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Could these achievements have been possible without the Holy Ghost?

2007-08-16 10:23:17 · 16 answers · asked by Dr. G™ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

When I received the Holy Spirit, I learned to read the Bible with my heart. Then Jesus' words and messages became clear contextualy, as if I were there when he spoke them. The Holy Spirit also alerts me when parts of the Bible have been misinterpreted or added by Religious Empires for selfish reason.

The word "blessed" originally meant "set aside for a special purpose" --- these days everyone seems to think it only means to be given a new car by God, or some other worldly present from God.

Amen, sister.

edit: Accomplished? Is having a happy and sweet personality an accomplishment? - Just wondering

2007-08-16 10:33:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

The Holy Spirit is GOD. God is Holy and God is a Spirit (John 4:24). Holy Spirit is male in accordance to the scriptures - defined as "him" "he" etc (John16: 7, 13) The Holy Spirit is the third male personage of the Holy Trinity because of the fact there are 3 that bear witness in heaven, the father, the information (or Son John a million:a million) and the Holy Spirit and those 3 ARE ONE. hence, Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the father and on the comparable time the Spirit of God the Son or Jesus Christ - (shown in Romans 8:9) The Bible certainly DOES communicate with human beings being crammed with yet somebody else. as an occasion, the Christian's physique is the temple of the Holy Spirit who's IN US, whom we've from God etc (a million Corinthians 6:19 and a million Corinthians 3:17). besides, yet no longer the only occasion by employing any means, there is the occasion of the Disciples being crammed with the Holy Spirit on te Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4) Cornelius and others have been additionally crammed with the Holy Spirit and started to prophesy etc. (Acts 10:40 4 - 40 8). There additionally are incidents suggested interior the Bible of people who have been POSSESSED with evil spirits - One guy had MULTITUDES of demons in him so he grow to be referred to as "Legion" (Mark 5: 9 -15). The Holy Spirit is God so He has no subject filling an entire team of folk. His capability is endless. He FILLS His genuine believers whilst we obey Christ's instructions and instructions. as an occasion, Peter reported, "Repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins and you SHALL get carry of THE present OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 2:38). There are endless examples interior the Bible of folk being crammed with the Holy Spirit - Paul grow to be, the Disciples have been and fairly some many extra.

2016-10-10 09:16:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Many things, too numerous to mention. Without the Holy Ghost, there is no chance of victory, as He is the one that gives us the power to overcome sin. Since I received the fullness of the Holy SPirit, I have been able to do all that God has caleld me to do in victory, becuse it is Him doing the work thru me Without God we are nothing, and yes the Holy Spirit and Jesus as also God, Bible says so and that settles it for me.. amen

2007-08-16 14:39:18 · answer #3 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 2 0

The Holy Spirit is the Anointed Spirit of Jesus that He has sent back to the earth to live inside us. If you receive Him into your heart and believe. The Holy Spirit is Jesus Himself put into all that will receive Him. He made Himself a body while on earth, a body suit if you will. We all have one here on earth. You can't live on this earth without one. He made Himself a body so that we would not be afraid of Him. He is God. No man has seen God at any time. We can not look on God without being destroyed. Jesus who is God come in the flesh, has seen God because He is God, that made Himself a human body. We are very special and unique for Jesus to creat us and then creat Himself a body just like us. We were created in His Image and then He created Himself in our image. Wow can you believe it? He is so awesome, there is none like Him. He is our Father He created us all. He is coming back, so please be ready. The Holy Spirit has accomplished me, since receiving Him into my spirit. He has made me to achieve athority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm me. This is what Jesus said in His word and I should know because I live it everyday and so can you.

2007-08-16 16:27:15 · answer #4 · answered by SPEAKTHEWORDNOW.COM 1 · 1 0

Led a few people to Jesus, still working for the Lord, going to church and learning more and more every day. Making lots of Christian friends too. God is so good. None of this could be done without the Holy Sprit. Praise Him!!!!

2007-08-16 10:27:44 · answer #5 · answered by jworks79604 5 · 2 0

God has accomplished a lot in my life since I became Spirit-filled. My grandma, dad, mom & sister all got saved--as well as my children & husband. All of our lives have changed for the better, and more has been accomplished than I can possibly say here. :) (((Dr. G)))

2007-08-16 11:22:19 · answer #6 · answered by beano™ 6 · 2 0

I had what appeared to others to be a fantastic life with money, an exciting sought after very secure career and a social life that many envied. I was empty. I thanked God for leading me to where I was at but I needed something more fulfilling. I asked for divine intervention. I asked God to take my life and use it as he see's fit. I asked for my original divine order in things. I prayed for this daily throughout the day. I even put a prayer on my computer at work to scroll across as a constant reminder of the new life I was to take as God's promise to all who ask. Some of my co-workers became bothered my this prayer scrolling across my screen because I brought religion into my workplace until they watched things start to happen.

Wow, did things start to change for all my co-workers, friends and family to witness. I faught the change because it didn't seem to be anything I was interested in. Then the unimaginable started to happen and it was all through other people.

Through divine intercession I met my husband. The leads that led to this was incredible since I faught accepting him into my life. I was not interested in dating when my career was on such a rise. He certainly didn't fit into the social circles I hung out in since he is a down to earth realist who couldn't stand to be around anyone who appeared phony or restless in any way.

Through my sister, I met my daughter who was a temporary foster child. Divine intervention kept disrupting her temporary status in my sister's life. Her stay was prolonged enough for meet her only on two occasions. My husband didn't know her either. The Holy Spirit talked to me in dreams over the phone. It was crazy. I would wake up and find that my dream was being played out and it was all about stepping up and adopting this child. My husband and I knew we had to tackle the court battles and give it a long and hard fight. I often wondered what other men I knew would have done if I had married them.

The whole time the Holy Spirit was guiding my every move through my dreams and into reality. We fell in love with our daughter half way through the struggle. The way everything played out was very obvious to everyone that it was an act of God.

In between many things happened and I quit my job. We moved to a wonderful state with a climate suitable for my daughters health. The whole process was an act of faith. I had to give up money, status and a life I was accustomed to for years. It was an easy act of faith and throughout the struggle I knew it was my divine path I was finally on.

I can't tell anyone how fantastic my life is. Words can't describe the wonder, love and beauty that beholds my life everyday. I am so free of worry and discontent. It does not exist in my life at all. I experienced faith in action and no human beings help can ever match it.

I wish everyone would just give their lives to God instead of struggle and fight for what they think is right for them. God's way is the better way. It is the easiest way for sure and without a doubt the most fulfilling choice any person can make.

2007-08-16 10:55:58 · answer #7 · answered by skycat 5 · 1 0

I am a successful, happy, energetic, positive and loving father, husband, co-worker and all-around human being and have nothing to do with this holy ghost person you are talking about. In your culture is it necessary to believe in such entities to have accomplishments?

2007-08-16 10:33:08 · answer #8 · answered by SexRexRx 4 · 1 1

What is the "Holy Ghost",is this some made up religious stuff?I don't understand your question.

2007-08-16 10:30:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What have I accomplished since receiving an imaginary being? Seems like a rather silly question.
Why do christians seem to belittle and denigrate themselves? All for the sake of their wish for death and the fear of what is instore for them afterwards.

2007-08-16 10:33:39 · answer #10 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 1 1

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