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Just wondering - am I right in thinking that in Christian (or maybe just Catholic?) theology we are all to be called forth from our graves on the Day of Judgement to be judged (obviously!) and only then are we sent either to heaven or hell? So where do we go in the meantime? And if this is so, presumably if you try to comfort someone by saying their loved one has gone to heaven, are you actually telling a porky pie? (porky pie = lie - helpful translation for non-Cockneys!!)

2007-08-16 10:14:00 · 32 answers · asked by Julia 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thanks everyone that answered - really fascinating stuff on here, I have found your answers really interesting and am glad I asked the question.

I can't decide on a best answer so will leave it up to the community.

2007-08-24 08:59:48 · update #1

32 answers

Hello, What with the Jews selling over priced entry tickets and the Cockneys doubling there prices on the black market Scousers nicking the stair parts Scots refusing to lead the way in case they get the bill Welsh refusing to leave their love ones behind(Dolly the Sheep) Irish to pissed on Guinness and wanting to fight anybody cant see any body going in yet.Yes they tell porky pie would'nt you.

2007-08-24 09:16:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, your question seems to be tailored around a particular interpretation which is different from what I propose:

On the day of judgment, your soul is raised from a "sleeping state". You then appear before Jesus, and then The Ancients of Days. This is not your physical body - your "earthly tabernacle, or flesh and blood".

From there your soul survival is determined between you and The Ancients of Days.

It is literally true, "But by me, no man may cometh to the Father." And this is Jesus who you will see before going to The Ancients of Days. Even so, the mercy of God is everlasting to everlasting, and his judgment is far more beautiful and perfect than we little old humans can manifest - it will be perfection.

Telling a child they've "gone to heaven" is fine unless you knowingly know something else is true and you knowingly and deliberately choose to lie a porky pie. But when you are sincerely being honest, then it's perfectly acceptable. In fact, healthy. It's a far better thing to believe in than nothingness ... you give a child hope.

Especially because the afterlife is so mysterious and subject to many interpretations.

You might enjoy doing some studying about the various Christian beliefs, and can find almost all of it online with just a few searches. And you will find some common threads there which I find helpful, too.

Additional reading might include this: http://www.urantia.org/papers/index.html

2007-08-24 08:59:12 · answer #2 · answered by Holly Carmichael 4 · 0 0

Let us wait for the Judgement Day. Why you are forgetting that there are other claimants also, we the Muslims claim that since our religion is the last in the chain of all religions we deserve to be in line and we are all to be called forth from our graves on the Day of Judgement to be judged (obviously!) and only then are we sent either to heaven or hell. In the mean time as we believe we will be given the taste of the heaven or hell as we may ultimately found entitled to. We never comfort someone by saying their loved one has gone to heaven. A true Muslim shall only say I pray for your deceased relative to all mighty Allah so that He should pardon the deceased and allow him to go to heave. So there is no question of telling a porky pie? (porky pie = lie - helpful translation for non-Cockneys!!) in Islam. You may accept is or not I don't mind but I have stated only that what we practice and preach.

2007-08-24 04:59:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The word Hell is taken from a Greek word meaning the common grave of mankind, Hades.

Jesus spoke of two groups of people who would inherit the kingdom of God.
First there was the Resurrection to heaven which started in 1914, the number of which can be found in the book of Revelation chapter 7 verse 4.
Second there is to be another Resurrection on judgement day of the second group, who will live here on a paradise earth. The number of which is uncountable, Revelation chapter 7 verse 9

2007-08-21 10:44:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We will lie in our graves until called upon. And heaven will be on earth not up in space somewhere. And only 144,000 will be called first. Those are the ones that believe so much that they live as close to christ as humanely possibly. The rest of us get a second chance to get right or pay the ultimate price. Which will you be?

2007-08-24 06:15:55 · answer #5 · answered by Tammy K 2 · 0 0

When a Christian dies their spirit goes to Heaven to be with the Lord. Their bodies stay behind in the grave. Not sure where non-believers go....I think it is to hell because hell is emptied on Great White Judgment Day.

I try to find out if the "loved one" was a Believer in Jesus Christ before I offer consolation.

2007-08-23 22:41:28 · answer #6 · answered by D.A. S 5 · 0 0

You need a good catechism lesson in your awesome faith.
We have two judgments like we have two deaths -
1. Personal Judgment, i.e.Immediately after death.
First Death >> of body.
According to this judgment the soul is separated from the body and is sent to purgatory or directly hell, depending on the state of that soul. Most of us have one or many faults to purge. That (cleansing / purgation) could be done while on earth. At the appointed time, after purification, the soul then attains entry into Heaven.
2. General Judgment i.e. on Judgment Day.
Second Death as it involves the death of body AND soul.
This judgment is carried out to show the Justice of God to all Mankind. And each to receive his reward according to his faith AND his works. For this judgment, the body shall re-unite with the soul.

You should pray (offer Masses) for your departed loved ones, cause we know not where they might be detained and this gives us hope of a reunion, living an eternal life with God.

The Blessed Virgin, Immaculate Mary, is the ONLY one to have been Assumed into Heaven (Body and Soul) after Her onlybegotten Son, Jesus Christ. The Feast of the Assumption is for this reason. She died on the 13th of August, @ 72 yrs of age.

She has been given this privelege, as She is His Mother, the Immaculate Conception (i.e. free from the stain of Original Sin), hence knows no sin nor shadow of sin.
She is placed "Above the law" of nature.

2007-08-24 03:13:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Prior to the death and resurrection of Jesus, those dead who believed in a coming Messiah spent their time in a place in hell called Paradise or Abraham's Bosom. That's where Jesus went for the three days between His death and resurrection.

At His resurrection He took those people to heaven with Him.

Those who have put their faith in Jesus for salvation who have died since also go to heaven.

At the end of the world, there will be two judgments. Those who trusted in Jesus will go before the Judgment Seat of Christ to receive rewards (crowns) for their faith and for their good works.

Those who did not trust in Jesus go before the White Throne Judgment and then are tossed into the Lake of Fire.

You should be able to tell for sure if someone has gone to heaven or not. If they've ever professed that Jesus is their Lord and Savior they've got their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. It's pretty cut and dry.

2007-08-16 10:28:58 · answer #8 · answered by High Flyer 4 · 1 0

Lol-At the end of The Book of Matthew, he says the dead (Israelites-?) 'walk into the nearest holy city' on Jesus' crucifixion day. And, there's supposedly some Catholic book that says Jesus goes to Hades-Hell and 'rescues' Adam, Abraham & others. But, Revelations says that on Judgment Day, all the living and the dead should be judged accordingly. I don't think there's any way to squirm out of that. But, I'll keep checking in to see if anyone has a decent explanation. Somehow, I doubt it.

2007-08-16 10:24:18 · answer #9 · answered by strpenta 7 · 2 0

And on that day all the dead in Christ shall rise up first then the living. We sleep in the grave true but also true our spirit is with God waiting to be given a new heavenly body.
I don't feel it's wrong to tell a child their grandmother is in heaven as long as that the truth.

2007-08-22 03:24:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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