why answer if they aren't willing to do something about it or believe Him anyways.

I know He is real and that He DOES answer prayers. The more I study and try to live the kind of life that Christ did (to love and serve others - believers or not), the closer I feel to Him and the more in tune I am to Him and His answers. He will guide you to all truth.

2007-08-16 11:47:14 · answer #2 · answered by Dug 2 · 0 0

It is natural and normal to think about and question the meaning of life. What is it all about? Do I just live and die or is there something more to life than just existing?
On the optimistic side, if God is merely a figment of human imagination, then the believers are living a good life with the hope of something better and have nothing to lose by their error. They have left the world a better place for their mistake. On the other hand, if the nonbeliever goes through life convinced that life is only what he/she makes of it, lives life to the fullest, dies and finds out that they were wrong and there is an eternal accounting for our earthly actions, then great sorrow will come upon them to realize the mistake they have made.
For me, the distinction between mortality and spirituality is real. The inner being that makes my personality unique, that thinks, feels, loves and emotes in so many different ways, does not seem to age as does the body, is all the witness and testimony I need to convince me that I am indeed a dual entity, body and spirit. That inner, spirit being was before mortality and will be after mortality. It doesn't age like the body. The feelings I get in answer to prayer testify to me that my thoughts and words are being heard and answered.
Evolution is real as far as it goes. As a scientist (zoology/entomology) I have seen evidence of speciation. Animals do change over time and space. However, I believe that evolution has its limits. Only time, beyond mortality, will yield the final answers to that issue.

2007-08-16 10:52:15 · answer #3 · answered by rac 7 · 0 1

Evolved Spiritual thinking and information that has been passed through to us from the other side of the Vail has given us the knowledge that God truly does exist. He is God/Goddess/all that is. All that you can imagine, he is so much more and greater than we can fathom. Based on this if God would die or did not exist, you would not be asking this question because you would not exist either. Go look outside and tell me all that you see just happened. That is impossible.
Then why don't we see more planets and things appearing out of no where because it would still be popping up out of no where. Who makes it happen? Or what makes it happen if it is not God. There is an organized system like for instance the changing of the seasons. Your eye is so technical that how do you explain where it came from. It may have evolved but who made it be able to see and for what reason. You need to look up the (string theory) on (You Tube). See how much more there is to Physics and Metaphysics. There is not one person who can disprove God but what I see does prove an intelligent design.
Rev. TomCat

2007-08-16 10:45:28 · answer #4 · answered by Rev. TomCat 6 · 0 1

God isn't real. There are so many flaws in each religion and God is a stupid concept the more you think about it. Evolution is as good as fact to ANY educated person with the fossils, vestigial structures, and DNA evidence. The whole point of science is finding the truth.

Please don't listen to these retards like frosty. They have no idea how evolution works. It's always that transitional fossil bs. ALL fossils are transitional fossils. If you didn't know that, then you don't know anything about evolution. Evolutions isn't like it is on the mutant ninja turtles or the xmen, it's much more gradual. Every organism is in a state of change. If you were to go into the scientific community saying evolution is false, you'd no longer be int he scientific community. The first organism came from bonds of amino acids, so no, he's wrong about that too.

2007-08-16 10:35:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2


If he isn't real when you die and all teachings were false your whole entity and conscience will cease to exist and you will have no sense or feeling that you missed out on a great life of fun and debauchery anyway.

On the other hand if you die and it is real and haven't lived according to what's required your in for an ugly real surprise.

Look at this life as a gamble. If I tell you I'll give you 10 million dollars to to fly in a plane from Vegas to NY but there is a 50% odds that a bomb will go off in the plane at cruising altitude will you board the plane and take the bet? 50% odds do not exist in Vegas afterall or 2 billion dollar, 5000 room hotels would not be under construction there. So it is similar with belief or no belief in God.


2007-08-16 10:40:36 · answer #6 · answered by Michael Kelly 5 · 1 2

If God isn't real then after death I will be no worse off than you. We will both lay in the ground as conscience as the rocks and dust around us. On that same serious note, what if God is there.. It would be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Wouldn't it be better to be His child and be welcomed as such?.. Jim

2007-08-16 10:52:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The theory of evolution is not as strong as advertised. You might check out http://www.answersingenesis.org/

This isn't related, but your questioned reminded me of a thought I had before. What if God is so powerful all of this happened because God is dreaming and His alarm clock is about to go off? I don't really think that is true, but the thought crossed my mind before.

2007-08-16 10:42:28 · answer #8 · answered by MikeM 6 · 0 0

If God does not exist, then our decision-making process is made a whole lot easier. We do not have to try to read the mind of "the man behind the curtain." I mean no disrespect here, but it is pretty obvious that God does not make God's nature and wished very clear to 99.999% of mankind, and the other tiny fraction may be "possessed."

2007-08-16 10:37:42 · answer #9 · answered by Ward 3 · 1 0

It's not that God isn't real because he is, people simply do not recognize him that's all, God has never been out there somewhere in the heavens, because God is man and man is God, and one day the whole religious realm will come to realize and accept that fact, and so the next time you look in a mirror look closely because your looking at God. peace be with you.

2007-08-16 10:44:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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