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There seems to be much interest in proving or disproving that god exists but what are we actually trying to prove. Most people have their own idea of what god is and when asked say that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the be all and end all, God is love, god is power God is the creator the father, the son, the holy ghost...

Does anyone have a definition for god that we can actually use to prove/disprove it's existence?

2007-08-16 09:54:49 · 65 answers · asked by Gareth B 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

65 answers

He exists in your mind only.. so he can look like whatever you want!

2007-08-16 09:57:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

There was a baby born in bethlehem.He was born of the virgen Mary and his father was God Almighty. As he grew he told stories of how he should be about his fathers business and the Spirit of God would remind him that his time had not yet come. He performed his first miricle at a wedding in cana by changing the water into wine as the water in that area had and has been bad to drink so they drank water mixed with wine to kill the sickness that the water brought. Then a few days later he fed a multitude of people with only a few fish and some bread.Then a few days later he did it again. He healed the sick ,the blind were able to see and the lame could walk.Now all the while he was doing these miricles there was an enemy out there killing the people.That enemy was the Roman army,it was also the people of Isreal trying to get rid of the romans. If you did not do what you were required to do the you were punished.Either by removing an an arm and a leg or up to crucifiction. The people had Jesus captured and put to death by crucifiction. But he was not crucified like the others.They were tied to their cross but Jesus was nailed so he couldn't come down from it. When the thieves were almost dead they had their legs broken but Jesus was already dead so to make the execusetion legal they pierced his side.Now,Jesus did only good and barabas,who was let go because of tradition,was a murderer.
Jesus was crucified for all the good he has done.
Barabas goes home free.
These facts are not only written in the bible but they are written in books of ancient history.Check out the facts.
I have at least 480 ways and names to state who God is to me.
Shalom, the god of peace.

2007-08-24 07:39:56 · answer #2 · answered by drummer158 3 · 0 0

Sorry to disappoint Gareth, but I have no interest in trying to prove or disprove anything to anyone.

Proof and proving are the actions or needs of the uncertain. I left uncertainty behind years ago.

To answer your question, That's the beauty of it. Nothing in the so-called physical reality can either prove or disprove the existence of God.

If something did exist we would not be able to convey the idea with words that were designed to describe objects and ideas within a physical reality.

This is the limitation of language. It can not define or describe anything outside of the narrow boundary it was created to work within. Why would it?

I can describe the God that has revealed it's self to me. It is my dearest friend, my closest companion. My source and my end. It created this idea of self that I seem to be and this so-called reality that I seem to exist within. It allows me free reign and never interferes in any way. It has perfect faith in me and I have perfect faith in it. It judges nothing that any of us ever do and it never will.

This foolishness that religion speaks of that says that God is judgmental and would ever allow us to be punished is simple nonsense. Simple lies about our source.

Love and blessings Don

2007-08-19 00:10:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

. Since he is a Spirit beyond the power of humans to see (Joh 4:24), any description of his appearance in human terms can only approximate his incomparable glory. (Isa 40:25, 26) While not actually seeing their Creator (Joh 1:18), certain of his servants were given inspired visions of his heavenly courts. Their description of his presence portrays not only great dignity and awesome majesty but also serenity, order, beauty, and pleasantness.—Ex 24:9-11; Isa 6:1; Eze 1:26-28; Da 7:9; Re 4:1-3; see also Ps 96:4-6.

As can be noted, these descriptions employ metaphors and similes, likening Jehovah’s appearance to things known to humans—jewels, fire, rainbow. He is even described as though he had certain human features. While some scholars make a considerable issue out of what they call the anthropomorphological expressions found in the Bible—as references to God’s “eyes,” “ears,” “face” (1Pe 3:12), “arm” (Eze 20:33), “right hand” (Ex 15:6), and so forth—it is obvious that such expressions are necessary for the description to be humanly comprehensible. For Jehovah God to set down for us a description of himself in spirit terms would be like supplying advanced algebraic equations to persons having only the most elementary knowledge of mathematics, or trying to explain colors to a person born blind.—Job 37:23, 24.

The so-called anthropomorphisms, therefore, are never to be taken literally, any more than other metaphoric references to God as a “sun,” “shield,” or “Rock.” (Ps 84:11; De 32:4, 31) Jehovah’s sight (Ge 16:13), unlike that of humans, does not depend on light rays, and deeds done in utter darkness can be seen by him. (Ps 139:1, 7-12; Heb 4:13) His vision can encompass all the earth (Pr 15:3), and he needs no special equipment to see the growing embryo within the human womb. (Ps 139:15, 16) Nor does his hearing depend on sound waves in an atmosphere, for he can “hear” expressions though uttered voicelessly in the heart. (Ps 19:14) Man cannot successfully measure even the vast physical universe; yet the physical heavens do not embrace or enclose the place of God’s residence, and much less does some earthly house or temple. (1Ki 8:27; Ps 148:13) Through Moses, Jehovah specifically warned the nation of Israel not to make an image of Him in the form of a male or of any kind of created thing. (De 4:15-18) So, whereas Luke’s account records Jesus’ reference to expelling demons “by means of God’s finger,” Matthew’s account shows that Jesus thereby referred to “God’s spirit,” or active force.—Lu 11:20; Mt 12:28; compare Jer 27:5 and Ge 1:2.

2007-08-19 03:30:52 · answer #4 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 0

It is difficult to use human terms to describe someone or something that isn't human. We cannot prove or disprove something that cannot be tested. It is difficult to prove God. All we have is faith. I have the faith of the things that I cannot see. I have the experiences of my life. I have visions and dreams from God. I have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit throughout my day that sometimes takes my breathe away. I love God with all my heart. That is the only thing that I can prove - my love for Him.

2007-08-18 13:04:19 · answer #5 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 0 0

First off God has a body as tangible as ours. He created us in His image so we have the same anatomy. As God once was we are now, as God is we can become(Gen.3:22). The difference in our bodies is that He is immortal. We aren't yet but after this life everyone's bodies will be restored and perfected. Now with the whole He is the father, the son, and the Holy ghost thing. God is our Heavenly Father. He is Christ's father also. God, Christ, and The Holy Ghost make up the Godhead. Christ is like God because he is perfect and He is a God himself now. The Holy Ghost is a personage without a body that is the equivalent of a Conscience like Jimminy Cricket. I hope that helps.

2007-08-16 10:10:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The best explanation I have ever heard came from the mouth of a child. As part of a school project in religon, each child was asked to describe God. Most of the children pictured a bearded man in a cloud, but one child drew a picture of chocolate pudding.I was somewhat shocked and asked him why he had done that. His reply was classic.He sadi Because I like chocolate pudding". He got an A

2007-08-24 00:49:17 · answer #7 · answered by walt631 4 · 0 0

god is a supreme intelgence and hes perfect so in order for one to be perfect he must complete a sort of list

1- he has no form becouse if something has a form it is not perfect...think about it

2- he has no size

3- he must be above all space and time that is the laws of space and time do not exist to him or such other laws like physics,biology and so on...

4- he must be all knowin and all doin that is if u can jump 10 feet so can he and wen ur jumpin 10 feet he is aware of it

5- god is a infinete that is he has no end there is no limit to him for example if u believe god to be big he will be bigger then ur mind can imgine its limitless u think hes 100 ft hell be 1000 if u think hes 1000 hell be 1000000 ft

theres is never endless list of what god must be and do inorder tobe god...and the list goes on some disprovin his existinse and some prooving

2007-08-16 10:02:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No man has ever seen God and live His Word says.
God is a spirit and unseen. We will never see God like we see man to man today here on earth. But when one gets to heaven only the pure in heart will see God He says.
There is no evidence that God does not exist but there is evicence He does.
The choice is mans to choose to beleive or not to beleive. Because of the lack of beleving is why we try harder to prove that God exists. I think we are trying to make people to beleive because of the experiences we went through whereas God never forces Himself on anyone.

2007-08-23 15:43:45 · answer #9 · answered by airlines charge for the seat. 5 · 0 0

That's exactly the issue at hand. Since no one can provide a positive attribute to their god it does two things.

1) You can't disprove that which has no positive attributes, that is to say something without positive attributes has no contradictory attributes.

2) It keeps their god so vague it may still be within the realm of logical possibility that it exist. (Remember that all things that do not contain inherent contradictions exist in the realm of logical possibility, such as a lead weight floating on water, whereas a square-circle is contradictory so no within the realm.)

Also by "positive attribute" I mean an attribute like color, shape, kind, type, etc.

A negative attribute is one that says what a thing is not e.g. "A being without limits"

Positive tell you what a thing _is_ negative tell you what it _is not_.

2007-08-16 10:04:34 · answer #10 · answered by Kaze 3 · 0 1

there are three descriptions of God in the Bible, He was the fire in the burning bush.
when moses on Mount Sinai, ask to see His face, God said for a human to look upon his face, would cause instant death, and yet some would demand to see him before they will believe.
and in revelations, John describe God as covered with a rainbow.
I don't think that God wants us to prove his existence.
the bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God.
once there is proof of His existence, then people will believe, not because of faith, but because of knowledge, once we have a relationship with God, and we can only establish this relationship through faith, then we have that personal knowledge, that we cannot prove, to someone else, but know in ourselves.
I find it interesting that people are are will to believe that there is oxygen in the air, and yet we cannot see it, touch it, or prove it's existence.

2007-08-19 09:52:18 · answer #11 · answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7 · 0 0

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